A week later, the disgraced King Leighton finally arrived at the ruins of Slote Fortress.

Like the previous city, this place has been emptied of people and all useful things have been moved away. Of course, there are no those damn bombs here! Now every time he leads his army forward one hundred meters, he has to ask the mage to activate the detection circle to detect the surrounding underground situation!

The human coalition had already paid a bloody lesson for this, and he did not want to be tricked by the monster's machinations again and again.

When he entered Solan City, the bombs planted by those cunning monsters in the city killed one-fifth of the ordinary soldiers!

There were also many flesh-and-blood creatures that were infected after being cut by fragments. These flesh-and-blood creatures had no other choice but to be executed on the spot.

There is no way to stay in Solan City. Who knows if there is a bomb somewhere in the corner.

Layton had no choice but to go to the nearby Hipposa City. To be on the safe side and to allow the mage to save mana, Layton personally walked around the Hipposa City, detected some bombs and pulled them out, and then led the army After marching generously into the city for repairs, and experiencing the rapid march and bomb storm, every soldier was very tired. They needed to eat and rest, so King Leighton ordered the army chef to cook for the soldiers during a meeting in the castle.

What followed was a scene that King Leighton will never forget.

Accompanied by a loud bang like thunder.

The whole castle was blown up.

He was lifted up by the terrifying shock wave and shattered the thick castle ceilings.

It jumped into the sky like an arrow from a string, and even looked at each other face to face with a group of wild geese.

Furion is on top, and the steel seat of the City Lord's Mansion is still welded under his buttocks.

Looking down, he saw a huge mushroom cloud rising over the ruins of the castle in Hipposa City, and then his body began to fall back together with the fragments of the castle.

Fortunately, he removed other bombs in the city in advance, and the loss this time was not particularly serious.

Only four or five weak commanders were blown to pieces. The others could still survive. After being injured, they were also resistant to the erosion of corrupt power. Directly ordering the priests and priests to perform a wave of purification spells could perfectly solve the problem.

But this is an insult!

What a disgrace!

When had Layton suffered such humiliation in his life?

The moment he was blown up into the sky and shoulder to shoulder with the sun, he solemnly swore to his father, the great founding emperor of Saint Lotia and the god of magic, Furion, that he must let that damned The black dragon pays the price! He wanted to stuff the forbidden curse of Doomsday Explosion, which had been superimposed ten times, into the black dragon's asshole so that the black dragon could experience the feeling of sitting on the ground and taking off!

So after the explosion, Layton led the army directly to the Sloter border fortress without rest.

And he didn't care about wasting the mage's magic power, he pulled the detection circle to the maximum to detect everything fifty meters above and below the ground!

He was going to station himself in front of the walls of the Black Nest Empire.

Use an army of half a million to put the heaviest psychological pressure on this black dragon!

And King Leighton did exactly that.

When he was stationed in the Slot Fortress and ordered the army to clean up the surroundings of the fortress.

He found a disabled veteran.

Based on the tattered military uniform on this veteran, it can be inferred that he was originally a defender of Slote Fortress.

The veteran looked delirious.

When he was brought before King Leyton.

He looked at King Leighton sitting high on the throne and said only one sentence:

"Don't, don't go, it's the end of the world, it's a natural disaster, hahahaha..."


King Leighton doesn't care about unfounded things like natural disasters and doomsday.

During the rest time of the army, he flew directly to the sky above the Great Wall of Despair and threw a forbidden spell on it.

The immortal shield was activated, and the kobold guarding the city wall opened one eye and glanced at the idiot in the sky, then changed his position and closed his eyes to continue sleeping.

The forbidden spell had no effect, as if it had been completely absorbed by the shield.

Layton was smart and immediately lowered his attack level, but was still blocked by the immortal shield.

After that he never humiliated himself again.

At the same time, he also knew in his heart that this thing is the black dragon's support, and it is also the key to why the black dragon can block the drow. It seems to be a regular shield that can block everything at the legendary level, including him. A person, even if he does nothing, cannot enter the protection range of the Great Wall of Despair.

After the test, Layton returned directly to the ruins of Slote Fortress to discuss countermeasures with his commanders.


In a temporary military tent.

King Leighton looked serious.

"Everyone, the situation is very clear! The black dragon should have obtained a treasure in the ancient ruins. This treasure built an extremely powerful shield that can block all legendary existences. Outside the Great Wall, my All attacks pose no threat to it, which means that the main force in this war is limited to the legendary level. Do you have anything to say?"

Duke Twila, the commander of the Heavy Knights and the Griffin Knights, was the first to raise his hand. After receiving the approval, he said arrogantly:

"Your Majesty, I will lead the gryphon legion to attack the enemy city wall. The three thousand royal gryphon knights can easily slaughter all the monsters on the wall. Or we can play a bigger game and directly attack the hinterland of the Black Nest Empire. There we..."

"Shut up!"

The more King Leighton listened, the darker his face became, and finally he burst into laughter.

"Has your brain been caught in the door? Have you forgotten that there is a seventh-level black dragon and an eighth-level red dragon in the Black Nest Empire? The three thousand royal griffons can still tangle with the seventh-level black dragon, but when they encounter the eighth-level black dragon, How can you fight against the red dragon at the highest level? It’s still deep into the hinterland, haha!”

Duke Twila was red-faced after being scolded by King Leighton, and he hesitated for a long time not knowing what to say.

Finally, he slumped back into his seat amid the suppressed laughter of the commanders around him.

"Your Majesty, we can build the Loen Bridge, and then let the army launch an attack on the enemy's city wall through the Loen Bridge." The great sage of the Congress who was sitting next to Layton suddenly said.

"The Bridge of Loen?" Layton looked at the Great Sage of Congress suspiciously:

"With all due respect, I have never heard of such magic. How does it work?"

Upon hearing this, the Great Sage bowed to King Leighton gracefully and calmly, and said unhurriedly:

"The Bridge of Rune is a new magic developed by our Sage Tower, specially used for siege warfare. It is a perfect combination of protection magic and shaping magic.

We will build the Bridge of Loen between the enemy's walls and the ruins of Sloth Fortress.

The core of the Bridge of Loen is within the ruins of the fortress. The opponent can only watch helplessly as we build the bridge. If we want to destroy the core, we must leave the city wall and actively launch an attack on the ruins of the Sloter border.

At that time, you, as a legendary being, will be able to exert your greatest deterrence. "

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