After sending the five-headed dragon to attack the Great Wall, Tiamat immediately went to meet the Sun Goddess. Now the Sun Goddess has the highest status and strength and must be ranked first. If the order is wrong, she will inevitably be Some gods with ulterior motives wear small shoes, and the gains outweigh the losses.

In the brilliant red-flamed Sun Temple.

Polyface sat high on the throne with cold eyes, while Tiamat, who was showing off in front of the five-colored evil dragon, was trembling like a quail.

If she didn't have to, she really didn't want to meet the God King of Creation face to face. The feeling of oppression was really not something Long could endure. She felt like she was going to combust with just one look.

"Tiamat, why did you come to me instead of staying in your dragon's lair?"

Polyface raised her eyelids.

She actually already knew that Tiamat's incarnation was dazzled by the Black Dragon Emperor, but she had no good way to deal with this matter. The Black Dragon Emperor is the son of the plane chosen by the will of the world, and the whole world must revolve around him, otherwise Fighting against those invading players will be impossible.

Besides, according to the character of a black dragon.

There seems to be nothing wrong with showing off to the avatar of the Dragon Mother while she is weak.

Isn't this the virtue of the black dragon who is known for being mean and cruel?

When she chose this black dragon as the son of the plane, it did not change the character of this black dragon. In the past, Polyface did not understand why the will of the world would make such a choice. Now she probably understands that this may be fighting fire with fire. Bar.

Just when Polyface's thoughts were racing.

The dragon mother suddenly burst into tears.

"Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for me!"

Tiamat kowtowed repeatedly, and the pear blossoms brought rain.

It is hard to imagine that the Dragon Mother, the God of Five Colored Dragons, would cry like this. Her miserable and sad look is really moving.

Polyface rubbed her brows helplessly.

He sighed and said:

"I'm sorry about your incarnation being eaten. What kind of compensation do you want?"

Tiamat felt happy when she heard this and hurriedly said:

"Your Majesty! I want that black dragon to die! I want to eat it, obtain its bloodline, read its dragon vein memory, pull out its tendons, drink its blood, and kill it..."


There was a cold snort from the Sun Throne.

Tiamat shivered and immediately closed her mouth.

"You can't kill this black dragon, and neither can I!"

Polyface knocked on the armrest of the throne and said without any doubt:

"This black dragon has the blood of the Holy Dragon Crown. If it is killed, you and I, and even the entire creation, will be held accountable."

Tiamat raised her head and widened her eyes upon hearing this.

I didn’t expect this black dragon to have such a prominent background?

She actually didn't know that this was just Polyface's excuse.

In fact, the Holy Dragon is a very fair existence. She treats all descendants with her bloodline equally and kills them as long as they make mistakes. In the past thousand years, no fewer than ten dragons have been beheaded by the God King himself. All of them have some blood of the Holy Dragon. They rely on the power of the Holy Dragon's blood and their prominent status to do all kinds of evil, and eventually reap the consequences.

The real reason is that the competition among the planes requires the Lord of the Black Nest.

But Tiamat is not qualified to know this reason yet.

ten minutes later.

Tiamat emerges from the Temple of the Sun.

Polyface gave a ray of sun's rays.

This ray of light could almost restore all her injuries, but she was not willing to accept it. After being plotted by the Lord of the Black Nest, she lost not only her power but also her face.

This face must be regained.

What Tiamat didn't expect was.

She quickly found such an opportunity.

Originally, Tiamat planned to report the situation to the God of Fire, gain sympathy and see if she could get some benefits. Unfortunately, the God of Fire was not here today, and she didn't know why she was there, so Tiamat could only return to the dragon in frustration. nest.

There is a huge dragon crystal in the mother dragon's lair.

This crystal records the growth trajectory of each five-color evil dragon.

It is also a manifestation of the divine power of the five-color dragon mother.

Normally, Tiamat doesn't bother to look at this crystal. She only cares about herself, unlike the metal dragon god Bahamut who often appears in front of various metal dragons under his command, imposing tests and giving gifts in the manner of an old man or a beggar. Some rewards for those who pass the level.

Tiamat can target any five-colored dragon and know their status.

But she had never paid attention to these things before.

But today, she changed her mind!

By some strange coincidence, Tiamat used the Dragon Crystal to lock the Lord of the Black Nest, and then she discovered that the Lord of the Black Nest was actually advancing!

Inheritance advancement is extremely important for a giant dragon.

Since this black dragon cannot be killed.

Then... just disturb his inheritance ceremony!

At this thought, Tiamat raised her sexy red lips and raised a cold smile.

However, when she used the power of the Dragon Mother to enter the inheritance space of the Lord of the Black Nest, she was dumbfounded. She saw that there was only a purple crystal canyon in the inheritance space, and there was nothing else, and the Lord of the Black Nest was lying there. He slept soundly in the middle of the crystal canyon, absorbing the energy from the surrounding purple crystals.

Tiamat looked confused.

This is different than expected.

Aren't normal dragons immersed in the study of dragon language magic when they pass on? What about the Dragon Vein Library? Why didn't it show up? Could it be that the master of the Black Nest is a magical Muggle and a useless dragon?

Just at this time.

Su Nian, who was obsessed with absorbing energy, immediately woke up.

He felt a sense of voyeurism.

The moment he opened his eyes, he saw Tiamat's transformed human form standing on a crystal cliff in the distance with a dull expression.

Why is Tiamat here?

This question just flashed through my mind.

The next second, Su Nian opened his dragon wings and rushed towards Tiamat. His body was still huge even within the inheritance space. The moment he accelerated with all his strength, a terrifying explosion sounded in the air.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the black dragon appeared in front of Tiamat.

He raised his head and raised his chest, and the molten flame circuit on his chest bloomed with dazzling red light. The scorching radiation quickly melted the surrounding crystals!


Just before Tiamat could react.

The blazing dragon's breath had already fallen from the sky, filling all her vision like a cloud of fire. The flames were wrapped in a hurricane, and even though it had not yet arrived, it had already ignited her beautiful five-color dress.

"Breaking the mysterious ice of the sea!"

Facing the hurricane of flames.

Tiamat was frightened and angry. She raised her arm and turned into a dragon claw and swung downwards. The blue glacier split the fire cloud like a sharp sword.


Water vapor is steaming up in this inheritance space, filling the air wantonly, and only a huge black shadow can be vaguely seen swaying in it for thousands of miles.

The Lord of the Black Nest doesn't play by the rules at all.

When they meet, they start fighting without saying a word.

Tiamat had never seen anything done like this.

"Uninvited guest, die!"

The black dragon's ferocious smile echoed in the air.

The next moment, a sonic boom also exploded at the same time.


The entire inheritance space trembled for a moment.

Tiamat's eyes popped out, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from her mouth. Only her abdomen was visible, and the dark dragon tail flashed away along with the exploding space.

Time seemed to stop at this moment.

You can clearly see the whole process of Tiamat's face changing from normal to pale to livid.

Then he was whipped out hard.

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