The joys and sorrows between people are not the same.

Just when the entire Black Nest Empire was in a state of joy.

The Saint Lotia Empire is convening the second meeting of kings of the Southern Continent.

Compared with the momentum of the first meeting, today's meeting seemed a bit heavy, especially the faces of King Leighton and the surrounding ministers were not good-looking.

"Everyone, I'm very sorry. This action was caused by my ill-considered actions, which resulted in losses for all our countries!"

Although King Leighton is old, he is still the overlord king of the Southern Continent, and he will shoulder all the responsibilities he deserves.

The Saint Lotia Empire must have suffered the greatest loss from the total destruction of half a million troops, but King Leighton did not take his anger out on other empires because of his own losses.

He looked gloomy and said in a heavy tone:

"My beloved son also died in this battle. I will compensate the empires for their losses according to the corresponding value. The main thing I want to say when I call you here today is that the Black Nest Empire has indeed become the confidant of our human empire. The big problem is that the opponent has a shield that can resist legendary attacks and prevent legendary beings from entering. This is the main reason for the defeat of the human coalition, and there is no way for me to exert my power."

After saying this, King Leighton could be considered as excusing himself.

It wasn't that he was a legendary talent, but that the other party's technology was too poor, completely overpowering his advantage.

This is the first time that the kings have heard of such a thing.

Except for Celestine, the ruler of St. Oreste, and Freya, the ruler of Ogilar.

The other kings were inevitably worried.

It's no more than a thousand years ago.

At that time, the number of legends of all races in the entire continent was still over fifty.

But now there are less than half the legends.

One of the reasons why so many legends died in the final battle was in it.

There are also reasons why the continent’s resources have gradually decreased over time.

The only kings present were Layton and the queen of Shanatado—Ms. Elizabeth was a legend, and the other kings were more or less close to it, or were still far away from the threshold of legend.

This means that to deal with the Black Nest Empire, we can only use forces below the legendary level or above. The former is no longer feasible. Half a million elites have died in the Black Nest Empire. If they gather another million, thousands Wan's army is still dead, so there is only one choice left, demigods.

But where can they find demigods?

At present, the only demi-gods with strength are the Thunder Titan and Holy Sun Pope in the Giant City of the Winter Empire in the Northern Continent. Other than that, there are only incarnations of gods. Could this King Leighton want to...

Just as their thoughts were racing, King Leighton spoke.

"All empires believe in different gods. I hope that after you go back, you can pray to the gods to get their help, and send down the incarnation of the gods to kill the black dragon! Otherwise, once the Black Nest Empire expands, my Holy Lotia Empire can still Resist, but can you really survive the invasion of the Black Nest Empire??"

There is no need to think about this question at all.

He definitely wouldn't survive.

The army of 500,000 people has been exhausted. They may not be able to gather the main army of 500,000 people across the country. How can they fight against the Black Nest Empire?

Of course, there is also a possibility that the Black Nest Empire's shield cannot expand with it. In this case, with the existence of two legendary mages from the Saint Lotia Empire and Shanna Tado, the Black Dragon Emperor should not dare to bring his army to the shield. In other places, they didn't dare to bet on this kind of thing. Even King Leighton couldn't tell whether the shield could move with the black dragon.

King Leighton saw the silence of the kings and knew that they were thinking about the stakes.

He was not in a hurry, after all, he told the truth about the information about the Black Nest Empire.

Even if these kings don't believe it, they can just ask anyone.

Time passed by, and finally a king stood up. He first looked at the other kings around him, then bowed slightly to King Leighton and said in a low voice:

"Your Majesty Layton, thank you for informing us. Our country will make preparations in advance. Also... please forgive me for the matter concerning His Highness the Prince!"

King Leighton glanced at the king. This king came from a small country called Mardor, and his strength was very average. However, this king's strength was pretty good, and he had already reached the threshold of the Star Ring Mage.

Being the first to stand out will definitely put you under a lot of pressure, but his courage deserves recognition.

King Leighton has already planned to compensate the king more money in the future. It would also be good to develop a subsidiary relationship.

With King Maldor taking a stand.

Other kings also stood up and said they would contact the gods they believed in later.

Try to get help from the incarnations of gods.

But it's not an easy task.

The incarnation of the gods requires a container as a medium to sublimate the power of the container into divine power. This way, even if the container dies, the gods will not suffer too much loss. In the end, only one container will be lost.

But there are only two ways to reach the level of a god container. Either the belief is pure enough to reach the level of a fanatical believer, or the strength is strong enough. No matter which of these two ways is taken, it means losing a strong person with good strength.

Of course, gods can also use their own divine power to create incarnations.

It's just that few gods are willing to do this.

Because the loss is too great.

Even if the incarnation dies, the divinity and power cannot be recovered, which will lead to the decline of the divine status.

Besides, even if the gods agree to be incarnated on the condition of a container, the person being used as a container may not necessarily agree. A little resistance will cause the incarnation to fail. Who in this world is willing to sacrifice their lives for the great cause of the country? Most of them are people with families and worries.

This requires the kings to do ideological work for those "vessels" that meet the conditions, whether it is threats or inducements, in short, let them sacrifice willingly.

Even for a small country like Maldor.

If the required container is not provided by the king himself, it may take more than three or four less powerful mages or believers to gather the conditions for the container.

This concludes the Second Southern Continent Kings Conference.

The figures of the kings also gradually disappeared from the subspace constructed by the communication crystal, leaving only King Leighton sitting on his seat frowning, unwilling to leave for a long time.

In fact, in addition to summoning the incarnation of the gods.

King Leighton has another way, and that is to seek help from the Winter Empire in the Northern Continent. There are two demigods sitting there. If these two demigods are willing to take action, then the threat of the Black Nest Empire will be easily eliminated.

However, King Leighton has his own concerns.

One is that his relationship with the Winter Kingdom is not very good.

Secondly, leaving aside the demigod-level Thunder Titan who has never been in contact with him, the Pope of the Sun Goddess also does not dare to be interested in matters in the Southern Continent, and has always maintained an ambiguous attitude of neither participating nor targeting.

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