King Leighton had already made pre-war arrangements. Su Nian quietly retreated. He sat alone on the temporary throne in the Great Wall and was silent for a long time. Then he called Rolls-Royce and Delani. .

"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you?" Rolls-Royce looked anxious, as if his butt was on fire.

"Is there going to be a war? What do you need me to do? Stand out and give them a breath of dragon breath?"

"If there was nothing else, I would go and accompany Wei Na. She even pestered me to tell her stories!"

Delani looked calm, standing quietly waiting for Su Nian's order.

"It's like this. I've arranged a room for you two. There will be some commotion against the dragon later. You stay in there for a while and wait for my notification, and then you come out."

Delani had no objection, but Rolls-Royce's expression changed.

"Your Majesty! Doesn't that mean I have to be separated from Vina for a while?! No, Your Majesty! 〒▽〒"

Su Nian was silent for a while (ー_ー) and said angrily: "What is Article 124 of the Third Paragraph of the Black Nest Empire's Military Law?"

"I will obey your orders unconditionally, Your Majesty!"

Rolls-Royce, who knows these things by heart, instantly gave the answer.

"Then what other conditions do you want to tell me?"

"Your Majesty, I..."

Su Nian raised his eyebrows impatiently and secretly cursed Rolls-Royce for being such an idiot!

He was creating opportunities for Rolls-Royce, but the stupid dragon was still grinding away.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I understand. I will stay in the same room with Lady Delany and wait for the storm to end."

Seeing that Su Nian looked unhappy, Rolls-Royce could only accept this fact with aggrievedness.

He thought that the days ahead would be long anyway.

There are many more stories for Vina to tell.

Suddenly I felt a little better.


After Rolls-Royce and Delanie left.

Su Nian used Alicia to observe the movements of King Leighton again.

I saw that the wretched dragon knight had already begun to arrange the potions.

They temporarily built a tower as high as the Great Wall of Despair, poured out the potion and spread it on the rocks, and then ordered the wind mage to blow the wind in the direction of the Great Wall of Despair.

"Past Noreki!"

Su Nian hurriedly called for the light demigod.

【What are you doing? ! 】

Pastor Noreji, who was taking a nap in the ring, appeared in a daze. The Black Dragon Emperor smiled obscenely and said cheerfully: "I'll give you a task. Use the space lock to lock Dai." Let me seal the rooms of Lani and Rolls-Royce, so that the eighth-order dragon can’t get out anyway!”

Pastor Noreji looked at Su Nian suspiciously when he heard this: "What do you want to do?"

"As the saying goes, a gentleman should have the beauty of Jackie Chan and the virtue of living a good life. I am the beauty of Jackie Chan."

Su Nian crossed his arms and shook his head, looking enigmatic.

"The beauty of Jackie Chan? Rolls-Royce and Delanie??"

Pastor Noreji said helplessly: "Rolls-Royce is just a fifth-level dragon. Even under the influence of your dragon blood, it has metamorphosed and developed beyond the age limit and is about to reach sixth level. But no matter what, it is still the same as the eighth-level dragon." There is a huge gap between Delani at the same level. The dragon respects the strong. Delani does not look down on Rolls-Royce, and Rolls-Royce is not a handsome dragon. Its appearance can only be said to be the best among the dragons. good......"

"I understand what you said, but they will definitely succeed today!"

Su Nian's confident look made Pastor Noreji even more confused. Unfortunately, she couldn't smell it and didn't know King Leighton's plan. However, since it was Su Nian who got rid of her to do this, there was no reason to refuse. At the moment Then he nodded and said:

"Okay, I'm going to seal off their room right now, but let me say it first, I'll just seal it off, I don't care about the rest."

"Don't worry, you don't need to worry about anything else, Jie Jie Jie~"

Pastor Noreji felt uncomfortable listening to Su Nian's evil laughter, and hurriedly went to do some errands.

At the same time, a mysterious hormonal aura began to spread over the Great Wall of Despair.

Su Nian felt a restlessness in his body and ran to the city wall to find Anna.

At this moment, Anna was observing what was happening on King Leighton's side on the city wall.

She already felt a strange aura spreading within the Great Wall of Impasse.

This breath also had a certain impact on her, making her feel itchy.

Seeing Su Nian coming up, she immediately shrank into Su Nian's arms.

"Brother, I don't know what's going on."

She hugged Su Nian's waist and suddenly felt that her body had softened by half. The fox tail behind her swayed uneasily and swept Su Nian's chin. Her tone was a bit coquettish and she murmured: "Suddenly I feel like I have no strength in my body, and my heart is empty. I want to be filled with something, and I want to stay in your arms... Is it the fault of the human army across the way? Otherwise, how could I be like this? ?”

Seeing that the little Loli's cheeks were pink and her beautiful eyes were cold, Su Nian knew that Anna had indeed been tricked.

Although Anna is not a dragon, she has become a dragon to a very high degree, and with the heart of a dragon, she is actually not much different from a dragon.

But the one who was most affected was definitely his pure dragon.

"It's indeed the human army opposite. They wanted to use two female dragons and those special potions to lure me out and kill me!"

Anna's expression changed when she heard this, and she hugged Su Nian quickly. She hooked her hands around Su Nian's neck, wrapped her two slender legs around her waist, and her fox tail wrapped around Su Nian's thighs. Her whole body was as harmonious as an octopus. Su Nian clung tightly, as if he was afraid that Su Nian would run away in the next second.

"Brother, don't be fooled. Can those female dragons be as beautiful as me?"

Anna bit her red lips and blew hot air into Su Nian's ear. She twisted her soft body, looked directly into Su Nian's eyes, and winked at Su Nian, her charm was beyond words.

How could Su Nian be able to control himself when he saw this?

Suddenly the veins on his forehead throbbed.

One foot hits the ground.


Suddenly a big hole opened.

He fell down the hole and rushed to the bedroom with Anna in his arms.


at the same time.

In the room arranged by Su Nian.

It seems that the size of the two giant dragons was taken into consideration, so this room is very large, enough for the two giant dragons to roll around at will.

At this time, Rolls-Royce was pinned down by the dragon-shaped Delani.

He looked at Delani with a confused look on his face.

I saw Delani's beautiful dragon eyes swallowing the flames of desire.

It seemed like there was no need to think about what was going to happen next.

But he still wanted to struggle a little more.

"Your Excellency Delany, please calm down!"

"Shut up!" the female dragon growled, glaring.

A slap in the face of the Rolls-Royce.

Then he spread out the Rolls-Royce's body arrogantly and sat on it.

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