"Oh! It seems that the four corona cities are indeed a huge trouble!"

Su Nian nodded in agreement. At this time, he had opened the secondary portal. The monsters were escorting the prisoners in King Slot's City and leading them into the Black Nest Empire. After entering the Black Nest Empire, they would be "affiliated" "With the influence of technology, these prisoners' defenses and barriers to monsters will slowly and subtly decrease.

"That's right, Your Majesty Watrous, so we can't be too hasty!"

Bastian breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Lord of the Black Nest must have listened.

Whether it's a dragon or a human, as long as you listen to advice, that's a good thing!

But this idea had just arisen when Hei Long said again:

"But I still decided to lead the army northward!"


Bastian Long was stunned.

Didn't he make it clear somewhere?

Why is this Lord of the Black Nest still thinking about going north?

How to defeat the four corona cities?

Hasn't he thought about it?

When he looked at Su Nian, he felt like he was looking at a arrogant and arrogant red dragon, while he himself turned into a cautious, cunning and insidious white or green dragon.

This feeling made Bastian very uncomfortable.

But he must endure it, because now he is a minister!

"Your Majesty, this..."

Bastian tried to persuade him again, but was given a vicious look by the Lord of the Black Nest.

"The information you provided is very good, but I have my own considerations! The Black Nest Empire's army must go north! We must also go to war with the Saint Lotia Empire!"

Su Nian is not stubborn, but he does have his own ideas.

The Saint Lotia Empire has always been eyeing him and Black Nest, and he also knows very well that the Saint Lotia Empire is by no means an easy bone to chew.

But as long as the Saint Lotia Empire watches the Black Nest Empire for a day, he must stay in the Black Nest Empire to guard against Saint Lotia's attack.

So when can he go to the Elf Forest to avenge Anna?

Will the elves become more difficult enemies as they develop? These are still unknown!

Since everything is unknown.

Then try to make these unknowns known.

So what he has to do now is to take the initiative to attack!

Not only to break the Saint Lotia Empire, but also to keep the Saint Lotia Empire in a daze and not dare to act rashly, so that he would have the time and energy to take Anna to the Emerald Forest of the Northern Continent.

Of course, there was no way to elaborate on this with Bastian.

The fewer people who know what happened to Anna, the better.

Bastian couldn't say anything more when he couldn't persuade him.

He could only hope that Su Nian was very confident about attacking the Saint Lotia Empire.

at the same time.

Saint Lodia Empire.

In order to kill the Lord of the Black Nest at once, King Leighton planned to bring all his elite forces with him when he went on an expedition. In addition to the remaining great sages in the empire, he also visited the Sendley family.

The Sendleys are both legendary mages.

But they do not belong to the Saint Lotia Empire.

Anyone who has reached the legendary stage of strength is a free man for any empire. He can go wherever he wants. The empire can only provide for it, but dare not interfere in any way. No one wants to offend the two legends, not even King Leighton. dare.

However, he thinks that his relationship with Sendley and his wife is still very good.

After all, Bulwei, the most proud son of Mr. and Mrs. Shendeli, is his apprentice. With this master-disciple relationship, wouldn't it be easy to ask the Shendeli couple for help?

However, the results were disappointing.

"Isn't it possible that Your Majesty can't even deal with a seventh-level dragon?"

"It's just an empire of monsters, nothing to be afraid of! Your Majesty is a little too sensitive!"

These were the words of Mr. and Mrs. Sendley.

The couple were still as arrogant as ever and did not take the Black Nest Empire seriously at all. Even if King Leighton told all the strange things about the black dragon, they did not take it seriously.

In the end, King Leighton could only return in defeat.

If the two legends don't want to, just let it go.

But when he just opened the door and was about to say goodbye.

Thor Sendri, the legendary thunder mage with the title of Eye of Odin, suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, I may not have seen Bulwe for a long time. Do you know where Bulwe went? There has been turmoil everywhere recently. I still want Bulwe to stay with us, it’s safer that way.”

King Leighton really didn’t know where Bulwei had gone.

This apprentice is just a name.

He actually had nothing to teach Bulwer.

This boy is arrogant and disobedient. He only thinks about eating, drinking and having fun. In addition, his parents are the best in the world and are more dazzling than the gods. They don't even have special respect for him as a king. In addition, Bulwe also believes that, In terms of spell understanding, his father was number one in the entire Saint Lotia Empire, and the king had to step aside.

Therefore, Bulwe was often skeptical about some of his magical theories.

In the end, all that was known about Bulwe was that he was a playboy.

There were not even a hundred but seventy or eighty women in the royal city that Bulwe had played with, and he even wanted to play with the princess. Fortunately, the princess of the empire was not a fool. She had been exposed to her since she was a child, and was extremely knowledgeable. Bulwe could not cajole her casually.

"Mr. Thor, Bulwe has been studying at the Magic Academy, so I don't know where he is now, but I can send someone to check for you."

Hearing what King Leighton said, the Sendleys were not polite. They bowed slightly to the emperor and then said with pretense of gratitude:

"Then please, Your Majesty, please help me find it."

Although King Leighton was unhappy, he still sent soldiers to check for information.

It is not that difficult to find out the whereabouts of a famous and notorious young master in the royal city. Soon the soldiers learned the results and came back to report:

"Your Majesty, Master Bulwei and his five classmates said they were going to the Slot Empire to experience the exotic customs... They have been gone for three days."

"Experience exotic customs?"

Thor Sendli is worthy of being my father.

Knowing his son very well, he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "I think experiencing exotic customs is fake, but it is real to change places to have women! Hahahaha, His Majesty the King is laughing~"

The legendary thunder mage looked up and found King Leighton looking at him strangely.

It took him a while to suddenly realize something, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Your Majesty, you just said, which country was captured by the Black Nest Empire?"


The corners of King Leighton's mouth twitched and he spoke concisely.

Bulwe is in Slaughter.

And there is a high probability that it is in the royal city, which means that Bulwei may have become a prisoner of the Lord of the Black Nest now, and may even be slaughtered~

King Leighton looked calm on the surface, but he was a little gloating in his heart.

Apparently, His Excellency Thor Sendli across from him also thought of this.

His face turned pale, and just when he was about to ask again, a howl like a killing pig came from the room.

I saw a woman with disheveled hair rushing out of the house in panic.

It was Bulwe's mother.

The legendary water mage——Keira Melbourne.

The legendary mage was already confused, his lips were trembling and he was holding his husband's arm:

"Oh my God! Thor, the soul shelter I just arranged for Bulwei is broken!!"

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