In this vast desert, the sun was like a blazing blade, ruthlessly cutting every inch of air.

Crocodile, the overlord of the desert, was like a statue that was frozen in place, looking at the Straw Hat Pirates floating in the air with an unbelievable look on his face.

"This... How is this possible?……!"

His eyes were filled with surprise and fear, as if he had seen some incredible miracle.

He widened his eyes, and the figures were reflected in the depths of his pupils, as ethereal and real as a mirage.

He tried to imprint this scene deeply into his mind, but found that he could not believe what he saw.

"Hahaha... didn't expect it, did you? Old Deng, we can fly, isn't it surprising? Isn't it a pleasant surprise?"

Xu Haifeng's voice echoed over the desert like thunder, with a bit of teasing and provocation.

He looked down at Crocodile below, with a smug arc at the corner of his mouth.

Crocodile's face became more and more gloomy, as if the sky was covered with dark clouds and thunder could erupt at any time.

The veins on his forehead bulged like winding snakes, showing his inner anger and unwillingness.

There was a flash of angry flames in his eyes, as if he wanted to burn the whole world to ashes.

He clenched his teeth, and there was a"click" friction sound between his teeth, as if he was chewing. Humiliation and anger.

He stared at Xu Haifeng fiercely, his eyes full of humiliation of being fooled. He felt like a clown, being played around by his opponent. He originally thought that he knew his opponent well enough and was familiar with the strength of the Straw Hat Pirates.

But at this moment, he found that he was wrong, so wrong. They actually had such hidden means that they could fly freely over the desert.

At this moment, he realized that his previous contempt might be a fatal mistake.

Under the scorching sun of the desert, Crocodile roared angrily:"Damn it! If you have the guts, come down!"

His voice echoed over the desert like a storm, with endless provocation and disdain.

Xu Haifeng, who was hanging in the air, was smiling, and he responded easily:"Come up if you have the guts!" His tone was full of teasing, as if he was playing with a trapped beast.

Crocodile's anger became even stronger, he widened his eyes and stared at Xu Haifeng, as if he wanted to devour him:

"Didn't you bastards just say you could beat me? Why don't you dare to come down now?" His voice was like thunder, shaking the desert.

Xu Haifeng didn't care. He smiled slightly, then suddenly kicked out, kicking Luffy next to him directly from the air:

"All right, I'll come down and defeat you right now. It's decided that it's you! Go! - Luffy!"

"Ah! Luffy!"The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates couldn't help but scream when they saw this scene.

Luffy's body drew a parabola in the air, and then slammed heavily on the sand, and was instantly buried by the sand.

""Xu Haifeng, what are you doing?" The Straw Hat Pirates asked loudly, their faces full of confusion and anger.

Xu Haifeng, however, looked as if it was a matter of course:"Uh! Didn't I send him down to kill Crocodile?"

He blinked, as if he had done something normal.

"Are you a devil? How can you send it like this?"Everyone condemned in unison, their voices full of dissatisfaction with Xu Haifeng.

At this time, Luffy, who was kicked into the sand, pulled his head out of the sand with difficulty. He looked at Xu Haifeng angrily:

""Xu Haifeng, you bastard, why did you kick me?" His voice was full of anger and confusion.

Xu Haifeng, on the other hand, looked innocent:"Uh! Am I not sending you down to fight? You said just now that you wanted to defeat Crocodile!"

He spread his hands, as if he was the victim.

Luffy stomped his feet in anger:"Asshole! I can get down by myself!" His voice was full of dissatisfaction.

Xu Haifeng laughed even more happily:"I saw that you were too slow, so I wanted to help you!" He looked proud, as if he had done a great thing.

Luffy looked aggrieved:"Then you can't just kick me without saying a word!" His voice was full of grievances.

Xu Haifeng, on the other hand, looked sincere:"Okay! Okay! Okay! Next time I kick you, I promise to tell you in advance, okay?" He seemed to be really reflecting on his mistakes.

Luffy nodded with satisfaction:"That's about right! Then I'll forgive you this time!"

He patted the sand off his body, ready to challenge Crocodile again.

The other members of the Straw Hat Pirates looked at this scene and shook their heads speechlessly. Meeting two such weird captains, I really don't know whether to cry or laugh!

""Have you bastards had enough?" Crocodile finally couldn't stand it anymore and exploded, his eyes flashing with angry flames. In all these years, he had never felt such a strong humiliation!

""Desert Sword! Die, Straw Hat Boy!" Crocodile's right palm instantly turned into an extremely sharp sand knife.

He shouted angrily and swung it with all his strength, rushing towards Luffy with endless murderous intent and power.

Luffy widened his eyes and watched a huge sand ditch extending from the tip of Crocodile's Desert Sword towards him like a dragon.

In the blink of an eye, the sand ditch was approaching!

At this critical moment, Luffy's body reacted instinctively.

He jumped sideways at an astonishing speed and avoided the fatal attack.

However, when he When he looked back, he couldn't help but gasp - where he was standing, there was now a huge sand ditch that was hundreds of meters long, about one or two meters wide, and bottomless! It was as if the earth was torn apart, which was creepy.

The sand and dust in the sand ditch were still flying, as if telling the terrifying power of the previous attack.

Luffy was secretly glad in his heart. If he hadn't dodged in time, he would have been split in half by this sand knife.

Crocodile stood in the distance, staring at Luffy coldly, with a disdainful smile on his face.

"Damn it! You sneak attack again!" Luffy stared at Crocodile angrily, his eyes burning with anger.

""Rubber, rubber - pistol!" Luffy shouted, and his right arm swelled up rapidly, like a huge rubber gun.

He clenched his fist tightly and punched Crocodile with all his strength.

As he moved, his arm continued to stretch like rubber, and with a fierce momentum, he rushed straight towards Crocodile.

However, facing such a fierce attack from Luffy, Crocodile just narrowed his eyes slightly, with a flash of disdain in his eyes.

He slowly and gradually elementalized his body, as if he was going to merge into the air.

He believed that with this ability, Luffy's punches would not be able to cause any harm to him.

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