The human coalition finally failed, and the entire army of 500,000 was annihilated and transformed into flesh and blood creatures.

The entire battlefield is littered with corpses and flesh-and-blood creatures tearing into corpses.

The trampled rotten flesh and armor were so glued together that it was impossible to tell which part of the body they belonged to.

Maybe just by lifting up a broken shield, you can see the squashed eyeballs underneath.

The warm blood raised up scarlet heat waves in the cold wind, and the blood filled the air wantonly, making this battlefield a hell on earth.

On a pile of corpses more than ten meters tall.

Big Big Wolf held Prince Naskela's head in his hand and looked up to the sky and howled.

He strung the head with an expression of fear and despair on the spear of the Saint Lotia Empire.

The blood from the broken neck soaked the flag on the spear.

The werewolf planted this flag on the top of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood, venting the violence in his heart with melodious howls.

King Leighton cannot break through the immortal shield.

He watched helplessly as Su Nian and Anna showed off their affection in front of him and ate a large bowl of dog food.

The enemy is right in front of you, only half a meter away, but you can't kill him!

The pain of losing his son, the death of so many soldiers, and the damage to his reputation made the king spit out a mouthful of blood, but even this blood was ruthlessly blocked by the immortal shield, killing himself. In the end, he didn't want to continue to endure the humiliation here, so he could only leave in despair.

Now two great sages are dead and one is missing.

There is no way to construct a spatial displacement array.

What's the point of him still being here?

The human coalition forces suffered.

Players are naturally not much better.

Most of the new players died in the battlefield.

A very small number of veteran players managed to escape from the encirclement and suppression of monsters and flesh-and-blood creatures by relying on their keen sense of smell on the battlefield.

But even so it's not easy.

The scarlet infection and the radiation on the Black Dragon Emperor kept them in a weak state of losing blood at any time.

If they don't find a safe place to purify themselves, they may die suddenly at any time.

Magaki is an old player from the United States.

He is also a follower of Ivan the Great.

After becoming a follower of Ivan the Great.

As a reward, Big Ivan gave him a set of entomological bio-exoskeleton armor.

In addition, there are some thermal weapons and equipment that have reached the level of modern times.

Three genetic enhancement potions were also given - this is the only place where the US players can use them to fight against the Chinese players.

Chinese players use mysterious ancient weapons to strengthen their bodies, and they use genetic potions to strengthen their bodies.

At the same time, he combines it with the magic and fighting spirit of this world to transform himself into a being similar to a superhero. This strengthening method is more popular than Chinese players.

After all, ancient martial arts practice depends on talent.

Genetic medicine is effective for all types of people, it can be said to be a panacea.

At this moment, Magaki, wearing an entomological exoskeleton armor, was traveling through the dense forest.

As long as you pass through this dense forest, you can reach the section of the Great Wall where there are not many monsters stationed there.

When the time comes, he can find a place to relax a bit, use purification potion to remove the negative state on his body, and then climb out of the city wall to escape to heaven.

Magaki has died eight times since the beginning of the game, especially the last four or five times.

The resurrection time is getting longer and longer, and the level-dropping rule has recently been added, causing him to pay special attention to every life he has.

But Magaki dared not stop now.

Because red dots can still be seen on the map tracking him, and those monsters have an extremely keen sense of smell. However, Magaki is not that worried, because he is now escaping while erasing traces of his escape. As long as he leaves the smell range of the monsters, he will basically It will be safe.

Things developed just as Magaki imagined.

Half an hour later, he successfully got rid of the monsters that were following him.

"What a tough bunch."

Magaki Cat waited in the bushes for a while, and after confirming that the monsters had indeed lost his trace, he relaxed a little and leaned against a thick tree trunk.

"Now it's time for therapy."

Looking at the little blood he had left, Magaki sighed helplessly.

At this moment, there are more than ten debuffs under his health bar.

Two-thirds of them were contributed by that damn black dragon BOSS.

The most troublesome one is the [Moderate Radiation] debuff, which cannot be cleared by oneself, and the blood is always deducted by a percentage.

When he left the battlefield, he still had 80% of his health, but now he only had less than 5% left. This was only possible because he kept drinking blood medicine along the way.

That blood bottle was not cheap at all. Every time he drank a bottle, Magaki's heart was bleeding.

I silently greeted Black Dragon BOSS's family again in my heart.

Magji exchanged a sacred purification scroll and two great purification scrolls from the invader store.

The Holy Purification Scroll is for radiation debuffs, and the Great Purification Scroll is for other negative debuffs.

With just these three scrolls, 50,000 invasion points disappeared directly.

Magji looked at the sacred purification scroll that was manifested in his hand. It was made of the finest bright antelope fur, and the white leather was engraved with mysterious golden runes.

He couldn't understand the words on it.

But the moment the scroll was taken out, the rate of his blood loss seemed to slow down a little.

"Damn it, I must make that hateful black dragon BOSS pay the price in my lifetime!"

Magaki gritted his teeth, picked up the scroll and was about to tear it open.

at this time.


A sudden gust of wind blew around me.

Having been in the game for so long, and having learned the fighting spirit of this world, Magaki also had good alertness. He immediately turned his head slightly and saw a little white light passing in front of his eyes, and then the white light suddenly changed direction and headed towards Magaki. Come on Gekiza!


Magaki was extremely shocked. He had been looking at the map when exchanging the scroll.

But there were no enemies on the map at all.

Not even now!

It was a figure shrouded in black robes. The dagger in his hand missed a single hit and struck Magaki again. It swept and stabbed, and the blade made a sound of breaking through the air, extremely fast.

Magaki gritted his teeth and rolled over on the ground, holding the scroll without letting go.

His blood volume was getting lower and lower.

The body also started to become a little sluggish.

Magoki, who had dodged several daggers in a row, felt angry.

Thinking about how he is a master player, when has he ever suffered such injustice?

"Is it over yet?!"

He seized an opening and used a unique skill he had learned from a knight.

Void Sword Shock!

At this moment, there is no sword in my hand and I can only use my hand instead of the sword!

In the midst of lightning and flint, he struck the ground with his palm.

Only a loud bang was heard.

A shock wave exploded with him as the center, and at the same time, the attacking assassin was pushed away.

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