There was a loud bang, and Luffy's fist hit Crocodile's sandy body like lightning.

At that moment, a dull punching sound was like thunder, resounding throughout the space and reaching the ears of everyone present!

Crocodile's face turned pale in an instant, and he suddenly felt an indescribable pain from his chest.

It was as if a speeding car suddenly hit him, catching him off guard. The contemptuous and confident smile on his face disappeared in an instant.

Instead, it was replaced by a face full of disbelief and pain. He widened his eyes, revealing astonishment and confusion.

And his body seemed to be pushed by a huge force, and flew backwards!

" How is this possible?" Crocodile flew out and slid for dozens of meters in the desert before stopping.

A trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his face showed a terrified expression as if he had seen a ghost. He muttered to himself:

"You are... Armament Haki? No! You clearly didn't use Armament Haki just now!" Crocodile knelt on one knee, shaking his head in bewilderment, completely in a state of bewilderment. He could not understand what was happening in front of him, and his heart was full of confusion and shock.

He stared at Luffy in front of him with wide eyes and a puzzled look on his face, and a great uproar was set off in his heart.

What happened just now made him completely confused.

He clearly remembered that his body had been successfully elementalized, but Luffy's fist seemed to ignore this state and hit his body directly. What shocked him even more was that he clearly saw that Luffy did not use the armed color domineering, but why could he break through his defense so easily?

This question was like a fog, entangled in his heart, making him puzzled.

He began to recall every detail of the battle just now, trying to find the answer from it.

However, no matter how hard he racked his brains, he could not explain the mysterious ability shown by Luffy.

What kind of power is this? Is it some special skill that has not yet been known to people?

Or does Luffy have a physique and strength beyond ordinary people? Countless thoughts flashed in his mind, but he could not give a definite answer.

""Tell me, what trick did you just use?" Crocodile's voice was low and full of doubts. He stared at Luffy, trying to find clues to the answer from his face.

He clearly remembered that he had just elementalized his body and turned it into flowing sand, but Luffy's attack hit him accurately.

Luffy looked at Crocodile, with a smug smile on his face.

He pouted his lips high and said with a smug smile:"Huh! I won't tell you that this is a new skill called"Qi" that Xu Haifeng taught me!" There was a hint of boasting in his words, as if he wanted to announce to the world that he had mastered some kind of amazing power. When the members of the Straw Hat Pirates heard Luffy's words, they all had speechless expressions on their faces.

They knew that Luffy had a straightforward personality, but they didn't expect that he would reveal the secret directly at this time.

"" Idiot! Didn't you tell him anyway?" Nami couldn't help but complain in a low voice.

Crocodile's eyes flashed when he heard Luffy's words.

He smiled slightly, as if he had found the key to cracking Luffy's power."Then you guys can fly in the air because of this new skill called 'Qi', right?"

There was a hint of teasing in his words, as if he had seen through the secret of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Luffy heard Crocodile's words and a naive smile appeared on his face.

""Wow! How did you know that? Who told you?" His words were full of surprise and curiosity, as if he really didn't know how his secret was revealed. When the members of the Straw Hat Pirates saw Luffy like this, they all shouted at him angrily:"Asshole! You told him!"

Their words were full of helplessness and anger, as if Luffy's behavior had made them unbearable.

Luffy heard the accusations of the crowd, scratched his head, and said innocently:"Really? Why don't I know?"

His expression was full of confusion and puzzlement, as if he really didn't know what he had done wrong. When the members of the Straw Hat Pirates saw Luffy like this, they rolled their eyes at him helplessly.

They knew that Luffy had a simple personality, but they didn't expect him to be so slow at this time.

Luffy looked at the expressions of the crowd and suddenly realized that he might have really said something he shouldn't have said.

He scratched his head and smiled awkwardly."Ah! Hehehe... It seems that I just said it accidentally!" But there was no awareness of saying the wrong thing in his words!

""Hmph! Don't think you're going to win just like that!" Crocodile stood up, the dust rising gently with his movements, his eyes like knives, piercing Luffy.

His voice echoed in the vast space of the desert, with a majesty that should not be underestimated.

Luffy was not afraid at all, with a firm light flashing in his eyes."Hmph! Just come at me, I'm not afraid of you!"

He clenched his fists, tensed his muscles, and once again assumed an offensive posture.

Crocodile raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer,"Hmph! Then let you feel the power of nature!"

His words were full of confidence, as if he had foreseen the upcoming victory.

""Sandstorm!" He shouted, and a small tornado began to slowly condense in the center of his right palm.

As he waved his palm, the small tornado seemed to be given life, whistling towards Luffy and others.

The moment the tornado touched the desert, it seemed to have touched some mysterious power, and it began to strengthen and expand.

Before long, the tornado that was originally only the size of a palm had turned into a giant tornado that covered the sky and the sun.

It was spinning, whistling, carrying endless sand and power, sweeping towards Luffy and others.

Crocodile stood in the distance, watching this scene, with a smug smile on his face."Hahaha... Let's see what you are going to do now!"

His words were full of sarcasm and provocation, as if he had seen the miserable situation of the Straw Hat Pirates struggling in the sandstorm.

However, Luffy did not panic as he expected.

He looked at the approaching giant tornado, with a calm light in his eyes.

"Hey! You won't forget that we can fly, right? We can easily avoid your attack!"

His words were full of confidence, as if he had found a way to deal with it.

Crocodile heard this and his smile became even brighter.

"Hehehe... Of course I know you can dodge it, but! Look at what's behind you!"

He pointed in the direction behind Luffy, which was the direction of Yuba.

Luffy turned around, and saw that the giant tornado was sweeping towards Yuba.

He was shocked and immediately understood Crocodile's intention.

He looked back at Crocodile angrily,"Damn it! You bastard, stop it!" His voice was full of anger and anxiety.

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