
Douglas shouted loudly.

The voice was vigorous and powerful, and the mountains and rivers echoed, and the earth echoed. It seemed that at this moment, he had become the origin of the earth. The earth element was boiling again. With Douglas as the core, the shadows of endless mountains emerged, rivers, forests, and vegetation. In it, accompanied by an ancient sigh, the great sage chanted a mysterious and obscure language.

That's the ancient Elvish language.

Su Nian can understand.

The general meaning is that he would sacrifice himself to Mother Earth in exchange for the power to punish the enemies in front of him. Su Nian wanted to move and interrupt Douglas's sacrifice, but there seemed to be countless burdens on him that made it difficult for him to move. Even Pastor ·Noreki is helpless.

"This is a divine power higher than mine, a true god."

"You ask for it!"

Pastor Noreki glanced at Su Nian with pity, then picked up Anna and ran away.

Poor Anna was suppressed by the demigod's divinity and could not speak at all, nor could she move her limbs. She could only helplessly be taken to a safe place, looking at her teacher angrily.

"Ahem, don't worry." Pastor Noreji persuaded him nicely: "He has a rough skin and thick flesh. We only have to stay away from him to prevent him from being easily distracted."

Anna still looked unhappy.

Pastor Noreji knelt down and whispered into Anna's ear: "Don't worry, I left the semi-artifact to him, he can't die!"

In mid-air, Su Nian knew that Pastor had left the artifact.

She took Anna away because she was afraid that Anna would be in danger.

Su Nian not only understood this idea but also agreed with it.

But he had no intention of using Pastor Noreki's artifact to avoid disaster.

At this time, Douglas's body had gradually faded away, and the surrounding earth's divinity had become thicker and thicker. A faint coercion had fallen on Su Nian's body.

"System, how many system points do I have?"

[Host, you have 4.78 million system points]

"I want credit!"


In his mind, Su Nian ordered Bob to quickly devour the human coalition forces and players. At the same time, he said to the system: "Be ready to arrange the cells and skeleton of the cosmic void beast for me at any time. I remember it was the 2000w system. Don't worry, I They will all be returned to you~"

[The main reason is that the energy of this system is not enough to obtain the cells and skeleton of the cosmic void beast. The host needs to provide enough system points as energy. It starts with 10 million system points. Otherwise, it can only be temporarily castrated.]

Su Nian doesn't want the castrated version.

However, there is currently nothing that can be done except to prepare the system for transformation.

Because Douglas's sacrifice has been completed.

King Leighton outside the shield was in grief. He was kneeling on the shield and smashing it with his fists. It made a clanging sound and he was crying bitterly. It was obvious that an army of 500,000 people had been massacred and the three great sages were dead. Both are huge losses to the king and the entire southern continent.

The divinity of the earth is getting stronger and stronger.

Su Nian could almost guess which incarnation would be coming. The surrounding rocks began to gather in the air, seeming to be forming the incarnation's body.

Instead, it was just when he was ready.

This process of building a body came to an abrupt end.

The rocks condensed into the air quickly disintegrated and scattered throughout the battlefield.

Soon, everything around him became calm, and the originally violent land divinity calmed down like a calmed sheep.

The feeling of being blocked by gravity gradually disappeared.

Su Nian froze on the spot and slowly typed a question mark.

Then the great sage died in vain?

Whether it was because he wasn't pious enough when he made the sacrifice, or whether he didn't have enough strength to allow the incarnation of the gods to come, it's unclear. Su Nian didn't bother to worry about it. Anyway, it was a good thing that he didn't have to buy the castrated version of the enhancement plan.

He glanced at the human coalition forces and the fleeing players below, who were about to be slaughtered, and then looked up at the furious King Leighton, with an evil smile on his lips.

He transformed into a human form and floated in front of King Leighton.

It was less than half a meter away from King Leighton.

"Ah! Damn black dragon! If you can, let me in!"

King Leighton banged the shield and scratched his neck. His old face was flushed red by the hot blood on his face, and the veins on his forehead were pulsing.

Su Nian had no doubt that he would be stabbed on that vein.

Immediately a fountain of blood will appear on King Leighton's head.

"Oh~ dear King Layton."

Su Nian looked at Leighton's elegant luggage and said politely: "I really hope you can come in and play Van games with me, but it's really a pity. Why can't you come in?"

He crossed his legs and lay half in the air.

Then he took out a goblet and a bottle of red wine from the space ring.

The bottle cap opened automatically with a pop.

Before he could pour the wine.

Anna had already flown up with an anxious look on her face.

She saw that Su Nian looked relaxed and content.

It is estimated that Su Nian was not injured.

I couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Brother, were you okay just now!?"

The little loli clung to Su Nian's body like a koala, completely ignoring King Leighton next to him. There was a "gurgling" sound in her stomach. Although it was very slight, it was still Su Nian still heard it.


Anna nodded sheepishly and touched her belly.

"I haven't eaten yet this morning..."

"That's not good, just eat here~"

After saying this, Su Nian took out a table from the space ring and ordered the table to float in the air.

Then he sat up with Anna in his arms.

I redeemed a bunch of delicious food from the system store.

"Come on, Your Majesty Leighton, this is sirloin steak, let me taste it for you~"

Su Nian cut off a small piece of steak that was grilled just right, put it in front of King Leighton's eyes and waved it.

Then he fed it to Anna's mouth in front of King Leighton.

Anna blinked and glanced at King Leighton.

Although he was a little shy, he still opened his mouth obediently and took the beef into his mouth.

The smooth and tender beef spreads in your mouth, and the aroma spreads immediately.

Anna couldn't help but narrow her eyes happily.

"How is it delicious?"

Su Nian asked gently.


Ana nodded, her pretty face flushed, and a sweet smile appeared on her lips.

King Leighton lay on the shield, looking at Su Nian and Anna inside, he felt an uncontrollable fire rushing straight into his brain like a volcano erupting.

Take another look at the battlefield below.

Corpses litter the fields.

The monsters have already begun to clean up the battlefield.

The fire that rushed into his brain also exploded at the same time.

"Black Dragon, I want you to die!"

"Die ah ah ah!"

Bang bang bang——

The human king started knocking on the shield like crazy again.

All kinds of forbidden spells are thrown away for free, but they are of no use.

At the same time, the place of creation.

The Mountain Goddess stood respectfully beside the Sun Goddess.

"Okay, this is over."

The Sun Goddess rubbed her brows and said helplessly: "Go and inform all my subordinate gods that all the divine descending spells of Saint Lotia have been cancelled. By the way, you ask Tiamat to talk to the black dragon. Let him be more restrained."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The figure of the mountain goddess slowly disappeared.

Polypheus was once again the only one left in the Temple of the Sun.

After a while, a sigh came from the palace, breaking the silent air:

"Oh——, no one can worry!"

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