Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 873 Establishing Prestige And The Arrogant Young Master Bulwe

"Okay, everyone, I've finished what I need to say!

I am very happy for you to be able to talk to such a kind emperor. "

Su Nian nodded slightly.

He really thought so.

Compared with the lords and exploiters of other worlds, he is simply a good person!

"In order for you to have a good sleep tonight, I have prepared temporary housing for you in the Black Nest Empire. Of course, these houses are not given to you. The Black Nest Empire does not support idlers. After you obtain the right of residence, you will need to Hand over 50% of your income until you completely buy this house, and then you can obtain the status of a citizen of the Black Nest Empire~"

"I reject!"

A well-dressed blond mage stood up.

He has a handsome appearance and an aura of nobility. He wears a violet medal on his black robe. He is obviously a student of the Royal City Magic Academy.

"Lord of the Black Nest, we don't care about your house! You can't bribe us either!"

There are several female mages in the same clothes around the blond mage. They are looking like little girls, looking at the blond mage with stars in their eyes.

"Bulwe is so handsome!"

"Ahhh! I want to give birth to a child for Master Bulwe!"

"As expected of a descendant of the Sendley family, this courage will surely become a legend in the future!"

The blond mage seemed to really enjoy this feeling of being surrounded by stars.

He closed his eyes and looked intoxicated. These compliments and the exclamations from his little fan girl made his self-confidence unprecedentedly strong. He even took two steps forward and said with his head held high:

"Lord of the Black Nest? Let me meet you. I am the eldest son of the Sendli family in the Holy Rodia Empire, Bulwe Sendley. My father is a legendary mage, my mother is also a legendary mage, and my master is King Leighton, if you are wise, prepare the best carriage for me now to take me back to my country. By the way, you will also take these beautiful ladies next to me with you. They should not be around you dirty, smelly monsters. Together."

"Ahhh! Master Bulwe actually remembers us, he is so heartwarming!"

"No, I have to give birth to Master Bulwei's child now!"

The screams of the girls were incompatible with the smoke-filled environment around them.

The desolation and sadness are filled with bloody sneers and ridicule of this cold world.

"This is the difference between nobles and commoners."

A little beggar wearing linen clothes nearby thought so.

"Those are three legends. Even the Lord of the Black Nest would not dare to provoke him easily. Next, the Lord of the Black Nest will definitely prepare a carriage for this young master, and then respectfully escort him back to his country, in exchange for the powerful Saint Loti Sub-Imperial Friendship.”

The little beggar felt that he had understood everything.


He looked up in surprise.

The Lord of the Black Nest actually just said "oh" so coldly.


Su Nian impatiently raised a dragon claw and flicked it with his finger, and a stone flew out and hit a Fire Rabbit on the head.

He growled viciously at the Fire Rabbit soldier:

"Next time you encounter such a stupid thing, just smash it into meat patties and feed it to my dear army of flesh and blood!!

Instead of letting me listen to these idiots' retarded speeches, it will pollute my ears! "

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The Fire Rabbit soldiers were trembling with fear from the furious Lord of the Black Nest.

But soon these fears turned into endless anger focused on the blond mage.

It bent down and picked up a huge load-bearing pillar from the ground, and then walked towards the mage step by step, "dong dong dong", with heavy steps.

At this time, Bulwe also felt that something was wrong.

What does Lord of the Black Nest mean?

Are you planning to kill him directly?

"Do you know what you are doing? Black Dragon!?"

Even in the face of life threats, Bulwe still looked arrogant:

"Behind me are three legendary mages!

If you kill me, you and your Black Nest Empire will definitely pay the price. Your dragon bones and heads will be hung on the Sendley family's city wall, and your dragon heart will be eaten by my brothers and sisters. You... ....”

"The Sendley family, right?!"

Su Nian interrupted the mage, his eyes flashing with blazing fire.

"Since you are so proud of your family, then I will show mercy and give you a chance to watch your family be destroyed!"

"What do you mean?"

Bulwei's brows jumped. At this moment, a black shadow appeared, and the Fire Rabbit had already walked in front of him.

A pair of scarlet eyes stared at the young master with anger, and the load-bearing pillar in his hand was raised high.

"It's just a fire rabbit, eat my Hadawa..."

Bulwe took out his staff and smashed the load-bearing column down with a loud "pop", and blood splashed everywhere.

The fan girls next to him who were still waving flags and shouting suddenly became silent like a group of ducks being choked.

"Bastian, show your necromancy."

Su Nian tried his best to nuzzle at the red dragon.

"This is my honor, Your Majesty~"

This evil thing plays right into Bastian's hands.

He first transformed into a human form and bowed to the Black Dragon Emperor, and then he turned around and put on an elegant butler's uniform.

The red dragon butler neatly trimmed his gray hair and beard as if he were going to a wedding. He walked step by step towards the body that had been smashed into meat pies. On the way, he changed into shiny black leather boots and Wear one-way round glasses and white gloves.

"Okay kid, he's already dead. There's no need to grind it like sesame seeds~"

Bastian stopped the Fire Rabbit who was still frantically smashing the load-bearing column, stretched out his hand and gently lifted the load-bearing column to catch it steadily.

The smell of blood was astounding, but a lump of flesh and blood tissue that had completely lost its shape was just displayed in front of the people around him.

Now the identity of this piece of meat can only be identified from the black robe and the flattened family crest.

"Oh~ It's so beautiful. I believe this gentleman will feel honored by the way he died~"

Bastian bowed gracefully towards the corpse, and then manipulated the undead magic to extract Bulwe's soul that had not yet left.

I saw two haloes, one blue and one gold, surrounding Bulwei's body, protecting Bulwei's soul.

That was the last resort for the two legendary powerhouses to stay.

As long as the soul does not die, there is a chance to help Bulwe rebuild his body.

"Damn it! How dare you kill me!"

Bulwei's spirit body was still arrogant and let out a harsh roar:

"You're done. My parents already know it, and my master will soon know it too. You just wait to face the wrath of three legendary powerhouses!!"

"Oh~ that's so delightful."

Bastian looked at the spirit body in his hand with admiration, and his other hand turned into a dragon's claw and pinched one of the golden halos.

"Haha, it's just you. Although you are also a legend, there is a difference between legend and legend. You can't possibly break open the soul asylum that my father gave me. You loser..."

Su Nian saw that Red Dragon was struggling, so he expanded his royal domain.


In Bastian's hand, the golden halo was crushed instantly.

"What waste??"

The red dragon butler looked at the pale spirit body with a sinister smile on his lips.

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