In this vast desert, Usopp's eyes were as sharp as an eagle, staring at"Miss Christmas" Dorophiel in front of him.

A mocking smile appeared on his lips, and he said slowly:"Well? This time, you dare not hide in the depths of the desert again, right?"

His voice was full of teasing and contempt, as if he was mocking Dorophiel's once self-righteous means of escape.

Dorophiel looked up, and saw an unquestionable light flashing in Usopp's firm eyes.

She trembled in her heart, and suddenly felt an inexplicable fear surging from the bottom of her heart, as if an invisible hand was tightly grasping her heart.

A trace of panic flashed in her eyes, and she tried to defend herself with a trembling voice:"You... don't come over.……"

However, her voice seemed so weak in the empty desert, as if it would be blown away by the wind.

Her feet seemed to be firmly locked by invisible chains. No matter how she struggled, she could not move at all.

She could only watch Usopp slowly walk towards her, her heart filled with despair.

Usopp ignored her pleas for mercy, and his eyes flashed with determination.

He took a deep breath and suddenly pulled the elemental bowstring in his hand. The bow made a low roar, as if foreshadowing the coming storm.

Seeing this, Dorophi became even more panicked. She struggled desperately to escape from this terrible man, but her body seemed to be bound by an invisible force.

She could only watch the bowstring in Usopp's hand become tighter and tighter, and a powerful energy condensed on the bowstring into a purple lightning arrow.

""Element - Lightning Arrow!" Usopp shouted, as loud as thunder. The purple lightning arrow instantly cut through the air and shot towards Dorophi with a sharp sound.

Dorophi had only time to let out a terrified scream before being hit by the lightning arrow.

With a shrill scream, Dorophi's fat body was hit by the lightning arrow and flew dozens of meters away like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily on the sand. Her body rolled several times on the sand, and finally lay there powerlessly and motionless.

Just like that,"Miss. Christmas" Dorophi also followed Mr. 4 Beb's footsteps and fainted!.

Usopp watched all this coldly, as if all this was within his expectations.

He gently stroked the elemental bow in his hand, and a glimmer of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He did not stop, but turned to look at Mr. 4 Beb's dog.

Seeing his master being knocked down, the dog barked in fear and tried to run towards his master.

However, Usopp did not give it this opportunity. He pulled the bowstring again, and a purple lightning arrow instantly hit the dog.

The dog let out a shrill cry and fell beside its master, fainting with him.

The desert returned to calm again, with only the wind gently blowing the sand.

Usopp stood there, standing firm like a lone warrior.

His eyes were full of determination and indifference, as if nothing in the world could shake his determination.

""Well! Not bad! Not bad! Usopp, your strength is really getting more and more impressive!"

As soon as the battle was over, Xu Haifeng came over, patted Usopp on the shoulder, and praised him sincerely.

Usopp was overwhelmed by Xu Haifeng's praise, and he laughed triumphantly:

""Hahaha... Of course! I am Captain Usopp, who has 80 million subordinates! Who dares to compete with me in this desert?"

However, before Usopp's proud smile could fully bloom, he was interrupted by Nami's sudden iron fist.

He stood there in a daze, his eyes full of grievance and confusion:"Nami, you... why did you hit me?"

Nami was so angry that her face turned red. She pointed to the huge fire pit left by the fire arrow that Usopp had just shot not far away, and said angrily:

"Look at what you have done! The flames have not gone out yet, but are getting stronger and stronger."

The whole pit is being engulfed by flames! If we don't deal with it quickly, the whole desert will be on fire soon!"

Usopp looked in the direction of Nami's finger, and a panicked look suddenly appeared on his face.

He quickly flew above the pit of fire and shot several ice arrows at the pit in succession.

These ice arrows drew beautiful arcs in the air and then fell accurately into the pit of fire.

With a burst of"sizzling" sounds, the flames were gradually suppressed by the ice arrows and finally extinguished completely.

Seeing the flames in the pit of fire being extinguished, Nami's expression eased a little.

But her face was still gloomy:"Usopp, you remember this! If you dare to do this again next time, I will never let you off easily!"

Usopp was frightened by Nami's threat and trembled, and quickly agreed obediently:"Uh... I know! I promise I will pay attention next time!"

As he spoke, he secretly glanced at Nami, fearing that she would do it again

"Well, we have defeated all the elites of Baroque. Now we just need to wait for the arrival of the rebels and Luffy."

Xu Haifeng looked at Usopp's funny appearance and smiled and changed the subject.

He looked around and saw his companions exhausted after the battle, and a warm feeling surged in his heart. He knew that this victory was inseparable from the efforts of everyone.

"I'll move these Baroque elites to the side first, and Princess Weiwei will be responsible for handing them over to the navy."

Xu Haifeng said, and used his magnetism fruit ability to easily move these elites one by one to the corners of the city wall.

He found that this ability was very practical when carrying heavy objects, so he didn't let other people help.

After settling the enemies, Xu Haifeng brought the members of the Straw Hat Pirates to the top of the city wall. They sat together, drinking water, eating food, and replenishing their energy.

Although the sun in the desert was scorching, the shadows on the city wall provided them with a hint of coolness.

Soon, smoke and dust suddenly rolled in the desert in the distance, and a huge team was rushing towards the city.

Xu Haifeng recognized it at a glance. It was the rebel team. He frowned slightly, and felt a little worried.

Luffy hasn't come back yet, and the rebels are approaching, and the situation is a bit urgent.

""Here!" Xu Haifeng stared into the distance. He knew that Luffy had not yet returned, and the burden now fell on himself and Princess Weiwei.

"Weiwei, it will be up to you to convince the rebel leader in a while." He turned to Princess Weiwei and said, his tone full of trust and determination.

Princess Weiwei nodded and said firmly:"Yes! I will definitely make Kosa stop attacking the city. He is my friend, I believe he will listen to me."

Xu Haifeng looked at Princess Weiwei's determined eyes and was full of confidence. He smiled and said:

"It's okay, we will protect you when the time comes. Let's face this challenge together!"

As the rebel army approached, the atmosphere on the wall became tense.

But the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were not afraid. They knew that as long as they were united, nothing could stop them from moving forward.

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