Knocks the enemy away with one move.

Magaki immediately knew that the enemy's strength was average but his sword skills were very sharp.

If he hadn't been seriously injured now, there would have been no problem with one against three.

What's more, now he has the upper hand!

Kill him while he's sick!

Magaki has always adhered to this style, so he is doing the same now.

Even if he only had a little blood left, he pounced on him wildly and ferociously.


He pulled out the broken sword from his waist and thrust the sword into the assassin who was stunned by the shock wave.

There was no accident with this sword strike. The assassin was stabbed in the heart and his body twitched slightly before he died.

"It's really troublesome! Is there a bug in the map?"

Magaki was puzzled by the explanation.

This was the first time that he encountered the phenomenon that the map did not display the red dots of enemies.

Even if he passes by a wild wolf that poses no threat to him, the map will be displayed, and even invisible units can be displayed.

Magaki asked around the world, and all players said they had never encountered anything similar.

"Forget it, whatever."

Magaki shook his head helplessly and continued to take out the purification scroll to use.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew by, lifting the hood of the corpse in front of him.

Magaki glanced subconsciously, but this glance completely froze him!

I saw that the corpse looked exactly like him!

Magji's hand, which was about to tear open the scroll, paused. He rubbed his eyes, leaned down to look, and even reached out to pat the corpse's face and rub it twice.

It’s confirmed, it’s a real person!

It's not an illusion or a puppet or anything.

The human skin on your face is also real leather! It’s not the disguise technique from China!

Every hair on my head is exactly like him!

Magaki was dumbfounded.

He suddenly had the illusion that he had just killed "him" in this world! ?

Is the parallel world theory real?

Is there an exact same him in every world?

Magaki doesn’t know, but of course the first step when encountering this kind of thing is to take a screenshot~

This thing is still very rare, and if you post it on the player forum, he can make a small fuss.

With a little expectation and curiosity in her heart, Magaki took several pictures with the camera.

Just when he was about to post the photo to the platform, and then continue to tear up the scroll for treatment.

It's like being stuck at a certain point in time on purpose.

Two more gusts of wind hit from the left and the right.

Magaki could see clearly this time. They were two assassins wearing black clothes, their faces covered by hoods. They were the same as the one who was killed just now.

"Why are there still more?!"

He was shocked and confused at the same time!

This wave of Magaki is completely helpless.

He had a skill that could block a wave before, but now he has none, his condition is still very bad, and he is unable to dodge at all.

The two assassins cooperated well and completely blocked all his escape routes.

However, what made Magoji even more horrified was that there was actually a murderous intention coming from above.


But I saw an assassin in black sliding down from the high tree crown.

He flicked his wrist, and with a flash of white light, a line of blood suddenly appeared on Magaki's neck.

At the same time, two daggers were inserted into Magaki's chest, one on the left and one on the right.

"Ahem..." Magaki stared blankly at the two daggers inserted into his chest.

Looking up slowly, he saw that the two assassins in front of him were almost identical.

Three meters away, there was another assassin with his back to him, and his figure looked quite familiar.

"You, who are you?"

He spat out a mouthful of blood and asked tremblingly.

"We are your replacements!"

One of the assassins spoke.

Another assassin added: "It's you we're going to kill!"

Such a familiar voice!

Magaki's eyes widened. Isn't this voice his?

The strength in his body slowly dissipated, his health bar was emptied, and Magaki fell to the ground.

He looked up to the sky and finally saw the appearance of these assassins.

I saw that they all looked exactly like him!


Magaki is dead.

The three shadow assassins collected the bodies of their companions.

They dug a grave in a very ceremonial manner and carefully buried the body. Afterwards, they stood beside the grave and said goodbye to the body.

Assassin A: "Have a good trip, brother!"

Assassin B: "Don't worry, brother, we will continue to assassinate you with your legacy!"

Assassin C: "Brother, when I learn necromancy, I will come back to summon you. Then we can kill people together!"

After the farewell ceremony of playing with the body, the three assassins bowed deeply to the grave.

Then he took out a small coin at the same time.

"Chasing the soul for thousands of miles! Kai!"

One of the assassins murmured in a low voice, and the other two assassins followed suit.

I saw three coins blooming with a purple light.

This light eventually condensed into three purple ribbons connected to each other.

At this time, a three-dimensional map appeared in the minds of the three assassins.

"The target will be resurrected at coordinates 765,987,001!"


"Keep up the work! We're going to replace him! Become the real Maggi!"

"There is only one kind of Maggi in this world, and that is our Maggi!"

"Brothers working together can cut through gold!!"

Amidst the mutterings, the figures of the three assassins gradually disappeared.


In a small town within the Slot Empire.

Magaki walked out of the resurrection stone. His level dropped by two levels, but he didn't have time to feel bad.

Even after thinking about it for a long time in the World Square, he couldn't react.

Damn it? !

There is someone exactly like him in the parallel world, which is already very scary!

What the hell are four? ?

The key is that these four are very united and have only one purpose, which is to kill him!

Maggi found it hard to accept.

There happened to be a player walking next to him.

He quickly caught the player and asked:

"Hey! Brother, have you ever seen anyone who looks exactly like you in this world?"

"No?!" The player looked at the frightened Magaki and said inexplicably:

"You're not awake, are you? How can there be people who look like us in this world? We are players, we were summoned, we are unique!"

"But, but today I met four identical me who assassinated me!"

The player was troubled by Magaki's words.

He said impatiently: "If you don't wake up, keep sleeping. Don't go crazy with the things in your dreams."

I just finished saying this.

Suddenly some news came out on the World Channel.

【Fuck! You may not believe it when I tell you, but I was assassinated by another me when I was taking a poop! He also stabbed my ***]

[Upstairs, me too, I’m sleeping, damn it! Four or five people who looked like me came in and said they wanted to replace me, and then they hacked me to death! 】

【Have you encountered this too? I thought it was a bug! 】

Magaki and the player looked at each other blankly.

At this moment, Magaki saw two men in black robes appearing behind the player.


The two assassins stepped forward with murderous intent, their blades as white as snow.

"Brother, your express delivery has arrived!"

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