Su Nian snorted coldly and was too lazy to pay attention to the cowardly look of the red dragon chief. He swallowed the hearts of the blue dragon and the black dragon alive in front of Bastian. The heart of the blue dragon made the [Demon Dragon Bloodline] technology upgrade. By lv9, the heart of the black dragon becomes the last shot.

[Devil Dragon Bloodline lv10]

Characteristic 1: The purity of the dragon blood of all monsters under his command increases to 50%.

Feature 2: Lord of the Dragon Nest - You will own a dragon nest. You only need to invest system points to hatch dragons. The types of dragons hatched are mainly the black nest empire dragon types. The hatched dragons respect you as the dragon nest. Lord, and provide you with the strength of faith.

Feature 3: Dragon Nest Settlement - Recruiting dragons and letting them settle in dragon nests can reduce the cost of hatching dragons.

[Tip: By devouring the dragon heart of the four-headed dragon patriarch, you deprived Tiamat of some of her divinity... Your legend has increased, and the current legend is: World Destruction]

[World-destroying legendary effect:

Legendary creatures are also willing to join your command, but their camp is biased toward evil. The hatred of the righteous forces towards you has increased, and you have been regarded as a demon god from hell! 】


Su Nian stared.

Judging from the meaning of the system, he is trying to destroy Tiamat's status as a god this time. But there is one thing to say: Tiamat, the dragon god, really has no sense of existence. He does nothing all day long, which is not the case. She never misses any good things.

This kind of bastard can become a dragon god.

Then he can do the same thing as the black dragon!

"Um...Your Majesty Watrous, do you have any instructions?"

Bastian saw the Lord of the Black Nest frowning and squeezing his butt. He couldn't help it any longer, so he asked. It wasn't that he was impatient, it was mainly because the bodies of the four dragon chiefs were there. Heaped up on one side, he felt terrified.

"Oh, I forgot about you!"

The red dragon chief's mouth twitched when he heard this.

How humble he is!

It would be a good thing if the Lord of the Black Nest could really forget about him.

Su Nian came back to his senses and looked Bastian up and down. Compared to the ordinary red dragon, Bastian was undoubtedly more powerful and majestic. Coupled with his legendary strength, his long lifespan left an aura on him. With a sense of history, such a giant dragon must be very popular when used to pull a cart.

"Hand over your dragon soul and make a contract with me. From today on, you will be my little brother!"

Bastian hesitated when he heard this.

It's not that he was unwilling, it was really hard to express. Seeing the Lord of the Black Nest's eyes gradually becoming less friendly, he could only take a deep breath and said helplessly: "Your Majesty Watrous, it's not that I don't want to make a contract. , In fact, I have been contracted by the Dragon Mother. If I offer the dragon soul now, it will definitely attract the Dragon Mother’s attention. When the time comes..."

"You're afraid of a ball!"

Su Nian interrupted Bastian and said unceremoniously:

"Isn't it just a female dragon?

Do you think I've ever been afraid? !

If you are asked to make a contract, you will make a contract. Why is there so much nonsense? Hurry up! "

Bastian glanced blankly at the confident Lord of the Black Nest, and after a brain storm, he finally offered his dragon soul.

He didn't get any benefits from following Tiamat. Now it's almost the same with the Lord of the Black Nest. Who wouldn't he follow?

And looking at the potential of the Lord of the Black Nest, Yamat may not be able to be replaced in the future.

At that time, he will have the power of Conglong!

After cleaning up these free dragons, Su Nian returned to the court with his troops.

What surprised him was that Bastian also learned the art of transformation.

In his human form, he is an old man with red hair and a solemn appearance. He can seamlessly appear as the king of any empire, and he even looks more majestic than King Leighton.

But now this old man is following him with a flattering look on his face, looking a bit disobedient, like a grandson.

"Brother, it's something serious!"

As soon as he returned to the city wall, a delicate and soft body fell into his arms.

Anna raised her pretty face, looking a little confused and anxious. She couldn't help but pull Su Nian to the bottom of the city wall. Several giant dragons had fought before, and the monsters had all hid under the city wall. Before she saw those monsters, Su Nian had already A roar of excitement was heard.

While walking, Anna explained in a panic:

"Brother, I don't know what's going on with these monsters. They all act like crazy. Their bodies have grown a few times, and their appearance has mutated. I can hardly recognize Bugs Bunny... Have they been hit by something? Curse? Overdrawn body potential or something? Can it still be saved?"

Su Nian was confused when he heard this.

It's not the transformation of the confused monster.

Mainly why does Anna have so many strange thoughts?

Before he could ask, Anna herself explained the reason.

"I recently got a few books from Sister Salister. There are many legends and stories written in this way. After being cursed by the devil, they will turn into various strange shapes. They have indeed gained powerful power, but their souls Also betrayed to the devil..."

"Uh..." Su Nian twitched the corner of his mouth when he heard this, touched Anna's furry little head, and said in a warm voice: "In the future, read less of those messy things written by bards. Many of them have no reference value. These monsters The changes were caused by me.”

"Oh? So he's my brother?"

Anna breathed a sigh of relief.

The main reason is that usually when Su Nian advances or something happens to her body, her power will increase, and so will the monsters. This time, only the monsters' strength increased, making her a little unsure of the situation.

In fact, it's because Anna's blood purity has reached 100%, so the [Dragon's Blood] technology is effectively ineffective for her.

While talking, the three of them had arrived inside the Great Wall Fortress.

Walk down a long corridor.

Turn another corner.

Su Nian finally saw the two fire rabbits guarding the door.

However, except for the fact that their heads can be identified as rabbits, these two fire rabbits have completely lost their rabbit characteristics.

There are many dragon claws, dragon tails, dragon scales, and dragon wings. The two rabbit ears are surrounded by curved horns surrounding the forehead, which looks like a crown.

"His Majesty!"

Two fifteen-meter-tall fire rabbits knelt on one knee.

There was a jolt from the impact of the knee and the ground.

They saluted Su Nian and spoke clearly.

It can be seen that the improvement in the purity of dragon blood not only increases their strength, but also improves their intelligence. From a confused fire rabbit to the current half-dragon creature, it can be regarded as the creation of these fire rabbits.

"Get up, where are Bugs Bunny and the others?"

Su Nian stared at these two ordinary fire rabbits.

Level 61, seventh-level creature.

Only one level lower than him.

The improvement of dragon blood is obvious!


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