The battle line was pushed to the center of the Loen Bridge, and the battle line composed of heavily armored soldiers suddenly stabilized from a rout state. Now a large number of flesh and blood creatures appeared outside the indestructible shield.

"It's now!"

King Leighton raised the "Thunder Favor" staff, his eyes flashing with golden arcs of electricity.


The violent thunder shot out from the staff and gradually turned into a raging wave of thunder and lightning in mid-air, rushing towards the flesh and blood army. At the same time, countless people had already taken their positions behind King Leighton's army formation. The mage activated the magic circle, and various elemental light pillars rose into the sky. In an instant, the Bridge of Rune was submerged by the torrent of elements, and it looked like a twisted illusion from a distance.

In a burst of tragic explosions, flesh and blood creatures were quickly killed by the torrent of elements. Almost instantly, all flesh and blood creatures on the Loen Bridge were cleared.

Ren couldn't help but sneer when he saw this. This was the result he wanted.

The defeat of the heavily armored soldier army before was just an illusion created by his deliberate order. The purpose was to lure the flesh and blood army out and kill it in one fell swoop. Obviously, this goal has been achieved now. He knows that the flesh and blood army can be resurrected, but resurrection also takes time. By the time a new round of flesh-and-blood creatures were resurrected, his heavily armored legion would have long been pushed to the Great Wall under the cover of the magician legion!

The fact happened as King Leighton expected. The heavily armored soldier army took advantage of the flesh and blood army to be wiped out and moved forward under the cover of the heavy armored knights. At the same time, there were griffon cavalry and hippogriff cavalry in the air waiting for the opportunity. , once the follow-up flesh and blood legions arrive, they will immediately be blasted back with magic.

The flesh and blood army on the Great Wall can no longer form a stable military formation.

The space of the Bridge of Loen is limited, and no matter how many of them there are, they can only crowd the city wall in vain, stacked on top of each other, and cannot provide a favorable counterattack against the heavy armored legions of the human coalition.

"The enemy's line has collapsed! Charge with me!"

Suddenly, an excited roar came from the heavily armored soldiers.

The roar of horse hooves.

I saw a man and a horse fighting their way out of the formation of heavily armored soldiers and rushing towards the wall of the Great Wall of Despair.

That was King Leyton’s second son—Prince Naskela.

However, at the age of forty, he is already a great mage, and like his father, King Leighton, he is a warrior of both magic and martial arts.

Behind him were two teams of knights, both of whom were dressed in bright silver armor. Their bright red cloaks danced with the strong wind behind them. They were holding golden snake-scale carved spears and dragon-headed beast-faced shields. Their bodies were exuding surging magic fluctuations. Obviously, these knights The main power is still based on magical power.

King Leighton had five sons in total, and each of them had ideas for the future throne of Saint Lotia.

This time Naskela got the opportunity to go with the army because of his good performance in front of King Leton.

But for Naskela, it is not enough to go out with the army. He needs to achieve more military exploits, so that King Leighton can appreciate him more and move towards the throne of Saint Lotia.

Naskela's lieutenant was beside him.

He looked at the densely packed flesh and blood creatures and monsters on the Great Wall and couldn't help but feel worried.

"Your Highness, do we really want to charge in like this?"

"of course not!"

Naskela looked sideways at his adjutant: "The strength of the army in the Great Wall of Despair has not been determined yet. Rushing in rashly will only lead to death. My goal is just to charge on the Great Wall. The rest will depend on how the battlefield environment changes."

After that, he shouted loud slogans again.

"Soldiers, charge with me!"

"For humanity, for Saint Lotia!"

The knights and soldiers roared and charged.

But Naschela slowed down.

The adjutant's mouth twitched when he saw this.

He thought that His Highness the Prince was really so brave and that he was acting for King Leighton for a long time!

Finally, the first soldier rushed within the protection range of the immortal shield.

With his left hand, he planted the flag of Saint Rodia in the gap between the bricks of the city wall, and with his right hand, he cut the flesh-and-blood creature in front of him in half with a sword.

He jumped hard from the Loen Bridge and climbed in along the gap in the city wall, becoming the first soldier to enter the desperate Great Wall.

Under the stimulation of full blood.

He didn't even look at the situation inside the Great Wall of Despair.

Thinking of the great justice of mankind and the defense of human territory, I rushed forward.


he roared.

It felt like something was blocking the way ahead.


On this city wall, apart from flesh and blood creatures, there are also monsters, so there is no need to hesitate at all.

He slashed with his sword.

At this moment, the sword seemed to be driving a strong wind.

He could even clearly hear the screeching sound caused by the friction of the sword blade as it swept through the air.

"Die, damn... uh..."


After all, I still couldn't finish saying this.

The body rises into the air.

The soldier raised his sword and looked down in shock.

It was a crimson claw that pierced through his body, piercing through the solid armor forged from meteorite iron by the St. Lodia Empire. The armor weighing over a kilogram looked like paper when worn on his body. Fragile.


The roar exploded in the soldier's eardrums.

He glanced up one last time.

All I saw was a ferocious rabbit head.

This kind of rabbit soldier has been seen before.

Back home, on a plate at a Santa Lotia restaurant.

A large plate of this rabbit meat can be had for one silver coin.

It seems to be called the Fire Rabbit...

But he swears.

He has never seen such a big fire rabbit!


The Fire Rabbit's other hand also pierced the soldier's chest. It howled and tore the soldier's body in half brutally. The blood followed the internal organs and minced meat, staining a large area of ​​the city wall red, and the eyes of the surrounding flesh and blood creatures. He stepped forward to share the food.

More soldiers poured in from the gap, fearless of death, and the Fire Rabbit also went crazy, blocking the gap and charging and killing.

On the Bridge of Loen, Naskela, who was riding a tall horse, noticed the situation on the city wall. His eyes narrowed: "Give me the bow and arrows!"

The adjutant next to him immediately took off the long bow from his back and handed it to Naskela.

The prince drew the arrow and drew the bow. The wind element and the thunder element gathered towards the arrow. The boiling torrent of elements around him blew up Naskela's long hair. He squinted slightly and fixed his gaze on the fire rabbit killing everyone in the gap for two seconds. Release your index finger and thumb.


Five hundred meters away.

The long bow infused with thunder and wind elements shattered the Fire Rabbit's head.

Unabated, it continued to fly backwards, falling into the monster army and exploding.

The cheers of soldiers came from ahead.

They took out the magic scrolls they had prepared in advance and used "rock cutting" to expand the gap in the city wall.

Both sides of the Bridge of Loen.

Gryphons and hippogriff knights roared past.

They were hanging on the city wall. The knights on them were stepping on their heads, holding staffs in their hands, and hunting in robes behind them. Fire and frost shot out from the magic circle, like a dragon's breath spitting towards the city wall, passing by. Everywhere was filled with the wails of monsters and the stench of burnt flesh. The solid defensive barrier was finally broken through by the human coalition led by King Leighton.

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