Li Chen's reaction was quick, but it was still a step too late.

When he consumed a lot of internal energy to move out of the Beidou Tiangang Steps in an attempt to get close to the Skeleton King.

The disintegration of the Lich of the Skeleton King has come to the final moment. Only a dark soul howled and exploded, leaving only a tattered cloak in place.

Beyond that, there is nothing.

[World BOSS has escaped]

[Punition failed]

The system's cold beep sounded.

It's like a slap in the player's face.


Li Chen patted his thigh hard.

It was obviously close. Even if the Skeleton King was unwilling to surrender, there would still be a reward for killing the Skeleton King.

At least it's a supreme treasure chest.

It's good now, except for the little experience gained from killing so many undead!

"Li Chen, you didn't do it on purpose, did you?"

The black wind dissipated, and Big Ivan regained his ability to move. He walked to Li Chen, his eyes filled with suspicion.

"You were the one who proposed to take the Skeleton King for your own use, and now you are the one who let the Skeleton King go... Could you be in the same group with this world?"

"Yes, I also think Li Chen and the Skeleton King are in the same group."

Achim, the player representative of Asan, stood beside him and said in a strange tone:

"You were so close to the Skeleton King just now, and your sword was pressed against the Skeleton King's head. Even if the Skeleton King flees on the verge of death, you can still kill him!"

"Are you blind?"

Li Chen raised his eyebrows and said coldly: "Can't you see that I was pushed away?"

"Then how could you go in despite the wind pressure?"

"My secret method consumes a lot of internal energy and cannot be used at will."

"Haha, it's all an excuse! Anyway, I just deliberately hid it and didn't use it~"

"How do I know it has such skills? Do you know?"

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Big Iwan walked between Li Chen and Azim.

The cold eyes stayed on Li Chen and the team members behind him for a moment.

Li Chen is currently the most powerful among all players.

It is more than a little better than [Hero] players from other countries.

This is all attributed to the fact that the mysterious ancient martial arts is too outrageous.

Their superpowers and genetic enhancement technology in the United States can only be far behind.

It would be unwise to have a conflict with Li Chen and others here now.

"Now the Skeleton King has run away, and his strength has declined. He is no longer the World BOSS. We don't know where it is. But now, don't we still have a World BOSS that we haven't killed?"

"You mean Deathwing?"

There was a hint of panic in Azim's eyes.

At that time, he was not close to Deathwing, but he was just touched by the dragon's breath, and his body and his mount were instantly melted. To this day, he still deeply remembers the deep powerlessness and panic.

"Yes, it's Deathwing."

Big Ivan nodded: "Now we are all hero players, and many followers join us every day to improve our strength. Compared with us in the past, we are already very different. The world BOSS is growing at an extremely fast rate. Quick, I think now is the best time to attack Deathwing."

Li Chen agreed with Da Iwan's point of view.

His move "Invite the Immortal and Cut the Sky" just now was able to deal so much damage, and it was still very resistant to the undead with good physical resistance.

Thinking about it now, he should be able to cause a lot of trouble to the black dragon. Gathering the power of all players to kill the black dragon may no longer be a dream.

Azim's mouth twitched.

To be honest, he didn't want to provoke the world BOSS. The high-temperature flames of the world BOSS defeated him to death. However, players from both countries now have the idea of ​​attacking Deathwing. If he backs down now, 100% One hundred will be looked down upon.

Just becoming a hero player in each country is not their ultimate goal.

Whether it's Li Chen, Azim or Big Ivan.

Their ultimate goal is to become world-class players.

That is to gather the power of players from all countries around the world.

After all, followers can quit.

After quitting, you can join other heroes to provide strength to other hero players.

This increases the importance of reputation to some extent.

The more famous and powerful players are, of course, it is easier to gain support.

"Is there any recent news about that black dragon?"

Li Chen turned to ask Tang Er.

Now the well-informed Tang Er has become his exclusive intelligence officer.

"Deathwing built the Blacknest Empire after killing King Iriland, which integrated the Andrius and Iriland regions. This behavior caused public outrage. Now King Leighton of the Saint Lotia Empire is leading the coalition. Crusade, we can just go over now and catch up.”

At this point, Tang Er paused for a moment and said with a strange expression:

"But there is a small episode in this. Before the human coalition attacked the Black Nest Empire, an army of 100,000 drow attacked the Black Nest Empire. It was said that the leader of the army was a drow elder, but it turned out that the drow The elven army was defeated, the legendary drow elders escaped, and Deathwing even took the opportunity to fight back and occupied five cities on the border of the Slot Empire."

"Even the legendary level can't do anything to that black dragon..."

Li Chen's face darkened when he heard this.

How long has it been since?

The black dragon's strength is actually so terrifying?

"There's something fishy here."

Tang Er saw Li Chen's expression was not good, so he quickly analyzed:

"If Black Dragon really has legendary strength, he doesn't need to continue guarding the Black Nest Empire. He can completely annex the Slot Empire together, and then rely on it to look at other empires around him."

"That's the truth."

Big Ivan also nodded in agreement:

"Deathwing must be relying on something to drive away the legendary drow elders, and King Layton is also legendary. Even if we can't kill the black dragon this time, we can wait and see..."

Big Ivan did not continue.

Maybe the players present thought he wanted to wait and see the black dragon.

In fact, this is not the case. He wants to wait and see those medium-sized and small countries that have been devastated by the war. If all their elite forces die in the next battle, he can lead beautiful players to invade those small and medium-sized countries.

"In that case, let's re-establish a world-class portal."

Li Chen made up his mind with his fist, and then looked at the Asan Hero player Azim with an unkind look: "How about it? You have no objection, right?"

Azim glanced at Big Ivan, only to see Big Ivan looking at him impatiently.

The new rule for establishing a world-class portal is to obtain the consent of at least three heroic players.

Then consume the invasion points of the three country regions.

It will be shared equally among all players in the three countries.

At this point, he still dares to have an opinion and can only nod in agreement.

at the same time.

The Bone King, who cast the Lich Disintegration Technique, woke up again.

He found himself lying in a forest near a city.

This is the outer suburbs of Silver Light City.

The First Fortress of Andreus is nearby.

The soul of the deceased will automatically return to the place where the obsession is deepest in the confusion.

And here is the place where Bob died - the woods where countless Paoze bodies were buried.

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