"Actually, we don't have such a big hatred..."

Policris sighed helplessly.

Now that the kobolds have become vegetarians and show off their potatoes every day, why is there still no change in how humans feel about them?

It's so nerve-wracking.

The kobold chief was helpless. This warrior seemed to be quite poor. He didn't have a single gold coin in his possession. In this case...

He could only pull up a house next to it and throw it on top of the warrior. It could be regarded as erecting a monument to the warrior. It was also a house, wasn't it?

Not far away, on the ruins of the magic tower, the great sage who resisted was also split into two pieces with an ax from Gray Wolf. With a strong kick of his foot, half of the body flew out. In less than an hour, the Slot Empire All high-end forces in the royal city were wiped out, leaving only ordinary soldiers, civilians, and some spellcasters below the level of archmage.

"Victory belongs to the Black Nest Empire, to the dragon, and to His Majesty Watrous! Hohoho~"

Bastian lay on the top of the ruins of Slot Palace, his dragon wings spread out and let out a deafening roar.

He was so happy.

I think he invaded a small island country at the beginning, and even after occupying that island country, he was immediately warned by the gods to drive him out. But now the Lord of the Black Nest has conquered a large landlocked country in the Southern Continent, and the dragon-slaying country Ai. Leland's eponymous Slott!

Until now, the core power of the imperial city has been wiped out, and all the temples have been destroyed, but no god has come out to stop it. Bastian will never believe it if there is nothing fishy about it.

There must be a god covering this Lord of the Black Nest!

Otherwise, why would you be so unscrupulous?

And this god is definitely not a small fish like Tiamat.

When Bastian was young and ignorant, he always regarded Tiamat as his idol and goal. However, after he became a legend, he realized that Tiamat was at best a gatekeeper in the God Realm.

After having this idea.

Bastian strengthened his determination to hug the Black Nest Lord's thigh tightly.

The roar of the red dragon spread throughout the city.

Humans were terrified, and the monsters were howling excitedly. At this moment, the city of King Slot seemed to have truly turned into a purgatory on earth.

Until the Lord of the Black Nest fell to Bastian accompanied by military music.

"Shut your stinky mouth! Bastien!"

Su Nian viciously pressed the red dragon's head to the ground. This insulting move was enough to make any giant dragon furious, but Bastian did not dare to resist at all. He just allowed the black dragon to hold it down, and the sound of raging sounds came from the earth. came.

"Your Majesty, what did I do wrong? I can correct it!"

"Your roaring at my people like this will scare my people, and I will have to spend a lot of time appeasing the emotions of these new people! You idiot!!"

Nothing more than a swarm of bugs.

Bastian wanted to say this, but looking at the cold eyes of the Lord of the Black Nest, he finally did not dare to say it.

After scolding the red dragon, Su Nian's red-gold dragon eyes scanned the entire smoke-filled city.

At this moment, the captured civilians, soldiers and some mages had been brought to him by the monsters.

These human expressions vary.

Some are angry, some are desperate, and some are fearful and numb.

Many people even just lowered their heads and did not even have the courage to raise their heads.

"Everyone, I am the Lord of the Black Nest!" Su Nian raised his dragon claw and gently pinched it on a crooked clock tower. The sharp claws collided with the twisted clock to make a deafening roar, which also made these war-torn people Humanity has awakened a little from despair and confusion.

"I know you hate! You hate me for trampling on your home, you hate me for disturbing your peaceful life, you hate me for bringing killing and war! But now, I want to tell you, all of this is Slott The empire has itself to blame, and I am also targeting this group of people in the upper echelons of the Slot Empire, otherwise I would have killed you long ago! Because your existence has no meaning to me, and you cannot even become rations for my army! "

"Ah this..."

Bastian glanced at Su Nian in confusion.

He originally thought that the Lord of the Black Nest would be moved by these humans and understand them rationally.

Give them a home to live in, or give them a certain amount of compensation. After all, there are many humans living in the Black Nest Empire itself.

Moreover, these humans were deliberately taken in by the Lord of the Black Nest.

But now, why are the survivors of the Slot Empire treated differently?

It was followed by a wave of extreme ridicule, adding salt to the wound.

These words really angered many passionate young people.

Immediately, two hot-tempered mages stood up. Even without their staffs, they still stretched out their hands to guide the fire element and roared resolutely:

"Damn Lord of the Black Nest, we will fight you!"

However, just as their pyrotechnic fireballs were released, two huge figures stood up.

They were two fire rabbits. They used their big hands like cattail fans to extinguish the two slowly floating fireballs without any effort, and then threw the two young mages unconscious with a throw over their shoulders.

This immediately caused some figures in the crowd who were about to move to shrink back.

"You are so weak!"

Su Nian smiled grimly and came to a conclusion, but then changed the subject:

"However, our Black Nest Empire never bullies the weak!

Because our monsters are strong enough and don’t need to exploit farmers’ food to fill their wings.

Because we are united enough, we will not ask civilians to hand over more taxes and food because of territorial friction.

Because we have enough food and advanced technology, we don't even bother with your poor labor force.

Therefore, my Black Nest Empire is a cemetery for the powerful and a paradise for common people.

We welcome all ordinary people without talents, and the monsters will protect your fields and personal safety.

Of course, we also welcome all kinds of professionals, speculators and careerists. You are welcome to come to the Black Nest Empire to dream, and you are also welcome to challenge me! I will give you a worthy death! ! Jie Jie! "

Su Nian spread his dragon wings and cast a huge shadow on the surface of the earth. The cloud of natural disaster that covered tens of thousands of miles merged with him. At this moment, he was the natural disaster itself.

All humans shrank down, like a group of shivering rat women.

The terrifying dragon pressure made it difficult for them to breathe, and it was like a cold water shower on their heads that quickly calmed them down.

The cold suffocation feeling overwhelmed the passion for revenge.

In fact, only a few civilians died.

Bastian's meteorite did destroy the inner city, but how many civilians can live in the inner city?

The people living in the inner city are basically middle- and high-level assets such as noble families, wealthy businessmen, and slave owners.

Among the civilians in the outer layer, only those near the city wall suffered serious casualties, while most of the civilians in other areas were only slightly injured and slightly frightened.

They began to think seriously about the words of the Lord of the Black Nest.

They began to wonder if it was worth sacrificing the last of their lives for the Empire.

For civilians, it doesn't matter who the ruler above their heads is. They only care about whether they can survive.

As for whether there are humans in the Black Nest Empire, they don't have much doubt.

Because after the Black Nest Empire attacked the Slot Empire, the tens of thousands of troops responsible for cleaning the battlefield and transporting wounded and supplies were all composed of human soldiers.

Judging from the mental outlook of these human soldiers with glowing faces——

The food in the Black Nest Empire Army must be very good.

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