In Li Chen's strange and probing eyes.

The young woman blushed like a little girl. She first looked around to make sure there was no suspicious person, then she moved closer, stretched out her small fist and lightly hammered the Fire Rabbit Warlord's strong shoulder, biting her red lips. muttered:

"Diaoyou, small rabbits can be eaten, and big rabbits can also be eaten~"

After hearing this, the Fire Rabbit Warlord immediately showed an ambiguous and sinister smile, and then skillfully helped the two ladies to walk to the military camp.

At the same time, he gave Li Chen a sentry look.

Li Chen looked calm on the surface, but in fact, what he was thinking in his heart was that if he kept a good lookout, there would be trouble.

Today he must expose the hideousness of these fire rabbits! !

With such a great idea, he silently paid attention to the direction in which the Fire Rabbit Warlord and the two ladies disappeared, and then followed them quietly.

Perhaps because it was in the core area of ​​the empire and the monsters were powerful, the defensive force of the Fire Rabbit Barracks was very weak, even worse than a street outside. This allowed Li Chen to sneak into the core of the barracks without anyone noticing.

Then he watched the two ladies and a group of big and round fire rabbits enter a luxurious military tent.

"It's about to begin!"

Li Chen looked solemn, with a coldness in his eyes.

Although all of his communication functions are disabled, the shooting and video functions are still intact.

Today he is going to record everything he sees, and then he will slap Jin Dae Il in the face first to see if he can instigate rebellion against Jin Dae Il, and then he will tell the world and ruin the reputation of the Lord of the Black Nest!

Two steps at a time, one step at a time is the pace of minions, the pace of the devil.

Rub rub rub rub rub on this smooth ground...

Li Chen muttered about skateboard shoes and squirmed like a snail to the vicinity of the military tent.

There was only a conversation coming from the military tent.

"Sir, we haven't been here for a long time. We won't be able to bear it if we don't come~

You don’t know, the one I have at home is fast and small, but the key is that it’s not gentle at all, it’s rough and tight! Unlike you, you are gentle to us~"

Li Chen:? ? ?

Why does something sound wrong? !

Listen again.

This time it was the voice of a Fire Rabbit——

"Madam, we understand your difficulties, but if you have nothing to do, please don't run to our military camp. The behavior of you and your maid is actually incompatible with the Empire's Marriage Protection Law. If your Majesty or your husband discovers it, we will be punished by cleaning the toilet. , we also need to pay compensation to your husband. Besides, we don’t want to destroy your family..."

Li Chen was even more confused.

What is this all about? ?

What is the Defense of Marriage Act?

Why is this Fire Rabbit's cannibalism involved in the Marriage and Family Protection Act? !

Just listen to the young woman's resentful voice coming from the military tent:

"Oh~ We all know, but I just can't forget you big rabbits. How about I divorce my husband~ I still like capable and gentle males~"

"Thank you madam for your love. We became like this mainly because of His Majesty's reinforcement, hehehe~"

"Okay, okay, good times are short, let's get started. My husband and his brother went hunting and won't be back for three days. Let's have fun together these days~"

Afterwards, the sounds coming from the military tent became increasingly difficult to hear.

Li Chen couldn't help the confusion and curiosity in his heart, and gently opened a crack in the military tent and looked inside.

Then I saw an epic blockbuster and heard 3D surround top sound effects.

The oncoming violent aesthetics and visual impact are all restricted!


Li Chen was stunned and couldn't help but exclaimed.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred. The Fire Rabbits who were busy and watching the battle roared one after another, and then their bodies quickly expanded to five meters, seven meters, eight meters, and they could not stop until they reached a height of fifteen meters. , accompanied by the exclamations of the women in the tent, the military tent was directly penetrated by the violent Fire Rabbit.


Several fire rabbits raised their heads and roared.


"Full of power!"

"This is your Majesty's gift!!"

They knelt down in the direction of the Great Wall of Despair, thanking the Lord of the Black Nest and the monster brothers who fought with the Lord of the Black Nest.

After they finished thanking him, their eyes immediately focused on Li Chen.

Since the tent had flown away, Li Chen naturally had nowhere to hide, and was instantly exposed to more than a dozen pairs of red rabbit eyes.

Being stared at by a dozen 15-meter-tall super monsters, one can imagine the oppressive feeling.

Moreover, these monsters still exude extremely terrifying power, and their appearance has become more like a dragon than a dragon. Except for a rabbit head, there are no features related to rabbits at all.

Li Chen only felt that his legs were weak and he was pressed to the ground with a pale face.

"There's someone peeping here!"

"Protect the privacy of the two ladies!"

Amidst the furious shouts of the fire rabbits, Li Chen watched them quickly form an airtight wall of rabbits to block the two human ladies from behind. He could only vaguely see the two ladies holding their thick rabbit legs. When they poked their heads here, they were not only not afraid, but even a little bit excited.

"It turns out it's you little bug!"

The Fire Rabbit Warlord walked up to Li Chen with a "dong dong dong" sound, stretched out his hand and lifted Li Chen up, just like an adult lifting a half-year-old child.

“First, leave your post without permission!

Second, peek into military secrets!

Third, invade other people’s privacy!

I declare that you are fired! From today on, no military camp in the royal city will hire you! "

After saying that, the Fire Rabbit Warlord didn't care whether Li Chen argued or not, he carried Li Chen and walked out of the military camp.

Li Chen's face turned pale, and he let the Fire Rabbit Warlord carry him in a daze.

The teasing voices of the two ladies could still be vaguely heard in my ears:

"Oh~ you have evolved again? You look stronger. I like it so much~"

"We were really scared to death just now. You suddenly became so big. We were really worried that we would be overwhelmed by you..."

Then a loud and silly laughter came:

"Hey hey hey, we have learned to control the size a long time ago, and we will never bring you an uncomfortable experience~"


Li Chen was kicked out of the military camp by the Fire Rabbit Warlord.

He was fired.

But he also deeply realized that humans and monsters in the Black Nest Empire did live in harmony, and there was absolutely no place where they could kill each other.

Because they don’t even care about reproductive isolation anymore! !

When he staggered back to his home in a daze, Kim Dae-il across the street happened to come out to take out the trash.

Seeing Li Chen's expression was so weird, the Han players couldn't help but say hello:

"Hey! Li Chen! How is your work today? Are the monster brothers very enthusiastic?"

Li Chen turned around like a puppet on strings and stared blankly at Jin Da Ri. His strange gaze made the players from the Han Country opposite him feel chills.

Finally, a strange smile appeared on Li Chen's lips.

Fuck justice!

Damn the Lord of the Black Hive, the Destroyer of Worlds!

Fucking fight for the world!

From today on, he will join the Black Nest Empire! !

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