Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 811: Beautiful Dragon Trick And Space Displacement

"Oh? Is there such a magic? Didn't you develop it specifically after hearing that you were going to attack the city?"

"Haha, Your Majesty is really sharp."

The great sage of the Congress said with a smile: "When I heard that you were going to attack the Black Nest Empire, the city wall blocked the arrogant drow elves. Although the great sages and I don't know the reason, we must have easily changed the wall. It was difficult to defend, so we worked together to dig out the Wall of Loen, and I didn’t expect that it would come in handy.”

King Leighton has not seen the Wall of Loen yet, so he cannot comment on it without knowing the full picture, but he still has great expectations.

After all, they are the great sages of his Congress, a group of old guys who are obsessed with studying magic. Unlike the nobles who have no way of speaking, they should be very reliable in doing things.

"Sounds good. Now go and build the Bridge of Loen. But we can't have this preparation alone."

Leiton watched a group of great sages leave and said to the remaining commanders: "You guys should also make some suggestions. If you don't make any suggestions, you will receive a letter when you return to the territory, regarding your being transferred to the border or somewhere. A letter from the general manager of a mining area, I believe you don’t want to see this kind of thing, don’t you?”

After hearing this, everyone suppressed the playful smiles on their faces and became serious.

Bethel, the dragon knight, stood up. After careful consideration, he already had a perfect plan.

"Your Majesty, the key to defeating the Black Nest Empire is to defeat the black dragon. Now that the black dragon is huddled within the shield, there is nothing we can do against him unless our army attacks."

"Tell me the important point." Layton knocked on the table.

The overlord king of the Southern Continent has completely lost his patience after being blown up into the sky, and is in a state of being about to explode at any time.

"Ahem, Your Majesty is like this, I have thought of a way to lure the black dragon out!"

"Oh? Tell me!"

King Leighton became interested.

If the black dragon can be lured out of the city wall, everything will not be a problem.

"Your Majesty, this is it." Bethel said confidently: "Dragons are lusty creatures. I plan to use my female dragons to seduce the black dragon. Both of my female dragons are very young. The giant dragon, one green dragon and one white dragon, has a graceful and beautiful appearance. In the world of giant dragons, she is the top beauty. The key is that she is still young and a baby! Jie Jie Jie..."

The dragon knight smiled obscenely as he spoke.

He originally planned to train these two female dragons until they reached adulthood and order them to learn the art of transformation, so that he could have two wives who would stay young forever.

Nowadays, it is nothing to contribute to seduce the black dragon. Rather, it would be more exciting if he could be defiled by the black dragon.

After all, there are people in this world who appreciate the beauty of imperfection.

Leiton thought carefully about the dragon knight's suggestion, and it seemed to be feasible, but how could he seduce the black dragon across a city wall?

Soon the dragon knight expertly produced a bottle and gave his answer.

"Your Majesty, please look!"

He held up the red bottle, the scarlet potion in it emitted a blurry light, and a restless smell began to fill the air.

"This is a potion that can make giant dragons go into heat! At that time, we only need to order a group of wind mages to blow the smell of this potion into the city wall. After that, I will send my two female dragons to pose above the city wall. The black dragon I definitely can't stand this temptation. Under the influence of the drug, I will run like a bull in heat, and then we will just wait for the black dragon to hunt him when he is obsessed with mating, Jie Jie Jie..."

"Not bad!" Layton applauded: "Everyone must learn from our Sir Bethel. Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Sir Bethel is obviously very prepared."

"Your Majesty, you are so complimentary. It's all your teachings!"

A flattering smile appeared on the dragon knight's face.

King Leighton's face froze when he heard this.

What does it mean that he teaches well?

Did he teach Bethel to play such dirty tricks?

He has always been upright, okay?

The little good feeling that just arose in my heart disappeared.

King Leighton frowned, pointed at Bethel and scolded: "Then why the hell are you waiting here, why don't you go do something quickly?"

The poor dragon knight didn't know why the king was angry, but looking at the king's cannibalistic expression, he didn't dare to neglect it. After saying hello, he scrambled to decorate the place.

The discussion continued like this for more than half an hour.

The commanders present put forward various opinions.

But they are not outstanding enough.

King Leighton was very dissatisfied.

"Do you have any other ideas? Apart from a strong attack by the mage army, please don't make such non-technical suggestions."

The commanders were all at their wits end and looked at each other, quite embarrassed.

King Leighton looked around, rarely angry. He pinched his beard and raised an incomprehensible smile at the corner of his mouth:

"Haha, we are a country of magic, so of course we must use magic technology to attack the enemy.

Three hundred years ago, there was a classic battle against the trolls, which was fought by an army led by my son, Prince Pablo.

At that time, we encountered a troll fortress that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

He first led his army to pretend to attack to put pressure on the trolls.

But secretly, they are urgently building a spatial directional displacement array.

You all know very well that the spatial orientation displacement array will cause great spatial disturbance.

If the enemy has a mage, it will be easy to detect this and take countermeasures in advance.

For example, by using a space lock to attack and disturb the space, you can destroy the unformed spatial directional displacement array. "

At this point, everyone knew what King Leighton wanted to do.

He wanted to build a huge spatial directional displacement array to lock the enemy's city wall fortress, and then swap the creatures in the spaces on both sides. At that time, they would be inside the city wall, and the monsters would be outside the city wall, directly occupying the magpie's nest, and mainly turning against the guests.

Just building such a large spatial directional displacement array means extremely strong spatial disturbance. In order to cover up this spatial disturbance, the battle on the front line must be very fierce, and the monsters and black dragons cannot be given any breathing time.

"Your Majesty is so brilliant!"

"This move is really cruel!"

The commanders around him were filled with admiration.

If the space replacement array is successful, King Leighton can control the enemy fortress without any effort, and can also obtain the shield-making treasure.

King Leighton was very proud of being complimented by everyone.

Little did I know.

All his plans have been exposed.

Alicia, the princess knight from the Saint Orest Empire.

Will had been replaced by Su Nian as early as after entering the military tent.

He silently kept King Leyton's plan in mind.

In the military tent, everyone was laughing while drinking and talking.

He laughed too.

Just smiling with amusement on his face.

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