"Stop dreaming, Tiamat."

Su Nian said nonchalantly: "It is impossible for me to believe in an old, stupid, and ugly dragon, let alone become your dependent!"

"What did you say??!"

Tiamat was so furious that her nose was crooked with anger.

"You said I'm old and ugly?"

"And stupid." Su Nian quickly added, fearing that Tiamat wouldn't be able to recognize him.

To be honest, he had no direct enmity with the Mother of Five Colored Dragons, and Tiamat had never caused any trouble for him.

However, there are no direct contradictions but indirect contradictions.

Because the rule of throwing dragon beasts and deformed baby dragons out of the dragon's nest was set by Tiamat.

It is said to be for the so-called absolute elitism of the five-color evil dragon species.

There are no such rules for metal dragons. As long as the dragon is born normally, regardless of whether it has a brain or not, whether it is deformed or not, it will receive good care.

Brainless dragon beasts will be sent to guard the outer Dragon Island and become the first line of defense for the enemy to attack the Dragon Island.

The deformed dragons will be raised and treated normally.

The Metal Dragon God Bahamut believes that even a strange-looking giant dragon, as long as it is a metal dragon, is part of the metal dragon family. It may be discriminated against in finding a mate, but in terms of combat effectiveness, these deformed metal dragons Dragons will receive equal treatment like normal metal dragons. They can also have titles based on their strength and gain their own power and status.

In fact, there is no absolute elite nature of any species.

It is barely understandable to exclude dragon beasts, but deformed dragons can also give birth to normal offspring.

This is Tiamat's naked discrimination against the deformed dragon, and it is also a way to protect his own face.

So she didn't hesitate to kill all the deformed dragons with one stick.

The old Watrous suffered greatly from this, and was pushed out of the nest by the Dragon Mother just after he was born.

After the soul fusion of one person and one dragon, Su Nian took the lead, but he still remembered these, so he didn't have any good impression of Tiamat.

Apart from this, Tiamat has not done anything particularly useful to the five-color evil dragon race.

She will only sit in her temple, and once she discovers a talented five-color evil dragon, she will find a way to take them as her dependents. If there is no way to take them as her dependents, she will use some despicable means to kill these five-color dragons. Kill her to consolidate her status as the mother of dragons.

There are countless five-color dragons and metal dragons killed by Tiamat today.

If it weren't for his correct political stance, he would always support the God Realm.

Some of her actions could actually be classified as evil.

Listening to Su Nian's ridicule, Tiamat suddenly became less angry.

The five dragon heads looked down at Su Nian, with cold emotions in their eyes, causing the surrounding air pressure to gradually decrease.

"Watruss, it seems you don't know what kind of crisis you are facing!"

"Now if I completely severely injure your soul, your advancement will fail. You will sleep for a long time until the power of your soul is restored before you can proceed to the next advancement. When you don't have so much time to spend here."

Among the five dragon heads, the red dragon head raised the corners of his mouth and sneered:

"I have sent the Five-Colored Evil Dragon Clan Chief to attack your Black Nest Empire. How long can your Black Nest Empire last without your help? I'm really looking forward to it~ I heard that you also have a sub-elf queen. She really enjoys it. It just so happens that , we five-color evil dragons are also more interested in sub-elves~ Those five clan leaders are all male giant dragons, powerful and full of blood!"

"You threaten me?"

Su Nian's eyes also became cold.

He is not afraid of the leader of the five-color evil dragon at all. A group of legendaries cannot enter the immortal shield at all.

But Tiamat threatening him with Anna was something he couldn't bear.

"That's right, I'm threatening you. How about you, do you want to become my dependent?"

Tiamat licked the corners of her mouth, gently touched Su Nian's chest with her dragon claws, and said seductively:

"Can a big-ass sub-elf really satisfy you as a giant dragon? You have to know that only between giant dragons can a perfect and elegant legendary creature-dragon be born!

It cannot be compared with any other living being. Whatever is born will be defective.

How about it, are you interested in becoming my dependent?

I can give you the permission to mate with me ten times every month~"

In the eyes of other five-color evil dragons, Tiamat is undoubtedly so beautiful.

She can perfectly match the aesthetics of any of the five-color dragons, and she can switch between the five-color dragons at will. Even if some five-color dragons like weird things, she can also become half red dragon, half black dragon, or three or four. The mixed form of the medium color dragon fully satisfies any fantasy of the male dragon.

The temptation to have the authority to mate with the dragon mother ten times a month is not a big one.

The Dragon Mother is a god, and even if she only descends into an avatar to mate with a giant dragon, the dragon will benefit a lot.

However, faced with such temptation, Su Nian's answer was to slap Tiamat in the face with a mouthful of hot radiation dragon breath.

"You've completely pissed me off!"

Tiamat used the power of her soul to completely suppress Su Nian. Her dragon head was shattered by the dragon's breath, but it immediately grew back, with her broken head and jaw opening and closing. The scene was extremely horrifying, and it also set off her soul. The power is great.

"Now, I want to completely destroy your soul. You can sleep well in this holy realm and repent!"

"Oh, by the way, your body will be brought back by the clan leaders. At that time, I will ask them to sacrifice you to my kingdom of God. Then... I will play with you again!"

Tiamat had no intention of killing Sunian.

After all, Su Nian had some background and had the blood of the Holy Dragon.

Even if the holy dragon knew about it, he wouldn't say anything, but killing him directly would be too much.

Tiamat has killed many five-color dragons, many of them owners of the holy dragon bloodline, and she has also killed the King of Winter, so she knows very well where the speed lies.

Su Nian just looked at Tiamat coldly, not panicking at all.

Tiamat feels that his legacy has only just begun.

In fact, his inheritance has ended and he can withdraw from the inheritance space at any time.

Just when Tiamat gathered the dragon's breath in her mouth, preparing to turn the soul of the Lord of the Black Nest in front of her into ashes.

The mighty dragon mother suddenly paused, then her dragon eyes shrank, the breath accumulated in her mouth suddenly extinguished, and her whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

Because she saw a majestic pink dragon reflected in the crystal facing her.

At this moment, the pink giant dragon was looking at her with cold eyes.

A faint murderous intention has locked onto her.

This murderous intention came from behind, but Tiamat did not dare to look back.

She just trembled and knelt on the ground, buried the five dragon heads into the crystal pile, and made a dull and frightened cry for mercy:

"Your Majesty the Holy Dragon Crown, please listen to my explanation..."

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