This blow did not cause Tiamat any injuries, but her face was completely lost. In the inheritance space, both sides were in a state of soul power. As a lower-level god, Tiamat's soul power was naturally very powerful. Su Nian was After exploding her tail, she immediately formed a new body again.

However, this is the home ground of the Lord of the Black Nest after all.

It stands to reason that when Tiamat found that she could no longer disturb the inheritance of the Lord of the Black Nest, what Tiamat should do was to retreat strategically, but her pride as a dragon mother did not allow her to do so. She could not forgive herself for being a shrinking head. turtle!

The five-color dragon head raised its head and roared.

Tiamat takes on the form of a true dragon.

This time she planned to have a good fight with Su Nian.

Before, the incarnation was weak and caught off guard.

Things are different now, she is fully prepared!

"Oh! Who did I think it was? It turned out to be our respected Crown Prince Tiama. That incident just now was just an accident~"

Su Nian poked his head out of the steam, and the ferocious dragon head shook. The blazing sun-like eyes emitted terrifying heat and reflected on the dragon mother. His body was bigger than the dragon mother, and the pitch-black scales looked as if they had been polished. Obsidian, each scale has fine spiderweb-like lines. Within these lines, you can see hair-like golden threads and creeping molten flames. When he moves his body, the gaps in the scales also rise. Sparks and hot steam.

His advancement has been mostly completed.

Although the body size has not increased much, the scales and physical strength of the body have once again made a leap.

This kind of leap is based on the transformation of the system. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary dragons to receive such treatment, because the energy of the inheritance space is simply not enough to promote such a powerful mutant dragon.

But Su Nian is different. This purple crystal space is the advanced gift prepared by Shenglong for him. The energy of the purple crystal can be absorbed at will, which can fully support his evolution. There is no need to spend system points to let the system help make up for it.

Tiamat obviously noticed this too.

She couldn't believe it at first, but after absorbing a little bit of the energy in the amethyst, her eyes widened.

"It's actually the power of the Holy Dragon! Why?"

The five dragon heads howled almost crazily, "Why would His Majesty the Holy Dragon Crown give you the Holy Land Advancement! Why?! You are just a mutant black dragon, and I, I did it for the five-color dragon clan So many, even the five-color dragon mother has only enjoyed the Holy Land advancement once... Damn it!"

Holy Land Advancement.

That is an advancement method that all dragons, including metal dragons, are envious of.

Legend has it that the dragons who can be granted the Holy Land Advancement either have made great contributions to the Dragon Clan or have outstanding talents. However, even in terms of talent, the youngest dragon who has been granted the Holy Land Advancement is already in the demigod stage. Get this opportunity.

When the Holy Land advances, the selected dragon will be pulled into the realm under the Holy Dragon Crown. According to the rewards from the Holy Dragon Crown, the selected dragon will receive Holy Land realms of different sizes.

In the holy land realm, the dragon will rely on the power of the holy dragon to advance perfectly.

The so-called perfect advancement is to make the advanced dragon grow to a perfect stage both physically and magically. It will not be like other dragons that are so hungry after advanced that their chest touches their back and become a giant dragon. "Skeleton Dragon".

What lies before Tiamat now is a sanctuary the size of a valley.

This was the first time she had seen such a large area of ​​sanctuary.

the most important is.

What is the strength of the Lord of the Black Nest?

It is just a giant dragon that has been promoted from the seventh level to the eighth level!

Why can I enjoy the sanctuary given by the Holy Dragon? !

"So this is the advancement of the Holy Domain?"

Su Nian pretended not to know anything, clasped his buttocks and looked extremely annoyed: "Damn it, it turns out this is the legendary advancement of the holy realm. I fell asleep for four or five hours after I came in. Well, wouldn’t this be a waste?”

Tiamat's pupils shrank.

Jealousy filled her five taps almost instantly.

How could the other party use such precious time to sleep? !

How can you bear this? !

Tiamat flicked her dragon head, and five dragon breaths pierced the sky and shot towards the Lord of the Black Nest. At the same time, the power of the soul turned into a silver chain and climbed up the body of the Lord of the Black Nest, making it possible for the Lord of the Black Nest to escape. blockade.

But Su Nian never thought about escaping.

Tiamat must have bad intentions.

Moreover, this is an advanced space, and there is definitely no place to escape.

"Isn't it just fighting dragon breath? Come on, try it!"

Su Nian soared into the sky in response to Tiamat's dragon breath. The huge dragon wings were fully spread out to both sides. The scales on his neck stood up as his throat swelled, and the light of molten flames flashed underneath. The moment he opened his mouth, his head was completely enveloped in red light, and the hot dragon's breath spiraled like a sharp sword as Su Nian lowered his head and slashed towards Tiamat from top to bottom. The outer ring of the fire pillar was so red that it turned black. The color became more intense as it got closer to the center, until it turned into an extremely dazzling white. Only creatures destroyed by the dragon's breath could know the terrifying temperature of this fire pillar.

The dragon's breath stirred up a violent hot wind.

The top was like a meteorite falling towards Tiamat.

At the same time, the five dragon breaths also collided with the red pillar of fire.


The violent explosion seemed to blow up the entire sanctuary.

There is no doubt about the attack power of Su Nian's dragon breath. Even if the power of the soul is very different, it is still in a stalemate with the dragon mother's dragon breath for a long time. But God is a god. Even if mortals have divinity, there is still an insurmountable gap with the gods.

Therefore, there was no stalemate for too long.

The dragon's breath that Su Nian breathed out was pushed back.

The exploding breath of five-color elements covered Su Nian's soul, and along with a violent explosion, the Lord of the Black Nest was injured for the first time since his birth. After the smoke and dust dissipated, his body was no longer as huge as before. , looking slightly depressed.

Tiamat, on the other hand, looked embarrassed.

There is quite a feeling of being out of breath.

"Sunian Watruss, now do you know the gap between you and me? I admit that you are a very talented black dragon, but you still need to maintain due respect for me, the mother of dragons!"

Tiamat raised her chin haughtily.

"Now you have two choices. The first choice: become my dependent and believer and be loyal to me; the second choice, I will destroy your inheritance advancement. If the inheritance advancement is destroyed, what will you lose? Just imagine.”

Su Nian tilted his head and looked at Tiamat.

In terms of soul, he couldn't defeat Tiamat, which was normal.

But he had already learned all the things that the dragon clan could learn in the last advancement. He had also absorbed all the energy that could be absorbed by this advancement. He really didn't know what kind of losses he would suffer.

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