"Your Majesty, the leaders are waiting for your orders inside!"

Su Nian nodded and walked in with Anna and Bastian.

I saw that the hall, which was the size of more than ten football fields put together, was filled with majestic monsters.

The shortest among them was ten meters tall, and his muscles were like balloons covered with pitch-black scales. A pair of scarlet eyes looked over, feeling full of oppression. At the same time, they were also oppressed by something as cold and violent as the waves. Longwei.

Accompanied by a "click, click, click" sound.

It can be clearly seen that there is a layer of frost on the obsidian floor at the entrance of the hall.

Each of these monsters originally had a ferocious appearance, and they were in various careless poses.

But when they saw Su Nian standing at the door, they all immediately put away their ferocious looks and showed respectful and flattering expressions like a group of pugs.

In less than five seconds, they had formed a neat square formation amid a "rumbling", waiting for the emperor's inspection.

Standing at the front of the team were the leaders of the monsters.

Brother Chicken, the leader of the snake-chicken beasts who once had the lowest sense of existence, has completely changed his appearance.

Now it is no exaggeration to say that it is a dragon beast.

Level 69, with a pair of dragon wings spread out over two hundred meters in wingspan, it has become the largest monster among monsters. Unless you look carefully, it is difficult to find the characteristics of a snake-cockmon on its body.

Big Gray Wolf, Bugs Bunny and Polikri are all similar. Since their original monster bloodlines have been completely suppressed by dragon blood, and are now dominated by dragon blood, their strength is roughly between level 67 and level 69.

The transformation of the dragon's blood also made them each about thirty meters in size. They still hold the original weapons in their hands, which are only seven or eight meters long axes and sharp swords.

It seems a bit nondescript.

"I'll be a good boy..."

Bastian's entire dragon was stunned.

Holy Dragon, come on, look what he saw?

Tens of thousands of half-dragon creatures!

How could there be so many half-dragon creatures? !

He could clearly feel that the dragon vein aura on these half-dragon monsters was closely connected with the Lord of the Black Nest.

In other words, these monsters were cultivated by the Lord of the Black Nest. However, with such a high bloodline purity, even if these monsters were fed dragon blood every day since they were born, they would not be able to reach this level.

How did the Lord of the Black Nest do it?

Bastian couldn't help but glance at Su Nian secretly.

At this moment, the Lord of the Black Nest is wearing black armor, with a majestic face, standing majestically in front of the monster army, exuding a pressure as deep as a prison.

Although his strength is two levels higher than that of the Lord of the Black Nest.

But Bastian still felt a sense of awe for the unknown.

No matter what mysterious method is used, even if the Lord of the Black Nest really starts feeding these monsters from the cub stage, it is enough to show the terror of the Lord of the Black Nest, at least he is cruel enough to himself.

Generally speaking, if you encounter such a ruthless dragon, you either don't mess with it, or you just kill it and eradicate it.

"Your Majesty, thanks to your blessing, we have become stronger again!"

Big Big Wolf lowered his head respectfully.

While their hearts were surging, they could not help but feel a little ashamed. They had seen the previous battle outside the Great Wall. His Majesty single-handedly challenged five giant dragon clan leaders, including four legendary ones. When they saw this lineup, they were really worried. Your Majesty was sweating, but the result was that your Majesty easily defeated the five-headed dragon clan leader.

They are proud of His Majesty's strength.

But at the same time, Big Big Wolf also began to reflect on himself.

Why is His Majesty so powerful that he still takes them to huddle in the desperate Great Wall and be beaten passively? After the battle between the human coalition forces, the Big Gray Wolf deeply felt its own shortcomings. Their help to His Majesty was not even as good as those flesh-and-blood creatures.

It finally understood the answer to this question.

It's because they are too weak!

If we fight out, it will only drag His Majesty back.

Your Majesty couldn't bear to see them all die at the hands of the human coalition, so he hid in the Great Wall in a desperate situation.

ah! These monsters have been growing up under His Majesty's protection. Your Majesty has never disliked the inferior blood of these monsters, but cultivated them carefully. But now they have made Your Majesty feel so wronged.

What a grave sin this is! !

They are nothing but rubbish!

Thinking of this, Big Big Wolf couldn't help but shed tears of regret.

Su Nian looked at Big Big Wolf inexplicably.

At this moment, the monster leader was covering his face and crying bitterly, with a meter-long snot hanging from his two huge nostrils.

The same goes for Bugs Bunny and the kobold chief Polycri, each crying more miserably than the other.

This made Su Nian even more strange.

Shouldn't we be happy that we have become stronger?

He couldn't help but activate the neural network to listen to Big Wolf's thoughts. Normally he would not do this. The neural network was always in a blocked state, otherwise just listening to the voices of these monsters every day would drive him crazy.

At this moment, Hui Tailang was connected to Hui Tailang, and he could only hear Hui Tailang thinking:

【……ah! Our current strength is only due to His Majesty Watrous. His Majesty Watrous has paid too much for us. We must repay His Majesty's kindness with blood and sweat! 】

Su Nian: (゚⊿゚)ツ? ?

He also inquired about the kobold Polikri and Bugs Bunny, and got similar results.

He was sure that these monster leaders must have talked about something in this hall before and reached some consensus.

Before he could ask a question.

Big Big Wolf had already taken the lead and said:

"Your Majesty, now that the Black Nest Empire has fully fledged, you cannot protect us for the rest of our lives. Please let us work hard to contribute to your dominance of the continent!"

The words just fell.

The other monster leaders suddenly stamped their feet and roared to the sky: "I am willing to die for your majesty!!"


The monster soldiers behind them raised weapons that were much smaller than them and roared together. The scene was both joyful and exciting.

"I am willing to die for Your Majesty!!!"

The roar of the monster leader was like a wave, each one louder than the last, and each one more determined than the last.

The roars of the monsters behind him became more and more orderly.

Its momentum is shocking, and its energy is soaring into the sky!

Even the legendary Bastian was forced to take a step back by the fierce aura that came towards him.

He was amazed at the unity of the monsters and the boldness of the Lord of the Black Nest.

It turns out that the Lord of the Black Nest wants to plot the world! !

What a great goal.

I think when he was just a young dragon, he had the idea of ​​ruling the world, but the fact is that humans are indeed afraid of dragons, but invading the human empire is not an easy task. All the gods in the sky are watching!

Once any human empire is on the verge of extinction, gods will naturally intervene.

No one is allowed to touch this cake of faith.

Tiamat and Bahamut's status in the God Realm is not high, they are just small characters who watch the gods' faces.

He wanted to remind Su Nian out loud.

To rule the world means to be enemies of all the gods.

But when the words reached his lips, he swallowed them again.

He felt ashamed.

Is the Lord of the Black Nest timid about the things he is timid about?

He didn't see a trace of fear in the black dragon's eyes.

But in fact.

Su Nian was not prepared either.

But now looking at the high-spirited appearance of all the monsters, it was really hard for him to say anything discouraging.

Finally, the Black Dragon Emperor took a deep breath.

He made a declaration that would shake the entire continent from now on.

"Okay! I will take you to conquer the world!"

Wherever natural disasters pass, they are all my king’s land!

I am the catastrophe! ! "

Families take a gift walk. It is said that giving gifts to penguins will make them grow longer! !

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