The Saint Lotia Empire mainly believed in three gods.

They are the upper god - the God of Laws, Furion, who is his father, the middle god - the fire god Maratella, and the lower god - the mountain goddess Lucina.

Among them, the main god Fario has not responded to believers for more than 500 years. Layton, the son, can't even contact his father. You can imagine those popes and believers.

There was one of the darkest moments.

At that time, there was a month-long chaos in the magic network in the southern continent.

The pope and believers of the God of Law believe that the God of Law has abandoned the world or encountered something unexpected.

Their faith collapsed, and they even planned to burn the temple. All believers would burn to death with the Pope in pursuit of the God of Law.

If the magic network hadn't returned to normal again.

Maybe no one in the Southern Continent believes in the God of Law anymore.

During the previous decisive battle with the Black Nest Empire, King Leighton noticed that a great sage was sacrificing his life to summon the incarnation of the Mountain Goddess. Unfortunately, the summoning failed and the Mountain Goddess lost contact.

No matter how much the believers and the pope called, there was no response.

In the end, King Leighton could only hope that the fire god Maratella could descend into an incarnation to help.

Of course he didn't have high hopes.

Because the God of Fire is not a god who takes his believers very seriously.

What he values ​​more is his own strength.

And his power does not mainly come from humans, but also partially comes from the fire elemental plane.

At noon, as soon as King Leighton came out of the subspace, two soldiers hurried in and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"Your Majesty! Someone is looking for you, saying that they have something very important to report to you!"

Upon hearing this, King Leighton withdrew his eyes from his father's statue. He raised his gray eyebrows and said expressionlessly: "I said that I would pray to the God of Fire at noon today. If there is nothing particularly important, don't disturb me! Don’t you understand? Can anyone see me?”

Facing King Leighton’s scolding.

The two soldiers lowered their heads and obeyed.

"Your Majesty, let's send those people away now."

At this moment, footsteps suddenly came from outside the door.

I saw Li Chen walking in with a team of Tianshen players, each with a confident and playful smile on his face. When the two soldiers saw this scene, they immediately panicked. They ran to a group of players and drew their swords to kill them. Players rush out:

"Why did you get in? Didn't I ask you to wait at the palace gate?"

"Get out, get out!"

Li Chen twisted his body and mysteriously avoided the soldier's outstretched hand, and strode past the soldier's figure towards King Leighton.

"Protect Your Majesty!"

"There is an assassin!!"

The voices of the two soldiers were louder than the other, and the surrounding Chinese players couldn't help but roll their eyes. The strongest man in this country is King Leighton. If even King Leighton can't withstand the assassin, no matter how many soldiers come, he will What is the use?

The two soldiers were very conscientious and immediately came to King Leighton, holding shields and swords on the left and right to prevent Li Chen and other players from getting closer.

"The Chosen One?"

King Leighton looked Li Chen up and down, his eyebrows were lowered, the beard on his lips was curled up, and he gave a cold smile: "You are very brave, what are you doing here? If it is not something important, I I can only punish you for trespassing into the palace."

Li Chen put his hands behind his back and smiled:

"Your Majesty, since I came to you under such a banner, I am naturally confident!"

King Leighton pushed the two soldiers in front of him away and sat calmly on the leather sofa.

"Tell me about your origins."

"Your Majesty Leighton, I heard that you are trying to kill the dragon? Maybe I can help you!"


King Leighton sneered.

What a legendary mage can't do, why should this little chosen one do it?

Li Chen knew that King Leighton didn't believe it.

But it doesn’t matter.

Some things require you to show your value in advance in order to attract the other person's attention.

He looked around, reached out and groped lightly on the stone pillars of the palace. The material of the stone pillars immediately appeared in his field of vision. Then, with a twitch in the corner of his eye, he suddenly said, seemingly unintentionally:

"Your Majesty, the materials of your palace are really good. Isn't this palace relatively strong?"

"That's natural."

King Leighton nodded.

"This palace was built by my father, the God of Laws Furion, during the king's time. Even if the magic circle is not activated, it can withstand legendary level attacks. If the magic circle is activated, it will not be a problem to withstand demigod level attacks. .”

"As expected of the Saint Lotia Empire, it has a rich heritage!"

Li Chen clapped his hands with admiration on his face, but he quickly changed the subject:

"Your Majesty, if I can split your palace with one sword, does it mean that I have the ability to kill that giant dragon with a non-legendary level of strength?"


King Leighton raised his head, lightly tapping the hand on the edge of the chair, and suddenly stopped: "Can you chop one for me to see?"

"I'm afraid of losing money." Li Chen smiled, looked at the load-bearing pillar with a golden dragon carved next to him with envy and said, "Your Majesty, your palace is expensive to build, and I don't dare to hack it~"

"I'll do it if I ask you to do it!"

King Leighton's cold voice came.

"Where does all this nonsense come from? If you can really smash this palace with one sword, I believe you can help me, and I will not treat you badly in the future! If you can't split it..."

Before King Leighton could finish speaking, Li Chen took over the words himself: "If I can't split it, I will leave the Saint Lotia Empire and never set foot here."


King Leighton's face trembled.

Now he wasn't sure whether the chosen one in front of him was joking.

His insight is extremely sharp.

The aura of the chosen one in front of him only reached the seventh level.

If the seventh level can kill the legend...

No, let’s not talk about slaying legends, but just saying that they can instantly kill eighth-level and ninth-level beings. Then the potential of these chosen ones is too terrifying!

Such existence must be erased forever!

After defeating the Black Nest Empire, these people must be cleaned up!

Li Chen didn't delay.

The reason why he dared to come to see King Leighton today was because after entering the seventh level, he learned a new ancient martial art called [Wanliu Guizong].

By practicing Wanliu Guizong, he can absorb the power of the following players.

I just entered the fifth floor today.

At this time, he can already draw the power of 50,000 players.

With the blessing of 50,000 ancient martial arts players from the Celestial Dynasty, his ultimate skill [Invite the Immortal and Kill the Heaven] is extremely powerful. Although it has not been tested, Li Chen feels that he can already reach the legendary power level.

Of course, gaining great power must come with a corresponding price.

There are also disadvantages to returning to the clan.

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