
With the explosion of the pyroblast fireball.

The last death knight fell in the wild bombardment of players.

Surrounded by a desert of white ashes.

In front of him was a majestic palace of bones. The pale green death aura exuded a cold light from the Gothic doors and windows of the palace of bones. It stood there quietly, like a sleeping beast.

Under the overwhelming number of new players.

The veteran players finally reached the palace of the Skeleton Lord for the first time.

However, they did not take it lightly.

Because they are about to face the biggest challenge, the Skeleton Lord - Ainz Ooal Bob, the world BOSS that has been in the hands of players for the longest time so far. The reason why Deathwing is not included is because of the birth of Deathwing. The time is not as long as the Skeleton Lord.

As early as Sakura players invaded the Andrius Empire and caused a massacre, the Skeleton Monarch appeared immediately, and the world portal was immediately established. Players immediately attacked Bob. At that time, Bob had not yet fully integrated with the ancient world. The power of the Lich is still just that of a skeleton knight, but the players have not been able to get any benefits from Bob. Later, even the undead army released by Bob can overwhelm the players and beat them up.

As the skeleton knight's body completely turned into wind and sand.

There was an eerie silence all around.

Under the overcast sky there was only the sound of howling wind.


There was a dull roar, like a giant hammer hitting everyone's hearts. The door of the Skeleton Palace suddenly opened, and a pale and arrogant figure gradually emerged from the door. The sound of "tapping, tapping" footsteps echoed in the wilderness. , with every step forward, the aura symbolizing death also spreads towards the surroundings. They spread out like tentacles, like the cloak of the skeletal king. There seem to be ghosts howling in them, accompanied by the roaring wind, condensed into expressions. Pained face.

Li Chen, Azim and others standing at the front of the player team breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the Skeleton King gave them a strong sense of oppression.

But it's still far behind Deathwing.

Especially [hero] players like Li Chen and Azim, a large number of new players have recently arrived. Relying on their status as the number one player in the country, they have gained a lot of followers, and their current strength has naturally increased.

The Skeleton King stands in front of the players.

His figure is much taller than the players imagined, more than ten meters tall. His body is slightly leaning forward, his shoulders are extremely broad, and his whole body seems to be leaning towards the players. His body is suspended above the ground, and the huge skeleton is holding a hand in his right hand. A super scythe with a handle of at least 40 meters. His left hand was slightly smaller and held in front of him, holding a Necronomicon that exuded green light.

Obviously, in the days when the players can't see the Skeleton King, the Skeleton King's strength has been improving and evolving, gradually becoming what it is today that players can't afford to offend.

"Seventh-level Skeleton King? Nothing more than that!"

Asan player Achim smiled contemptuously, and immediately drove his stinking mud monster towards the skeletal king.

After becoming a hero, his various comprehensive attributes have been piled up by a large number of followers. Now he and the mud monster on his crotch have become one, and his health value is comparable to that of BOSS.

"When you enter the realm of death, you already have a way to die!"

The scythe in the Skeleton King's hand swept across.


A long stream of deathly energy rose into the sky.

An endless army of death emerged behind it, looking extraordinary and terrifying.


Accompanied by the screams of countless undead, the decisive battle is about to begin.


Half an hour later.

The dry sighs dispersed with the wind.

"You who trample on death will inevitably lead to death!"

The Skeleton King knelt on one knee, his health bar bottoming out.

Its cloak was in tatters, and the huge scythe was broken into two pieces and buried desolately in the white sand. The Necronomicon was spread out at its feet. The necromantic energy in it had been exhausted, and it could no longer emit the weird energy. light.

Bob looked up slightly.

The undead fire in his eyes flickers on and off.

Looking around, there are not many undead legions left under its command.

"Are you still calling here?"

A mage player threw a fireball at the Skeleton King.

The spark ignited a small piece of cloak, burning the already broken corner into ashes.

Someone taunted:

"You were almost beaten to death by us, and you also caused death. No matter how large your undead army is, can it be more than our players? No matter how fast you resurrect, it's not as fast as us? It's really funny!"

The defeat of the Skeleton King has little to do with these new players.

Their only function is to clean up the surrounding mobs, and the cleaning speed is much faster than the resurrection speed of the undead.

There are still undead spawning nearby, but as soon as they appear, they will be swarmed by more than a dozen players and hacked to death.

The ones who really hurt the Skeleton King were [hero] players such as Li Chen, Dayi Wan, and Achim.

Especially Li Chen.

In the battle just now, a move called "Invite the Immortal to Cut the Sky" directly cut off two-thirds of the Skeleton King's health.

You must know that this is the seventh-level world BOSS!

Today, Li Chen's damage has been recognized as the best among all players!

"Just go ahead and capture him, Skeleton King. If you can stop us for so long, you are already considered successful."

Li Chen came to the Skeleton King with his sword. The blade, which was only an inch wide, was glowing with golden light. Even though he looked extremely small standing in front of the Skeleton King, he knew very well that he only needed to point the long sword in his hand towards If he reaches out with a sword, the Skeleton King will surely die.

The reason why I am still here is because the players think that the Skeleton King is a good follower. If he can be conquered, it will be of great help to them in invading the world.

After all, it is an existence that can guide the undead and natural disasters.

"How about it, King of Bones, become my follower, and you can continue to continue your glory in this world."

Li Chen looked at the Skeleton King coldly, and moved his sword forward to hold the Skeleton King's head.

"Death will never succumb to invaders from other worlds like you."

The undead fire in the Skeleton King's eyes flickered for a moment, and the next second he raised his head and howled angrily.

This roar was earth-shattering, and the black wind stirred up a shock wave that spread to the surroundings, and countless dead souls were seen emerging from the body of the Skeleton King.

The space shook, the void shattered, and even several [hero] players were violently knocked away.

"No! The Skeleton King wants to escape!"

The dark gale obscured everyone's sight, but Li Chen, who was the closest, could still clearly see the debuff [Lich Disintegration] appearing under the Skeleton King's health bar. The Skeleton King could not commit suicide, and he did not jump out of any kills. Prompt, Li Chen keenly felt that the Skeleton King wanted to retreat.

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