A week later.

Saint Lotia Palace.

"Your Majesty, what a good thing! What a great thing!!"

A well-dressed minister ran in with a face full of surprise.

"What's the good thing?"

King Leighton raised his eyebrows and raised his head, revealing two dark panda eyes.

He had not had a good sleep for four or five days, and even a legendary powerhouse could not withstand this kind of exhaustion.

This is mainly because there are so many things to worry about recently.

At first King Leighton thought it was a simple matter to call on all the empires to go back and pray for God to descend.

In this way, he didn't have to waste high-end combat power, but he never thought that people who met the standards of the gods were indeed sent, and they were willing to sacrifice themselves for the empire. But the problem was that these people all lost contact with the gods at the same time.

In fact, it is not a complete loss of contact.

The signal from the gods was sent, but the gods were unwilling to pay attention.

There are many gods here, such as the Goddess of Fertility, the Goddess of Mountains, the Goddess of the Galaxy, the God of Wine and Celebrations, the God of Gold Coins and Commerce, etc. There are lower gods and middle gods. When fanatic believers pray for the incarnation of the gods to come, , these gods directly cut off contact without saying a word. This wave of operations not only confused the believers, but King Leighton was also confused.

That was the reason for his frown.

Without the arrival of the incarnation of the gods, the strange shield cannot be broken.

Even if he had the ability to kill the black dragon, he could only watch.

King Leighton didn't think there was any good news that could make him feel any better, unless...

I just heard the minister say with joy:

"Your Majesty, the Vulcan believers from the Mardo Empire successfully communicated with the Vulcan Crown, and the Vulcan Crown also agreed to come!!"

"What?!" King Leighton straightened his back suddenly.

"Is there such a good thing??"

He couldn't believe it, because there were many followers of the God of Fire in the Saint Lotia Empire.

Just yesterday, some fanatics from the country tried to communicate with Maratella, the god of fire, but they only received an ambiguous response.

Obviously the God of Fire is not willing to surrender.

Why did you suddenly change your mind now?

"Are you telling the truth?!

If there is any lie, you will be sent to the gallows immediately! ! "

King Leighton didn't believe it and confirmed it again and again.

"Harmful! Your Majesty, I dare not lie to anyone!"

The minister quickly knelt and crawled to King Leighton's side, nodded and bowed in defense:

"Now the three great magicians have been marked with the mark of coming by the God of Fire, and they can come at any time.

However, it is said that the time of arrival is limited, so what Vulcan Mianxia means is, don’t ask him for help until the critical moment, otherwise it will be a waste of time! "

"Okay! Great!"

Having said that, how can there be any reason not to believe it?

King Leighton felt comfortable all over, and immediately said with a smile:

"Now let the three great magicians come to see me, and tell the castle kitchen to prepare the most delicious and luxurious dishes. Oh, yes, and all the beauties in my collection are also summoned...these three They are heroes, we must give them hero-like treatment!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The minister bowed respectfully to King Leighton and left in a poop.

After a while, he left and returned.

Behind him were three great magicians with different expressions.

The three great magicians stood in a row with respectful expressions:

"Meet Your Majesty! We are ready to welcome the arrival of the God of Fire!"

"Hahaha, the three masters don't need to be seen outside."

King Leighton stepped down from the throne.

He quickly helped the three great magicians who were about to salute, and at the same time carefully observed the status of these people.

Two of the great magicians had plain expressions, and had a strong aura of fire elements on their bodies. Even their eyes seemed to be burning with fire. They were full-fledged fanatics.

The last magician had a face on his arm, with a gloomy expression, and there was anger and hatred hidden in the depths of his eyes.

Seeing King Leighton looking over, Wizard Sarayang said directly:

"Your Majesty, when should we set off? The sooner the better, otherwise things will change if we are too late!"

King Leighton looked at the magician curiously, wondering why he was so anxious.

But this can be considered a good thing, at least it proves that the opponent has a positive will to fight.

Little did he know that Sarayang already hated the Black Nest Empire deeply because of the death of Rose Elf.

After a believer sacrifices himself to pray for the gods to come, he can make a wish that is not excessive.

The great wizard Sarayang's wish is to kill the Lord of the Black Nest and completely destroy the Black Nest Empire.

This wish was nothing to Maratella, the god of fire.

"Haha, sir, don't be anxious. I know that you have already made sacrifices. But before that, we have to be prepared. Since we want to kill the Lord of the Black Nest, we must kill him with one strike and not let the other party escape. Opportunity, otherwise there will be endless troubles, so why not sit down and have a meal first, and during the meal we can talk about the plan to destroy the Black Nest Empire?"

King Leighton smiled, looking like a good king of the Southern Continent.

At this time, servants had already served the pre-dinner desserts in the castle hall, and the royal dancer was already waiting for the summons outside the hall. This banquet must be held or not.

Mage Sarayang frowned and was about to answer.


I saw a knight suddenly burst in from the door.

He didn't have time to straighten his sweaty armor, and knelt down on one knee in front of King Leighton with a bang, and presented a sheepskin roll soaked with sweat with both hands.

"Your Majesty, this is a letter from the Slot Empire. It is extremely urgent!"

King Leighton looked at the knight in confusion.

This is the Southern Continent. Is there anything that cannot be said through magical communication?

Are you still engaging in this kind of manual communication? Can you survive after eating enough? ?

He opened the parchment and took a look and found that the message was from three days ago.

The approximate content is——

The Lord of the Black Nest led the monster army to attack the Slot Empire, and marched straight into the royal city of Slot.

Moreover, the Slot King City has sealed the magic communication channel by unknown space forces, and they can only use this primitive method to communicate.

"Just, they just came here? Why did they?!"

King Leighton was dumbfounded.

But the more stupid thing is yet to come.

I saw another knight running in hastily, a kneeling shovel slid in front of King Leighton, and shouted in a hoarse voice:

"Your Majesty! The Lord of the Black Nest has defeated the Slot Empire, and now the monster army is heading north. The target..."

"What's the target??" King Leighton's mind was on fire and his eyes were wide open.

"The target is us!!"


The scroll in King Leighton's hand fell to the ground, and pindrops could be heard in the hall.

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