King Leighton's army has gathered on the Bridge of Loen. More than a dozen legions are ready to go. The central army is mainly composed of heavy armored infantry. On the left and right are knights riding giant war horses. At the rear is the mage legion. They stand On the high-rise car, he stared at the monsters on the Great Wall in a desperate situation. There was no fear in his eyes, only the rising murderous intention.

Behind them, the Griffin Knight and the Hippogriff Knight rose into the sky, blocking out the sky and the sun.

King Leighton stood at the front of everyone.

He was riding on a mighty lion-shaped monster, wearing a bright silver armor that shone in the sun. He wore a gryphon-winged helmet, a legendary necklace called the Eye of Law hanging on his chest, and a necklace symbolizing the king's authority hanging on his waist. The ruby ​​dragon eye scepter holds the legendary long sword "Morning Light" in his left hand, and the legendary staff "Thunder's Grace" floats in his right hand.

Since entering the legend.

He loves mounts like lions.

This would make up for some of the trauma in his heart.

And the lion under his crotch is not a simple character. His strength is as high as seventh level. His fur is white and cold, but his purple pupils are flashing with golden thunder and lightning.

King Leighton didn't know the species and name of the lion. It was a cub he found from the Bailetia Mountains.

Originally it was just an ordinary snow lion, but after some mutations, it gradually became what it is today. Even its potential has not yet been fully exploited, and it has a chance to become a championship-level monster.

"The time for the decisive battle has arrived!"

King Leighton held up the legendary staff "Thunder's Grace" and stared coldly ahead.

"In front of you is a city that has been invaded by monsters, and there are countless of our compatriots living in dire straits. As the king of the Southern Continent, and you as a member of the Southern Continent, how can we just sit back and watch the monsters invade our humanity? Territory wreaking havoc?!”

"Today the monsters dare to invade Airland and Anlius, and tomorrow they dare to attack the Holy City and chop off the heads of your relatives!"

King Leighton's words made the soldiers' breathing become much heavier. The trembling hands holding the weapons highlighted their inner unrest, and the murderous intent in their red eyes was even more intense.

"So, soldiers, you must fight in today. You must kill the monsters until they are scurrying around, kill them with fear, and let them understand whose land this is and who is the real master here!"

King Leighton raised his head and roared, the favor of thunder flashing in his hands: "Human race! Yongchang!!"

"Human race Yongchang!" Behind King Leighton, countless soldiers shouted loudly.

"Yongchang! Yongchang! Yongchang!" The mountains roared and the tsunami roared, and the momentum was overwhelming. The blood in the hearts of all the soldiers was mobilized. At the moment when the momentum reached its peak, the war drums suddenly sounded like thunder. At the same time, King Leighton also The staff pointed in the direction of the Great Wall of Despair.

"For Saint Lotia!"

"For humanity!"


After the king's words fell, the crazy howling of monsters also came from the direction of the Great Wall of Despair.

A war concerning the survival of the race begins.

Everyone can foresee that this war will definitely affect the situation in the entire southern continent.


Dark clouds filled the sky, and horns roared.

Magic dragged out a gorgeous trajectory in the dark sky, and elemental fluctuations caused the void to distort. The surrounding weather was affected by the violent elements and became chaotic. Heavy snow and strong winds were mixed together, and heavy rain and thunder and lightning traveled together in the dark clouds.

King Leighton's army charged into the Immortal Shield unimpeded.

The heavily armored soldiers collided with the flesh and blood legions at the front.

A large number of spells exploded like a violent storm among the ranks of flesh and blood creatures. It was almost a one-sided massacre. The elite spell power of the Leighton Empire immediately showed its ferocious fangs. There was a huge gap between them and ordinary mages. Their spell casting speed Extremely fast and highly focused, even if an arrow flies past his ear, his determined eyes will never waver at all.

When the magic cannon of the human coalition roared.

The Satan's Kiss that the monsters pushed onto the Great Wall of Despair also exploded.

Both sides have mages to block the other side's cannonballs, but the monsters are obviously not good at this kind of operation. In fact, the monsters don't have many elite spell-casting units. What they can rely on is that the number of flesh and blood legions is large enough, and they can die at will, leaving only humans in sight. The magic cannon plowed deep ravines in the flesh and blood Legion's formation, filled with broken limbs and burned flesh and blood.


The number of flesh and blood armies is extremely terrifying. Even though Bob has been frantically consuming the flesh and blood army recently to summon high-level undead, for the overall number of flesh and blood creatures, this consumption is really a drop in the bucket.

The surging army of flesh and blood surged toward the Bridge of Loen like a vast ocean.

King Leighton had a sullen face.

He and the commanders around him were unable to count the number of these flesh-and-blood creatures.

I only know that they have filled the field of vision, as if they want to completely occupy all the sight lines, and have even begun to push back the heavy infantry regiment on the Bridge of Loen!

The commanders of the Black Nest Empire and King Leighton were not the only ones observing the battle at this moment.

Located between the Great Wall of Despair and the ruins of the Slot Border Fortress.

On an inconspicuous hill.

Li Chen and the members of the Tianshen team were quietly observing the fierce battle between the two forces. Big Ivan and some US players were standing on the left, and Achim was lying on his side on the mud monster on the right, in ecstasy. In the distance is the world portal that was just established.

"The number of these flesh and blood legions is too scary..."

Huang Ziming looked at the side of the Great Wall of Despair on the map, almost stained red by a squirming blood.

It was a large infected area composed of countless wriggling red dots, symbolizing the incalculable number of flesh and blood legions.

"I once looked through the history books in the Royal Library of the Airland Empire."

Li Chen looked at the falling corpses and the rain of blood above the Bridge of Loen, and said solemnly:

"More than a thousand years ago, the flesh and blood army commanded by the Scarlet King almost ruled the entire Southern Continent. They were called the pollution and cancer of this world, and now the top world BOSS we are facing, Deathwing, has obviously completely controlled this world. A force that is equivalent to a legendary or even demigod-level existence... The numerical advantage of our players is nothing in front of this flesh and blood army. We can resurrect others just as we can..."

"But don't forget that we have more advanced weapons."

Big Ivan looked arrogant. Even when he saw the endless army of flesh and blood, he still didn't take them and the wings of death behind them into his heart.

"We are intruders."

He said coldly: "Besides, you Chinese players still have mysterious ancient martial arts. Your potential is not much worse than these world BOSSs. What's more, we also have hero templates. The final direction of this world is not determined. We, the invaders, have the final say.”

"Now they're just dog eating dog."

Achim's cold, snake-like voice came from the top of the mud monster's head: "We just need to wait and see what happens."

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