"Run? Jie Jie! Can you run?!"

Violent and sinister laughter sounded behind everyone in the God Team, and then a majestic and cold air locked them.

Li Ziming broke out in cold sweat instantly.

As the main tank of the Celestial Team, he has the strongest ability to withstand pressure, not only physically, but also mentally. He can't stand the pressure of Deathwing, let alone Other members of the Celestial Team.

Tang Er, who was the weakest, turned pale and knelt on the ground. Xiao Huohuo's face was not good-looking either. Although he could still run, his calves were visibly swaying. Li Chen didn't have a big problem, just under his feet. The fairy sword shook, and it still flew along with Shi Xiaoyu, the only girl in the team.

This is what makes Li Ziming a little happy.

Li Chen is a hero, and death would be a huge loss. Shi Xiaoyu is a doctor and can take care of Li Chen along the way. Of course, it is best not to die, so they stayed here to wean Li Chen off.



The mysterious dragon language echoes in the bloody world.

Li Ziming took the time to look back.

They saw that the Black Dragon Emperor was already far away from them, but he calmly raised the dragon's claw. The dragon's claw was slowly clenched, and a circle of earth-yellow halo instantly spread out, falling on them almost instantly.

The system translated the Dragon Word magic in time.

【Gravity Reversal】

"I'm going to suffer!"

Li Ziming's heart tightened.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a lightness all over his body, and he was levitating from the ground. The same was true for Tang Er and Xiao Huohuo around him. They seemed to have entered space, with no gravity on their bodies, and they were even rising rapidly into the sky.

Li Ziming understood.

This gravity reversal is not just as simple as returning gravity to zero, it maintains the original gravity and then completely changes the direction upward, just like the center of the earth is completely upside down.

Even Li Chen's flying sword flew uncontrollably towards the high altitude. Then in Li Ziming's upside-down vision, the black dragon's claws pressed down hard, and all the reversed gravity completely disappeared.

【Gouten-sanlaha-feiailae! 】

Gravity increase.

The system prompts again.

Li Ziming only felt his scalp numb, and then he fell towards the ground at an incredible speed. During the fall, the violent wind blew up his mouth and cheeks, and it was of no use even if he gritted his teeth.

At the last second when he made contact with the ground.

He saw captain Li Chen step on the fairy sword, and it turned into a red light like a meteor falling to the ground, falling faster than them. The red light was obviously a fire caused by friction with the air.

"Oh haha..."

These were Li Ziming's last thoughts.

The next second he was in close contact with the ground and smashed into a meat pie.

Seeing a group of players pulling the trigger, Su Nian also stopped.

Under his deliberate control, Li Chen did not die.

This Chinese player has great potential and has actually grown to the point where he can threaten him, so he cannot let this Chinese player go under any circumstances.

His figure flashed and he took Anna flying towards the direction where the player fell. Along the way, he saw three corpses that had changed beyond recognition. Under the influence of the scarlet divinity, they began to gradually reorganize and resurrect. It didn't take thirty seconds for them to be transformed into flesh and blood. The identity of the creature stands back on its feet.

A few meters further.

Li Chen and Shi Xiaoyu were struggling in a lake. The influence of gravity still existed and became heavier as Su Nian approached. When Su Nian came over the two of them, Shi Xiaoyu was the first to be unable to bear the direct pressure. Although Li Chen was seriously injured, he was still alive. The hero template made his blood volume and resistance much higher than ordinary players, so he was naturally not easy to kill.

Su Nian laughed evilly and removed the gravity.

Without saying a word, Li Chen pulled out the flying sword and wanted to use it to escape. However, a suction force came from behind in the next second. The flying sword under his feet was difficult to control. His whole body flew backwards uncontrollably, and finally fell to the Black Dragon Emperor. In his hand, the pair of red-gold dragon eyes were suspended above his head, looking at him teasingly.

"kill me!"

Li Chen knew that his mission had failed, and now he only wanted to die.

Anyway, he can be resurrected, and with his potential, he will have a chance to kill this black dragon sooner or later.

"Want to die? Jie Jie Jie ~ I'm afraid you're thinking too much!"

Su Nian smiled evilly and used Dragon Words to seal all the limbs of the Chinese player, and also locked his mouth, leaving him with only his eyes to move and his mind to think.

"I'm very interested in the gadgets on your body. Follow me back to the palace!"

Li Chen was shocked when he heard this.

He had heard that BOSSs in this world would arrest players, including those kings who studied players' practices. Once their players were caught, they would have no other way to escape except suicide.

Li Chen didn't want to be a prisoner.

The black dragon just blocked his limbs and mouth.

He can also use his internal power to shatter all his internal organs!

And Li Chen did the same.



A snap of fingers sounded in the void.

Li Chen's surging inner energy suddenly stopped, and even his thoughts became extremely slow this time. He vaguely saw a translucent purple-haired woman emerging next to him, her eyes full of curiosity and vigilance. The woman disappeared in the next second. .

Then he heard the conversation between the purple-haired woman and the Black Dragon Emperor.

"I'll help you seal him completely. This guy was planning to blow himself up just now~"

"Oh, really? Thank you so much. You are worthy of being a demigod, and he has many tricks~ Jie Jie!"

Demi god!

There is actually a demigod beside Deathwing! ?

Li Chen only felt his mind and body shaken, and at the same time there was a hint of bitterness in his mouth.

They Chinese players are still too young, and they actually want to kill the black dragon in one fell swoop... Maybe the appearance of Tiamat's incarnation today was also deliberately arranged by the Black Dragon Emperor. This terrifying monster emperor has already considered everything, and is extremely likely to do so. They were so courageous that they even used their players' attacks to injure the avatar of Tiamat, and then reap the benefits!


Thinking of this, Li Chen felt his scalp numb.

Su Nian didn't care what Li Chen was thinking.

He directly threw Li Chen into the space cage, then tied him with a chain and hung it around his neck like a necklace. After that, he went to the center of the canyon to collect the goblin merchants.

These goblin merchants themselves act on orders.

When they heard that a black dragon was coming to provoke them, they were extremely reluctant.

Unfortunately, after being sold to players, their lives are in the hands of players and they can only be forced to obey.

Now that I heard that I can enter the Black Nest Empire and act like a normal businessman, I am naturally very grateful.

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