"How can it be?!"

Bulwe was completely stunned.

He has lived in the Mage Tower since he was a child. His parents are both legendary mages. What they have said to him the most is that his family is invincible, his parents are invincible, and they can walk around the entire Southern Continent without fear of provoking anyone when they go out to play. , because they can deal with even the princes of the empire.

Over the years as he grew up, these seemingly absurd statements were proven again and again.

What the parents said was true.

They helped Bulwe solve all kinds of troubles.

In Bulwei's mind, his parents have become almost god-like existences.

His father said that the protective mechanism imprinted on him was indestructible, and he had always believed in this. His mother said that he was a child of this world, and the whole world would revolve around him. He also believed this, but now, the Fire Rabbit has killed him. Beaten to pulp, the red dragon crushed the soul's asylum, and the Lord of the Black Nest scorned his identity...

At this moment, Bulwe's worldview that he had established since childhood collapsed instantly.

But what followed was a pain like peeling and cramping, and I saw that hateful red dragon slowly tearing his soul apart bit by bit like pulling threads.

"Ahhhh! Let me go, you damn beast!"

Bulwe was shaking with pain and yelling.

The pain in the soul body reaches deep into the spirit, and is countless times more intense than the pain in the physical body.

He was crying, his face was distorted, and his whole body was shaking as if he had been electrocuted.

But no matter how hard he struggled, it was meaningless, he couldn't escape the palm of the red dragon!

"Jie Jie Jie~ Despicable maggot, I will repair your soul repeatedly. Our days are still very long. In the next time, until I meet your parents, I will treat you as a spy of the enemy country. I will torture you as much as possible to let you know the serious consequences of offending His Majesty!!"

After saying this, Bastian took out a black birdcage burning with flames.

It was probably some kind of magic tool aimed at the soul, and then he rolled Bulwei's soul into a ball and threw it directly into the cage. The scream of the soul became even louder, and the tone was distorted and deformed, like killing a pig. It must be hard to live in a cage.

But hearing the scream, Bastian seemed very happy.

He squinted his eyes and looked like he had smoked marijuana.

Seeing this made Su Nian want to give him a slap in the face to wake him up.

After punishing Bulwe in this wave, the surrounding humans have obviously become a lot quieter. They have become clear that the Lord of the Black Nest is not afraid of the legend, not the three legends, and is not afraid of the powerful country in the north, Saint Rodia. In this case, what else do they have to resist?

“Your Majesty, what should we do next, attack the cities around Slot?

Other cities must not know about the destruction of King Slot City now. It is time for us to attack! ! "

Bastian has completely taken over. He wants to swallow up the entire Slot Empire immediately and turn it into the territory of the Black Nest Empire.

But Su Nian didn't think so.

The core strength of the Slot Empire is gone. It doesn't matter when this empire is occupied.

The most important thing now is to uproot the Saint Lotia Empire before it can defend itself.

The hegemonic empire of the Southern Continent is different from Slote. Who knows what trump card it has?

The busy occupation of the Slot Empire now means that there are no soldiers to defend it, and it can also give Saint Lotia more time to collect information and prepare, which is not worth the gain.

"No! We won't attack the cities around King Slote City. We will go directly north to Saint Lotia!"

Su Nian was categorical. These words made Bastian next to him feel his scalp explode and he thought he had heard wrongly.

The air was silent for a while. Bastian confirmed it several times before cautiously asking:

"Your Majesty, do you really plan to attack Saint Rodia directly??"

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Su Nian gave Bastian a strange look.

This is a red dragon!

If you don't accept it, do it! Red Dragon!

Why do you act like a girl all day long, doing things slowly and timidly?

He must have been taught evil by that female dragon of Tiamat!

Bastian also looked at the Lord of the Black Nest strangely. He thought that the Lord of the Black Nest had some misunderstanding about Saint Lotia?

The Saint Lotia Empire is the strongest empire in the southern continent.

Maybe a border city is more difficult to conquer than King Slot City.

Maybe the Lord of the Black Nest has some powerful trump card? ?

Bastian could only comfort himself in this way.

He asked tentatively: "Well, Your Majesty Watrous, how much do you know about the Saint Rodia Empire?"

"Nothing special." Su Nian clasped the scales on his chin, pinched out an arrow stuck in the scales and threw it aside, "Just in time for you to mention this matter, I think you should be interested in Saint Rodia." I know something about the empire, how about you tell me about this empire?"

Bastian: "..."

He looked at the Lord of the Black Nest silently.

But the other person's eyes were serious and he was obviously not joking.

The Black Dragon Emperor really plans to attack Saint Rodia without any knowledge!

Whether this was ignorance, arrogance or absolute confidence in his strength, Bastian had no way of knowing.

But now that he is a member of the Lord of the Black Nest, he feels that he has an obligation to let the Black Dragon Emperor understand the troublesome aspects of the Saint Rodia Empire.

Even if it couldn't stop the emperor's determination to attack, it would at least make the Black Dragon Emperor more vigilant.

"Your Majesty, that's it."

Bastian cleared his throat, organized his words, and thought of the territory map of Saint Rodia.

"First of all, the land area of ​​the Saint Rodia Empire is three times that of the Slote and Ireland Empires combined. Their imperial city is called the Holy City. In addition, there are four other cities in the Saint Rodia Empire. Corona City, these four cities are also super cities of the Saint Rodia Empire. Below these four cities are the four hubs of the Southern Continent’s Magic Network, and the core of the Magic Network is in the Holy City!”

The red dragon glanced at the Lord of the Black Nest who was listening carefully, and continued:

"The purpose of what I say is to tell you - the four corona cities of the Saint Lodia Empire are each guarded by four incarnations of Furion's will. Their strength is unknown, because everyone who has invaded the four corona cities will die. It’s warped, but the four corona cities are immortal, and you will never be able to attack the holy city. Those four corona cities will strengthen the defense of the holy city, and at the same time increase the strength of the holy incarnation of Furion in the holy city. In addition to these, there is also the holy city. To teach the legion to guard... if you plunge in headfirst, you will probably die without any chance of survival!"

After saying this, Bastian, who was thirsty, took out a bottle of red wine and drank a few big gulps.

I think the Lord of the Black Nest should give up the idea of ​​attacking the Saint Lodia Empire this time, right? ?

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