Just when Su Nian was stationed at the Great Wall in desperate situation——

Li Chen has been in the Black Nest Empire for two days.

What he experienced in the past two days really overturned his cognition.

First of all, there lived a player from the Han Country opposite him. The player from the Cold Country was named Jin Da Ri. It was said that he had been following the Black Dragon for three months. After learning about this, he went to find Jin Da Ri as soon as possible. day, and expressed strong condemnation of Kim Dae-il’s rape behavior.

However, the result was that he was beaten violently by Jin Dae-il and tied to a chair.

Next, Jin Dae-il performed his depraved life for Li Chen.

The pretty cook brought a table full of good wine and food, and a pretty drow maid fed Jin Da Ri while he was eating.

There is food on the left, wine on the right, a shoulder squeeze on the back, and a big sword under the table.

After eating, Jin Da Ri had sex with four or five drow elves in front of Li Chen. When he was tired, he took a bottle of energy potion bought from the Black Nest Empire pharmacy merchant, and then continued to have sex until It didn't stop until dawn the next morning.

Jin Da Ri paid the money, and the drow left.

They are actually part-time workers and have a full daily workload.

However, there will be some preferential policies for old customers like Jin Daeil.

"As you can see, all of this was given to me by the Black Nest Empire."

After finishing the work, Jin Da Ri sat leisurely opposite Li Chen, crossed his legs and said with a smile:

"You have to remember Li Chen, we are invaders. To this world, we are a virus and a disaster, so the indigenous people of this world cannot deal with us too much.

It was a miracle that they accepted us.

For example, right now, I work hard for His Majesty Watrous, and His Majesty Watrous also gives me very high treatment.

Isn't it a comfortable life? "

Facing Jin Dae Ri's soul torture, Li Chen, who had been hard all night, just snorted coldly.

"But have you ever thought about what will happen to our world if we lose this war??"

"I have thought about it." Jin Dairi spread his hands and said very calmly:

"But this matter has nothing to do with this world. What we should really hate should be the person who sent us here, the Supreme Will. Our world and the world of His Majesty the Black Dragon are both innocent. You can't do it because of you Afraid of the power of the Supreme Will, I vent all my hatred and anger on this innocent world."

The player from the cold country raised his wine glass and shook it gently. The mellow aroma of the red wine wafted out in the ripples of the wine.

Seeing that the number one player in China was silent, he continued:

"I heard that your identity as a hero has been taken back. Now you are just an ordinary player, and you have been imprisoned by His Majesty Watrous. As such a pitiful bastard, you cannot contact the outside world, and there is no need to continue to fight for your country. If you are working hard, why not calm down and experience life in the Black Nest Empire."

He walked to Li Chen's side and carried Li Chen to the window.

The dusk was getting darker outside, and a row of winterbirds were circling and flying by. It was the busiest time of the day for everyone.

The merchant ship with gray smoke stopped in front of the pier, and workers boarded the ship one after another to carry items amidst the shouts of the merchants, and there were monsters among them; the hunters who went out to hunt had returned, in small groups, carrying goods on their backs. They carried various prey on their backs, which together were not as big as the wild boar on the back of a fire rabbit next to them. Their laughter mixed with the wind and the aroma of vegetables sold for lunch on the roadside, and poured into Li Chen's nostrils together; the balcony next door On the bed, a girl was collecting clothes. From the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the tied up Li Chen and Jin Dae-il with a lewd smile. She couldn't help but cast curious glances. Perhaps she was guessing that Jin Dae-ri and Li Chen had a strange relationship. The girl's face Shang suddenly showed a look of disgust.

"Selena, you are beautiful today too~"

Jin Dae-ri whistled frivolously at the girl and waved vigorously.


The girl's face turned red and she made a retching face.

Then he quickly collected his clothes and returned to the house without looking back.

Tranquility, peace.

These words can be used to describe this city ruled by the black dragon.

Li Chen had never looked at this city so seriously.

Before that, he had been living in self-blame and prejudice.

He thought he was reckless, so he was captured by the black dragon.

Regret for his arrogance, which ultimately led to him losing his identity as a hero.

And he radically believes that in a place ruled by monsters, humans must live in dire straits.

However, what he saw was undoubtedly a loud slap in the face.

At the same time, it also made Li Chen unbelievable.

"How can it be......"

His eyes widened, feeling that everything he saw was like a dream!

"Nothing is impossible~"

Jin Dae-ri took a deep breath. The fresh air made him feel relaxed and happy, and he couldn't help but show a touch of satisfaction on his face:

"Li Chen, put aside your prejudice and arrogance, and feel everything here with your heart. Maybe you won't like the Black Nest Empire, but if you still have a conscience, you will never want to break the beauty here...

Oh~ I heard that you still owe 200,000 yuan in loan, why not start by finding a job?

Both monsters and humans in this city have their own jobs, maybe your coworker is a monster~"


Li Chen didn't believe in evil. He still didn't believe that the Black Dragon Empire was really so peaceful and beautiful.

There must be some dark evil hiding in the light.

In order to maintain the beliefs and three views in my heart.

He decided to follow what Jin Dae-il said and find a job first.

Li Chen's first job was as a sentry at the Fire Rabbit Camp.


You heard that right!

The Fire Rabbit's military camp needs humans as sentinels.

But his job actually has nothing to do with security, it's mainly about sentry duty.

As for why he was standing sentry, Commander Blaze Rabbit did not explain to him. He just said that if he saw well-dressed human male nobles, he would inform them in time.

The Fire Rabbit seems to be very aware that the player has the ability to identify, even nobles in disguise can see it.

On the first day of work, everything was uneventful, even a little boring.

He just experienced the lunch and dinner of Fire Rabbit.

Although they are all vegetarian, they taste very good.

It wasn't until the next day that things took a slight turn - two human ladies came to the Fire Rabbit Camp.

They were holding a basket of carrots in their hands. One of them was a gorgeous young woman in her 30s who was dressed luxuriously. The other was slightly younger and was wearing a smart maid skirt.

These two women have one thing in common.

That is, she is dressed up, with a pretty face flushed, and her eyes are full of longing when she looks at the Fire Rabbit military camp.

Li Chen's heart tightened, secretly thinking that something big was coming!

Could it be that these fire rabbits appear to be vegetarians but are actually cannibals?

The two ladies, holding carrots in their hands, were obviously here to deliver food to the Fire Rabbit.

But Li Chen knew very well that Fire Rabbits don't eat carrots at all, they only eat potatoes!

So he had reason to speculate that the two ladies were deceived.

In this case, as a member of the human race, he has to save the two ladies from danger!

When these thoughts came to mind, a Fire Rabbit officer had already come out to greet him.

A dissolute smile appeared on the face of the ferocious rabbit:

"Ms. Rachel, welcome to the Fire Rabbit Camp. Are you also here to deliver food to our little rabbit today?"

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