Hearing that the black dragon was only at the eighth level of strength, the five giant dragons all started thinking about it.

The weakest among them is the white dragon Bolar, a ninth-level champion, and the strongest is the red dragon leader, Bastian, a peak tenth-level legendary, a veteran ancient dragon, and has the title-Dolandala's Destroyer.

Bastian once destroyed a new empire "Dolandara" in the southern continent.

Although it is only an island country, it is enough to give it the title.

Their strength is above that of the wanted dragon. This task is supposed to be easy to complete, but I don't know how the black dragon provoked the dragon mother and actually made the dragon mother so angry.

On this point, they had no answer.

After Tiamat finished explaining the oracle, she ignored the five-headed dragons who had different thoughts.

Anyway, the opportunity has been given.

Whether they can catch it or not is their business.

She has more important things to do, which is to complain to the God of Fire and the Goddess of the Sun, and hand over her mission by the way. Since her avatar has been eaten and her power has been lost, it is impossible for the God of Fire and the God of the Sun to continue to be in trouble. Her?

After Tiamat left.

Bastian, the leader of the red dragon clan, spread his wings and soared into the sky. It was the largest of the five giant dragons, with a wingspan of one thousand meters. The strong wind caused by the flapping of its wings almost did not blow the white dragon away, and even It also left a tornado in its place.

By the time the tornado dissipated, the red dragon had long since disappeared.

"What should we do? We definitely can't catch Bastian!"

White Dragon Clan Chief Boral broke free from the storm and came to the Black Dragon, Green Dragon and Blue Dragon. His gray dragon eyes were full of anxiety and jealousy.

Strength is a gap that is difficult to cross.

Even if he is stronger than the Wanted Dragon, he can't compete with Bastian. Bastian can beat it half to death with one punch.

But black dragons, green dragons, and blue dragons are different.

Although these three giant dragons are not as strong as Bastian, they are only weak. If these three giant dragons unite, Bastian will only be beaten.

Thinking of this, Boral couldn't help but make some suggestions:

"I have an idea that could benefit everyone!"

Seeing the three giant dragons glancing over, the leader of the White Dragon couldn't help but said proudly: "You go and hold Bastian down while I kill the black dragon, so that Bastian won't get the credit. In the end, It can only give us an advantage!"

"Haha, put away your incomplete brain, Boral."

The blue dragon Torrenthun sneered and said:

"Don't think that we don't know what you are planning. We hold Bastian down and you kill the black dragon. You get all the benefits. Do you think all dragons are as stupid as you white dragons?!"

As Bastian becomes stronger and stronger.

The dragon clan leaders also feel the pressure.

They don't want Bastian to continue to become stronger.

But it is impossible for the White Dragon Clan Chief to step on their heads.

"Can you say that again?!"

Boral huddled behind the green dragon angrily.

This is its good big brother.

Only when the green dragon is behind it does it have the courage to confront other dragons:

"My Majesty the Dragon Mother Crown has long said that it is forbidden to judge the quality of a giant dragon by its skin color. When you mention the white dragon, you call it stupid. You are engaging in color discrimination. You are dragon discrimination! Speaking of the Dragon Mother Crown Go down there and see if you will get a layer of dragon skin pulled off!"

"Then you should go talk to the Dragon Mother."

The blue dragon was not afraid.

Bailong's stupidity is recognized by the entire continent.

How could the Dragon Mother punish it because of the established facts?

"Okay, stop arguing!"

The green dragon Garald roared, interrupting the quarrel between the blue dragon and the white dragon.

"It is impossible for Bastian to continue to be strong, but it is impossible to give away the credit for killing the black dragon, so the four of us went to stop Bastian. After Bastian was seriously injured, we Let’s hunt that black dragon again. Whoever can give the black dragon the last blow will get the credit, how about that?”

This is a fairer approach.

Lan Long snorted and had no objection.

The black dragon remembered that the green dragon had just poisoned him, and he was resentful in his heart, so he didn't say a word. The white dragon followed the green dragon, and of course he agreed with both hands and feet.

"Then let's go, everyone. It's too late and we won't even have the soup~"

After saying that, Garald took Boral and flew in the direction of the Black Nest Empire. When the Dragon Mother lowered the oracle just now, she had already given them the exact coordinates. It would only take a week at most to arrive quickly, and it was not particularly far away. .

The green dragon and the white dragon flew extremely fast, far ahead, and clung to the red dragon leader Bastian, followed by the blue dragon, and finally the black dragon.

Although the four dragons have reached an agreement.

But in fact, each has his own agenda.

After all, the green dragon is cunning by nature and is simply the embodiment of Old Yinbi. There is definitely nothing wrong with proposing such a fair solution.

They must be on guard at all times.

The green dragon Garald who was flying in front also secretly thought about it with the white dragon Bolal.

Garald glanced behind him vaguely. The black dragon and the blue dragon were still far away from them, and only two black spots could be seen.

So it suppressed its voice and said to Bailong: "Bolar, you are following me, right? I usually don't treat you badly."

"Yes, boss!"

Boral nodded heavily.

When the four giant dragon chiefs all bullied and humiliated him, only his big brother, the green dragon chief Galadel, would not bully him.

From that time on, Boral secretly swore that if Garald died one day, it would never eat Garald's body. It would eat at most one dragon's heart, oh no, only half of it!

"Very good, this is an opportunity!"

Garald blinked, flew closer to Boral, and said in a persuasive manner:

"If I became the strongest dragon under the Mother Goddess, do you think they would still dare to bully you? Do you still dare to say that all you white dragons are stupid?"

"Don't dare!"

"So should you help me become the strongest dragon?"


Boral thinks its big brother is absolutely right, and it’s simply a brilliant analysis.

"Okay~" Garald smiled happily. He wanted to pat Boral on the shoulder, but he was afraid of being seen by the black dragon and the blue dragon, so he could only retract the outstretched dragon claw, but his mouth was Bailong draws the cake:

"Congratulations, Boral, I declare that within three days at most, you will become the second patriarch respected by dragons under the Mother Goddess! And you only need to hold off Bastian who was also seriously injured after we severely injured him. Torn Suen (blue dragon) and Sylvester (black dragon), after that I will kill the wanted dragon, obtain the divine blood, and become the strongest clan leader, together we will reach the peak of dragon life!!"

"That's great!"

Bailong was very excited: "Boss, I'm already getting excited!"

"Well, staying excited is the secret to success."

Green Dragon Clan Chief Garald smiled mysteriously.

I thought to myself: As expected of a white dragon——

Just stupid!

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