"How dare he!!!"

After a while, King Leighton's pig-killing roar came from the hall.

"Quick! Stop the banquet and go notify the entire army to prepare for battle!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The knight also knew the urgency and left without looking back, even though he was very tired and thirsty all the way back, and the milk on the banquet table was only one step away from him.

"This Lord of the Black Nest is really unreasonable!"

King Leighton put his hands on the table and his face turned red with anger. He had no fear of the black dragon. He mainly felt that the black dragon's behavior was a provocation to him and a contempt for his first empire in the southern continent. He could not To endure such scorn would leave him ashamed to face the statue of his father, Furion.

"It doesn't matter if I come here by myself, it will save me the time to find you!"

King Leighton stared out the window fiercely.

The morning light outside was just right, and the gentle sunlight fell on the purple vines by the window. With the wind, the vines and purple flowers swayed slightly.

But what was reflected in King Leighton's eyes was the flames of war, the mountains of monster corpses and seas of blood, and the decapitated head of the Lord of the Black Nest.


Time goes back to two hours ago.

The royal city space of the Slot Empire was blocked by Pastor Noreji, and then the Black Nest Empire army attacked.

It all happened so fast, without any warning.

The moment the scarlet portal opened below the royal city, the invasion began——

As players come one after another, the Slot Empire is more riddled with holes than before. Players are not a group of obedient boys who follow the rules. They are better at destruction than maintaining order. Especially many of their actions have been punished by Slot. The tacit approval of the special empire’s top brass.

This makes players more unscrupulous.

However, the king's order also ordered lords everywhere to maintain law and order in their territories.

In conflict with each other, many lords of the Slot Empire chose to behave badly, and those who did a little bit were also in a state of distress.

In such a chaotic situation, Su Nian turned into a human and reached the bottom of the royal city of the Slot Empire with almost no effort.

For the guards on the walls of the royal city.

Probably he saw a knight in black armor appearing under the city wall.

This is not surprising, there are many strangers wearing black armor.

Then, they saw the black-armored knight stretching his arm forward, with a faint purple light shining on his fingertips.

This is a bit interesting, but those aliens can also do it completely. Their system of wizards and knights is completely messed up. Sometimes the wizard will wear the knight's armor, but the knight will hold an alloy mallet inlaid with rubies and wear a Wearing robes.

However, what happened later gradually exceeded the understanding of these city wall guards.

As the purple light cut in front of the knight, a portal about a hundred meters wide instantly opened.

Then a group of monsters about 20 meters tall howled out of the portal and quickly filled the open terrain in front of the city gate.

The commander on the tower opened his mouth, looking at everything under the city wall in disbelief, and gave himself a big blow with his backhand.

The snap was very loud, and he wanted to make sure whether he was dreaming or not.

But he soon realized that this was not a dream at all, because the clouds of death were overwhelming, dyeing the entire sky a rich ink color, and the red dragon with its body burning with flames rose into the sky, gradually showing its majestic body in the air, with flying sparks. The bomb hit the commander's face, blinding one of his eyes and causing him to roll on the ground in pain.

Raging winds stirred up the clouds.

The figure of the Lord of the Black Nest was looming in the dark clouds.

Only in places where the clouds and mists are violently rolling can you occasionally see the exposed dragon wings.

But a pair of red-gold dragon eyes hung in the sky, still clearly visible even through layers of dark clouds.

Two giant dragons with huge bodies already blew up a super typhoon just by flapping their dragon wings.

This typhoon became the first sharp blade to pierce the royal city of the Slot Empire, rushing towards the city wall with an unmatched momentum.

The right side of the typhoon is a thousand meters away.

The twelve-headed water element lords walked out of the elemental passage. They divided into two columns and knelt on one knee in front of the water element gate.


But suddenly a huge hand of sea current stretched out from the water element gate. It arrogantly pushed the water element gate open until it deformed and stretched it to the point where the edge was thinned into a thread. Then, a figure even bigger than the water element leader came. The stalwart figure climbed out of the water element gate with difficulty - this element gate was still a bit too small for it at a height of 100 meters.

The king of the water element wears armor and a cloak woven from boiling elements.

In his hand is a red scepter made of boiling sea currents.

It can be seen that this once unconventional leader of the water element has not forgotten his original intention even after becoming the king of the elements.

Under Anna's command, the King of Water Elements and the twelve water element leaders gathered together, eventually forming a huge wave hundreds of feet high. The top of the water wall seemed to be connected to the sky, and the violent water flow carried a terrifying The momentum rushed towards the Royal City of the Slot Empire. Mountains collapsed and forests were uprooted wherever they passed. With the instigation of the typhoon, there was even a loud "rumbling" sound, causing a strong earthquake.

The strange sight in the sky instantly attracted the attention of the masters of the major mage towers in the Slot Empire.

The mages sitting on the mage tower looked blankly at the wall of water and the clouds in the sky. Even though they were usually arrogant and confident, they couldn't help but feel weak at this moment. This was a natural disaster that could hardly match the destructive power of the forbidden spell.

Of course, what frightens them even more is the stalwart shapes of the two giant dragons - the black dragon and the red dragon. They are warning them all the time that these two are ancient dragons, the pinnacle of legend!

"Don't watch here!"

The master of the mage tower spoke.

At this time, all the mages suddenly realized what they should do.

As the formation cores hidden in the mage tower were activated one by one, the spiers of the 18 mage towers suddenly bloomed with golden light. They were connected to each other and eventually formed a huge magic circle. With the operation of the magic circle, Countless golden spell runes rose from the ground, eventually forming a huge halo over the royal city of the Slot Empire, completely enveloping the entire royal city.

Surrounding this huge halo are smaller circles of light, like ripples on the water.

The Imperial Guard Barrier is activated.

The light curtain in the golden halo spreads around like a waterfall, eventually forming a semicircular cover.

Dozens of miles around were shrouded in holy golden light.

At the same time, a golden light pillar rose into the sky, even driving away the dark clouds, and the blue sky and sunshine descended on the earth again.

My stomach hurts for a day, maybe just one chapter.

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