This bite came unexpectedly.

Not only was Tiamat confused, but even the Celestial Team players waiting to die below didn't understand.

After Su Nian succeeded in the attack, he did not give Tiamat any chance to resist. His huge weight directly pressed on Tiamat and knocked him to the ground from the air. The two behemoths landed, and the entire valley trembled. Immediately afterwards, Tiamat's shrill screams and questions came.

"Watrus! Are you crazy?!"

"I am the Five-Colored Dragon Mother, and I am your god of faith! Besides, I saved your life!"

Su Nian didn't care to speak.

An earbender slapped away the dragon claw extended by Tiamat, and then bit the neck of one of the dragon heads, tearing it from left to right. Under the influence of the Devouring Technique, his mouth was like a huge The crusher, the divinity that could not be torn off was actually bitten into pieces so hard.

", the emperor brother, are so fierce..."

Pastonovich and Anna were floating in the air together, watching the two evil dragons fighting each other in the canyon. They couldn't help sighing and were dumbfounded.

"Brother has always been very fierce..."

Anna was also shocked by Su Nian's operation.

Tiamat is a serious god.

Although he is just a lower god, is he really not afraid of being retaliated by the Dragon Mother by devouring other people's incarnations like this?

After thinking about this, Anna began to worry about Su Nian's situation again.

She couldn't help but ask Pastnoreki:

"What will be the consequences of my brother's actions? Will the Mother of Dragons impose divine punishment?"

Pastor Noreji touched his chin and thought for a moment, then said uncertainly: "The most gods can come to is a semi-god-level incarnation. This is the limit that the main material plane can bear, and it is based on the god's status and one's own strength. Definitely, the incarnation of a low-level god like Tiamat who has descended into a legendary pinnacle has already been damaged. After being bitten by your brother like this, she will have to hibernate for who knows how many years when she returns to avoid being attacked by Baham. Special came to your door... Therefore, the Dragon Mother has no way to confront your emperor brother, but she will most likely mobilize all the five-color dragons to cause trouble for your brother."

Ana was relieved when she heard this.

If the five-color dragon comes to trouble Su Nian, isn't it just a food delivery?

Even if a legendary dragon comes, Su Nian only needs to hide in the immortal shield. Thinking about it this way, she still sympathizes with the five-color dragon mother. After helping her brother block a wave of fatal attacks, her incarnation is now being attacked. Kill my brother.

Just in between the conversation between the two.

Tiamat's incarnation has been almost eaten.

There was only one red dragon head left roaring at Su Nian.

"Damn it! Sunian Watrus Stepak! You ungrateful thing, the gods in the sky should directly punish you! You devil, a believer in hell!"

Su Nian grabbed the red dragon's head and opened its huge mouth, stuffed it directly into his mouth and started chewing it. Tiamat's howling could be heard intermittently as he chewed it.

"You are a shameful five-color evil dragon!"

"Traitor! You are a traitor!"

"I curse your dragon soul to be burned by the scorching sun!"

"Wait! I will let all the five-color evil dragons destroy everything about you!"

The sound gradually disappeared.


Su Nian stretched his whole body, a pair of dragon wings extended toward the sky, and burped. The wounds on his body that were eaten by Tiamat healed quickly, and his aura began to increase.

"As expected of the Mother Dragon's divinity!"

The Black Dragon Emperor let out a happy sigh:

"As the saying goes, a man will not be rich without windfall, and a horse will not be fat without night grass. If you want to quickly improve your strength, you still have to rely on robbery!"

[It is detected that the host’s absorbed divinity does not match the main divinity. Should the absorbed divinity be purified at a ratio of 2-1 and converted into scarlet divinity? 】


Su Nian rubbed his belly happily.

If he concentrates a little, he still understands the principle of reaching the top.

He may be the only one in this world who has the ability to quickly transform his divinity. If other gods absorb the divinity of another god, they will either gain more power and become miscellaneous gods competing for authority with other gods, or they will Compressing other divinities into pure divine power and then absorbing them is a huge loss and a waste of time.

[Divinity transformation completed]

[Scarlet Divinity core ability "Flesh Dominance" upgrade, current level lv3]

[Flesh Dominator lv3]

Characteristic 1 - Self-dominance: You have become the master of flesh and blood, can change your body at will, and have extremely strong regeneration ability.

Characteristic 2 - Corrupted Contamination: You can already develop corrupted creatures on a large scale through flesh and blood infection. The infected creatures acquire the characteristics of the infestation, increase the initial level by lv20 (maximum lv60), and inherit the part of the corrupted creatures and dragon blood. Characteristics: Creatures that have been contracted with dragon blood will not be infected again.

Characteristic 3 - Natural disaster clouds: You are the master of depravity and corruption. You are synonymous with destruction and killing. The development of fallen creatures will produce natural disaster clouds. The status of the enemy and ourselves will be affected within the clouds. The natural disaster clouds have the ability to grow (current coverage) 1000 kilometers), no upper limit.

[Next level - Flesh Domination lv4: Improve the efficiency of three characteristics]

[Upgrade method: develop more fallen creatures to form faith and provide divinity, kill more creatures to form resentment and provide divinity, kill creatures with divinity to plunder divinity]

Su Nian took a deep breath. All the organs on his body, as well as the smallest scales, were twisting wildly, as if every part had its own life. There was a "creeping" sound all over his body.

Above his head, the natural disaster clouds and mist expanded in all directions, and the blood-colored clouds became thicker and thicker, making it difficult for even a little sunlight to penetrate. Where the natural disaster clouds and mist shrouded the world, the sky and the earth were filled with scarlet blood light, like the end of the world.

Also at this time.

A wave of sleepiness swept over Su Nian's consciousness.

This is about to enter the eighth level.

His original plan was to swallow the dragon soul, but he really didn't expect that Tiamat would give him such a divine gift package.

As expected of the five-color dragon mother!

As expected of a mother!

"Jiejie~ The system helped me suppress my sleepiness. Now is not the time to sleep!"

【Ding! Spending 200,000 system points to expand the brain thalamus and improve the host's will resistance, the advancement has been suspended. 】

"very good!"

The Black Dragon Emperor squeezed the dragon's claws and glanced at the cliff with cold eyes.

There, a group of Celestial Team players were running for their lives.

Among them, the fastest runner is Li Chen.

This guy directly took a girl to fly with a sword.

In the blink of an eye, there was only one black spot left.

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