Just when the five-headed evil dragon was about to launch an attack on the Black Nest Empire.

The kings of the empire also held emergency meetings.

Among them were also Saints Oriste and Eugielar.

But as a hidden vassal state of the Black Nest Empire.

Celestine and Freya were just showing off.

It is impossible for gods to descend. The country is not strong enough and there are no strong people. The gods look down on the power of faith.

But the inaction of Saint Oreste and Ogilar does not mean the inaction of other countries. For example, Maldo, a country close to Saint Oreste, may have attracted the attention of King Leighton, so the king has The matter of God descending is very serious.

The minimum requirement for God's descent is a Star Ring Mage as a container.

If there were no Star Ring Mage, then three great mages would need to be sacrificed as containers. The three great mages would be a huge loss to the king of Mardor. To be honest, Mardor has the most Just gather five great magicians.

And not all of these five great magicians obeyed Mardo's instructions.

Most of them have their own families and bonds.

It is not easy to make them willing to die. Now, King Mardor has only persuaded two great magicians to sacrifice their lives for the country.

The other two great magicians escaped overnight.

Now only one remains in seclusion.

King Mardor has sent people to do ideological work many times, but to no avail. This great magician is powerful and not afraid of any threats. Moreover, he is alone, has no wife, children, and no weaknesses. In the end, this matter can only be temporary. Set it aside.

However, King Maldor wants to put it aside, but the players don't.

In a small country like Maldo, there is no detection system at all. Players from the US easily sneaked in and quickly obtained basic information about the five great magicians.

The two great magician players who escaped had no choice. Even if the other side ran away, they couldn't catch up.

But in the end, what was left behind had a lot of room for maneuver.

Now Big Ivan is leading a group of players to gather near the Big Mage's residence.

This mage's name is Saroyan. Unlike other great mage, this great mage does not live in the magic tower. He just bought an ordinary small bungalow in the city of Rondo and lives a peaceful life. There is not much difference in the ordinary life of an ordinary wealthy businessman. A servant will deliver him milk and delicious food ordered from outside every day. Unless there are special circumstances, this otaku mage can not go out for a week.

Such a mage can't find any weaknesses at all.

It is undoubtedly difficult to get him to voluntarily participate in the divine descending ceremony.

But Big Ivan believes that everyone has weaknesses.

The Kings don't have much time to spend on the stubborn Sarayang, but what their players don't lack most is time and energy.

Finally, after 72 hours of taking turns to closely guard Sarayang's residence.

Big Ivan discovered something special.

It is true that Sarah Yang did order milk every day, but he did not drink the milk he ordered every time.

By chance, a player who was monitoring Sara Yang's backyard discovered that Sara Yang would pour the ordered milk onto an inconspicuous rose in the back garden three times a day, and would connect the roses every night. He carried the roses into the room with the flowers in their pots, carefully, and did not take the roses out again until the sun came up the next morning.

Because there is a magic barrier between them, the players' identification skills are ineffective, and it is difficult to crack the barrier in a short time, so they don't know what is fishy about the rose flower.

Moreover, Sara Yang never went out, so they had no chance.

But opportunities can also be created artificially.

On the morning of the fifth day, Big Ivan sent a player to intercept the servant delivering food and milk to Sara Yang on the road in advance.

Sure enough, no food or milk was delivered for a long time, so Sara Yang put on her clothes and went out with doubts.

Now the US players had nothing to worry about. They directly installed a circle of C4 around the magic barrier. As Big Ivan gave the order, C4 exploded and the magic barrier shattered.

Amidst the collapse of buildings and the screams of people.

The US players acted quickly and snatched out the rose flower.

It is worth mentioning that during the whole process of committing the crime, they turned on optical mimicry and maintained their jackal posture.

Sarayang was quite vigilant. The magic barrier had an alarm device. The moment it was breached, his face tightened and he immediately returned.

In fact, even without the alarm device, the tragic explosion was enough to attract attention.

When Sarayang returned, he only saw a group of jackals surrounding his house, holding the pot of roses in their hands.

"It's unbelievable!"

The leader, Big Ivan, held a teleportation scroll in one hand and a rose in the other, his face full of surprise.

"I thought Master Sarayang was really just a hermit experiencing ordinary people. Who would have thought that he was secretly raising elves?"

I saw the half-open and half-closed rose flowers in Big Ivan's arms.

A beautiful and petite figure was huddled inside, seemingly sleeping soundly.

When the elf is in the growth stage, it will be very lethargic. When it enters the mature stage, it will become particularly active and awaken some wonderful abilities. It is completely transcendent of magic. It is a very precious pet. It is often valuable but not marketable. Appearing at the auction will trigger a frenzy of looting.

Obviously, the reason why Master Sarayang is so low-key and seems carefree is to hide the elf from prying eyes.

He is very clear about the reason why an ordinary man is innocent, but he is guilty of carrying a jade.

It's just a pity that after all, there is still no way to avoid the US players squatting all the time.

"Give me back my Erica, and I can give you whatever you want!"

Sara Yang glared at the group of monsters.

It was difficult for him to understand why Londo, one of the safest cities in Maldo, would let in so many gnolls.

And you can clearly see the dragon-like characteristics of these jackals.

This makes it difficult for Sarayang not to think of the news brought by the king before.

A monster empire has arisen in the southwest of the Southern Continent, and has invaded two human empires in succession.

King Leighton organized a human coalition to attack and ultimately failed.

The kings can only go back and pray to the gods, hoping that the gods will descend and help them kill the evil dragon.

Could it be that these jackals came from the Black Nest Empire?

But, has the Black Nest Empire already penetrated here?

"We don't need anything. We are monsters. We have no desires. All we want is destruction!"

Big Ivan waved his hand, and amid the violent roar, the ground shook, and all the bombs buried in the city of London were instantly detonated.

The sky was filled with dust, gathering into heavy black clouds.

It's like it's about to collapse.

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