After Xu Haifeng apologized repeatedly and promised that he would never forget to remind him again, Usopp reluctantly agreed to continue fighting.

"I didn't expect you to have the guts to come back and continue fighting!" Mr.4 Beb stared at Usopp who reappeared in front of him and sneered.

"Humph! Why not? I just didn't make a move just now, otherwise do you think you still have a chance to stand here and shout at me?" Usopp responded without showing any weakness.

"Hehehe... let's see who falls first!" Mr.4 Beibu raised his lips slightly and gestured to the dog.

The dog understood and quickly moved towards Mr.4. Beb spits out three bomb balls!

Usopp looked at the three bomb balls in front of Mr.4Beb, and he immediately concentrated, pulled the bowstring of the elemental bow, and locked his eyes on Mr.4Beb.

He took a deep breath and began to continuously inject the vitality in his body into the elemental bow.

With the continuous injection of vitality, the elemental bow gradually emitted a bright light, as if countless stars were shining in it.

The bow began to hum, as if resonating with the fighting spirit in Usopp's heart. Finally, an arrow flashing with purple thunder condensed on the elemental bowstring!

At the same time, Mr.4Beb waved a huge iron rod and hit the three bomb balls spit out by the dog at Usopp.

These bomb balls drew dangerous arcs in the air and flew towards Usopp with destructive power.

However, Usopp did not panic. He took a deep breath, stabilized his emotions, and then shouted:"Element-Thunder Arrow!"

With his shout, a brilliant purple lightning shot out from the elemental bow, turning into a lightning arrow, and flew straight towards Mr. 4 Beb.

This arrow gathered Usopp's vitality and faith, as if it was going to tear the entire desert apart.

The lightning arrow drew a dazzling trajectory in the air and collided directly with the three bomb balls.

In a deafening explosion, the three bomb balls were instantly detonated, but the power of the lightning arrow did not decrease at all.

It penetrated the flames and smoke of the explosion and continued to fly towards Mr. 4 Beb.

Mr.4Beb was horrified when he saw this. He quickly waved his iron rod to try to block the thunderbolt.

However, he still underestimated the power of this arrow. The purple lightning arrow instantly penetrated the iron rod and hit Mr.4Beb's body with the force of thunder.

With a scream, Mr.4Beb was directly hit dozens of meters away by the lightning arrow and fell heavily on the sand.

His body kept twitching and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

The surroundings were filled with burnt smells and pungent meaty aromas, which were emitted by the charred flesh after being hit by lightning.

Usopp couldn't help but feel happy when he saw that his attack had achieved such great power.

He put away the elemental bow and turned his gaze to Miss. Christmas"Dorophy".

Miss Christmas" Dorophy looked at Mr. 4 Beb, who was lying on the ground, his life or death unknown, his face was pale, his eyes were full of anger and fear.

Usopp smiled triumphantly, and the elemental bow in his hand emitted a faint light again, as if showing Dorophy his power.

"How about it? Do you want to have one too?"Usopp asked provocatively, his voice full of confidence and domineering

"Don't think you can win just like this! As long as I hide in the desert, I'll see how you can attack me!"Miss. Christmas" Dorothy challenged indignantly.

"Earth Dragon Escape Technique"Earth Dragon Fish" As soon as she finished speaking, she changed into a fat weasel and went straight into the depths of the desert, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

Usopp watched Miss. Christmas Dorophy disappear from his sight, with a confident smile on his face.

He jumped lightly and flew lightly into the air. He slowly pulled open the elemental bow in his hand, with a determined light in his eyes.

""Oh! Really? Look, I'll force you out with this arrow!" Usopp's voice echoed over the desert. He took a deep breath and began to inject vitality into the elemental bow.

As the vitality continued to flow in, an arrow burning with flames gradually condensed on the bowstring.

The wind in the desert seemed to hold its breath, waiting for the arrow to fall.

Usopp's eyes were as sharp as an eagle. He stared at the desert ground, looking for the trace of"Miss. Christmas" Dorophy.

However,"Miss. Christmas" Dorophy is no ordinary person. She used the cover of the desert terrain to flexibly shuttle between the sand and stones.

She knew that Usopp's arrows were extremely powerful, and once discovered, she would be doomed.

Therefore, she had to carefully avoid Usopp's search.

At this moment, Usopp's arrow finally found the target.

""Element - Fire Arrow!" Usopp shouted, and shot it towards the desert below!

It was seen with blazing flames, streaking through the sky like a meteor, heading straight for where Miss. Christmas Dorophi was.

However, just when the arrow shot into the desert and was about to hit Miss. Christmas Dorophi, she seemed to sense danger, and suddenly turned to avoid the fatal arrow in time!

However, just when Miss. Christmas Dorophi felt safe and relaxed, she completely underestimated the power of the fire arrow!

The flaming arrow was like the light of dawn, instantly piercing into the heart of the desert, like a fire dragon tumbling underground. Wherever the arrow reached, the originally silent desert suddenly boiled, and streams of white gas gushed out from the sand, forming a hazy mist.

In the mist, the figure of"Miss. Christmas" Dorophy suddenly emerged from the desert. Her face was full of fear and pain, and she kept shouting,"Ah! It's so hot! It's so hot!" She fled in panic to the outside of the white steam, as if countless demons were chasing her.

As Dorophy fled, the area with white steam began to change dramatically. The soft sand began to sink rapidly under the scorching flames, as if being pulled by an invisible force.

After a while, a huge pit burning with blazing flames appeared in the desert.

The sand in the pit gradually melted into lava under the high temperature, and a terrifying red liquid flowed out.

Dorophy stood by the pit, witnessing all this happening, and cold sweat unconsciously flowed down her face.

Her originally cunning eyes were now filled with fear and despair, as if she had foreseen her defeat.

She didn't dare to imagine that if she escaped a little later, she would probably be swallowed up by the flames like the sand.

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