"You want to join the Black Nest Empire!?"

Su Nian, who had returned to court, was sitting on the throne, looking confused at Li Chen who was kneeling respectfully below.

His eyes widened, and his paws clenched loudly.

I was stunned for a long time and didn't understand why players who were so difficult to recruit surrendered so neatly?

What happened to this player during the two days he was away? !

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Li Chenyi said sternly:

"Please let me join the Black Nest Empire!

I once had a lot of misunderstandings about your Black Nest Empire. Now these misunderstandings have been resolved, and I am deeply aware of my mistakes.

If you are not willing to let me join the Black Nest Empire, I will stay in your palace! "

Su Nian's mouth twitched.

Are you still refusing to leave? Do you think this is the Lingxiao Palace?

"Okay, then you can join. From today on, you will be my dependent, and you will sign the contract voluntarily."

Su Young waved his hand lightly, and several rows of wriggling dragon words appeared in front of Li Chen.

"That's right!" He reminded very seriously:

"You can't have any resistance when signing the contract. If you have resistance, the contract will be invalid. I will know what your intentions are!"

Li Chen pursed his lips, took out the dagger from his waist without saying a word, and inserted it into his carotid artery with his backhand.

Su Nian:? ? ?


Blood gushed out, spraying the contract's face, and the contract was signed at the same time.

Then the Chinese player calmly took out a bottle of life potion from the player's backpack and refilled it for himself.

The huge wound on the neck was immediately stopped from bleeding and repaired.

"Your Majesty, the signature is completed. Am I now your dependent?"

Li Chen neatly wrapped a circle of gauze around his neck as a demonstration to make himself look a little normal.

Little did he know that the CPU of the Black Dragon Emperor on the throne had been dry-burned.

Su Nian originally thought that this player must have some conspiracy and just used this contract to defraud him.

I didn’t expect to sign it like this!

And so impatient? ? !

has a problem!

There must be something wrong!

Su Nian couldn't wait to know what happened to Li Chen.

He definitely couldn't ask about this kind of thing, it would make him look like an emperor.

As a master, you must be omniscient and omnipotent.

So Su Nian put on a straight face, pretended to be nonchalant, and snorted twice:

"Well, you can retreat. If anything happens, I will summon you!"

When Li Chen heard this, he couldn't help but show some disappointment in his eyes.

He originally thought that with his abilities, he could be reused by the Lord of the Black Nest, right?

Moreover, when he was in prison, the Lord of the Black Nest had obviously shown solicitation intentions. Why did he suddenly change his mind?

Is this what is called - the emperor's heart, the needle on the seabed? !

Although he didn't understand it, Li Chen didn't dare to say anything more and turned around and left.

As soon as he left the palace, a woman with purple hair suddenly appeared from the space and stopped him.

"Boy, since you now belong to the black dragon, I will take back the blockade on you!"

After saying that, there was no way to react.

Li Chen immediately felt that the space around him was frozen.

The next second, the woman reached out and pulled out a silver chain from his body.

Immediately afterwards, space was liberated again.

All the strength that had been lost in him came back.

Before Li Chen could say a word, the woman's figure had disappeared, and only one sentence that disappeared in the wind echoed in the air:

"Tsk, tsk, at such an old age, there are so many things to do all day long, it's really a hard life..."

Li Chen looked at the empty air, took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and then walked towards his home.

From today on, the home worth 200,000 yuan in the Black Nest Empire is truly his home.

It feels more like home than the home on Aqua Blue Star.


The dark night in the Black Nest Empire is beautiful.

Affected by the dragon's energy, a ribbon-like aurora appeared over the Black Nest Empire.

Among them, the two dark golden auroras are the widest and longest, passing through the palace of the Black Nest Empire.

There are two longer and one shorter red aurora accompanying it. In addition, there is also a light yellow aurora, which is less obvious.

In the palace of the Dark King.

Anna lay half-dressed on her side in Su Nian's arms.

It's just that Su Nian at this moment is not in the form of a black dragon or a human.

He was like a huge crimson jellyfish, lying upside down on the ground, head and feet.

Countless tentacles stretched toward the sky and the surroundings. The tentacles had octopus-like suckers on them, which looked extremely weird.

Anna sat on the belly of the "jellyfish" and played with Su Nian's magical tentacles.

There are 108 tentacles in total, and the end of each tentacle transforms into the shape of a black dragon's head.

If outsiders saw this scene, they would be frightened.

But in Anna's eyes, even such a weird black dragon looks very cute.

On the pink belly of the "jellyfish", a ferocious and majestic black dragon head squirmed out.

"It's unbelievable!"

Su Nian said in an exclamation tone:

"I didn't expect that Li Chen would just surrender after watching the epic 3D blockbuster "Fire Rabbit" once?

Could he also want to join the Fire Rabbit? ! "

Anna couldn't help rolling her cute eyes when she heard this, stretched out her white and tender little feet, gently rubbed Su Nian's chin a few times, and said angrily:

"Brother, do you think everyone is as perverted as you?

This alien obviously discovered the fact that monsters and humans in Black Nest coexist peacefully. You said before that this alien has a strong sense of justice. The reason why he is so hostile to us is because he thinks our monsters want to eat people and bully people. But what about the facts? Those Fire Rabbit soldiers can't help but be gentle, polite, and even protect the privacy of human ladies! This is something that no human soldier can do! "

"You have a point."

Su Nian stretched out two tentacles to grab Anna's restless little feet.

The 109 dragon heads evoked the same hideous smile.

"But my queen, you lost the bet before. Isn't it time to fulfill your promise now?"

Anna covered her chest and pretended to be scared. Her two long white legs were tightly squeezed together, and she said in a coquettish voice:

"But brother, aren't you about to go on an expedition?"

"Going to war will not affect my determination to have a prince and princess!" Su Nian said sternly.

"Then, will my brother take Anna with him when he goes on an expedition?"

"Such a dangerous thing..." Just when Su Nian was about to refuse, he saw Anna's eyes suddenly turn evil. He quickly changed the subject: "Ahem, I mean, it's this kind of thing. In times of crisis, we have to be together all the time, this is how we are a real couple!"

"Hmph~ That's pretty much it~"

After getting a satisfactory answer.

Anna took the initiative to reach out and pinch one of the tentacles, entering the scene for half a second.

I saw her hugging her legs in fear, trembling all over, tears escaping from her big eyes, and her voice trembled as she said:

"Lord Evil God, what did you bring me here to do?"

Su Nian also acted like a drama every second.

He immediately danced 108 tentacles wildly and let out a laugh even more evil than Satan in Hell, which could be clearly heard throughout the Dark King's Hall.

"What am I going to do? Of course I am going to eat you! Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.usk! Lord Evil God, spare your life!"

"Shout, scream! No one will come to save you even if your throat is broken!"

Fall into the endless darkness! Baa hahaha! "


A side hall somewhere in the Dark King's palace.

Rolls-Royce, who had transformed into an adult with Su Nian's help, crept onto Delani's bed.

"What are you doing!"

A cold female voice came from the graceful figure on the bed.

Rolls-Royce was stuck for a second, and then laughed wildly, imitating the voice of the Lord of the Black Nest:

"Of course I want to eat you! Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

Delanie: "Get out."


Rolls-Royce's face straightened and he rolled out of bed obediently.

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