Even the simplest step is based on sufficient preparation.

For example, Su Nian spent three hours observing the movements of the Horned Eagle Knight.

Finally, he determined that these horned eagle knights would let the horned eagles eat every hour to replenish their physical strength.

And in about two hours, the horned eagles will enter the jungle to defecate collectively.

After all, the bird is the rectum.

It is impossible to hold in poop. It is a very civilized and advanced operation to inform the owner in advance when you want to poop. This is because these horned eagles are well-trained.

And Su Nian's goal is these horned eagle knights.

He asked Anna and the monster to wait in the cave behind the hills, then lurked alone near the excretion site of the horned eagle, and then used magic to divide the excretion point of the horned eagle, so that next time the horned eagle knight came down to poop. Divided at the same time, a horned eagle is as big as a van, and three or two can occupy a pit. In some places, the pit is small and can only accommodate one horned eagle, and this creates a subtle solitary environment.

The jungle is the best protective color for Su Nian.

Using the [Absolute Silence] and [Advanced Stealth] of Dragon Word Magic, he completely integrated into the surrounding environment, and at the same time blocked both noses - the dragon's sense of smell is very sensitive, if the nose is not blocked, He thought he would be suffocated to death by the guano of a hippogriff.

Half an hour later.

There was a sound of flapping wings in the air.

Accompanied by howls of "Woo-ga, wo-ga--", a group of horned eagles carrying soldiers spun and fell from the sky.

These guys really like to be clean. When they land, they look for clean bushes to avoid getting any shit on their feet.

Just as Su Nian expected.

A horned eagle landed near the bush where he was hiding.

Despite his large size, the Dragon Word Magic was so perverted that it directly reduced his presence to the minimum. Even if he just held two banana leaves and stood next to the Horned Eagle and the Knight, they just regarded him as a human being. A banana tree.

"Old man, hurry up. We have two hours of work left today. We can go to bed when we get back from patrol!"

The knight skillfully stroked the feathers on the Eagle's neck, which would make the Eagle feel more relaxed and make it easier to pull the baby out.

The Hippogriff is also very popular in the Knight's estimation.

It brewed for a while, the feathers on its tail were raised high, and the anus was aimed at the bushes behind it, ready to spray, but suddenly it felt cold all over, as if there was some fatal danger around it, which made the shit that was about to spray out come back. Hold it back.

The hippogriff glanced back in confusion.

But there is nothing behind him.

There is only one banana tree that looks rather abrupt.

"Hanks, what's wrong with you?"

The knight next to him couldn't help but worry when he saw that the horned eagle didn't poop but instead looked around. This horned eagle was just like his child, his partner. He had a deep relationship with him since he was a child, so the horned eagle was a little abnormal. He takes every action into consideration.

The horned eagle didn't notice anything strange, so it just rubbed the knight's hand. It felt that it might be too sensitive and that it would be fine if it rested. But just when it wanted to squirt, another wave of coldness came.

Look back.

It’s the same banana tree.

Horned Eagle: "...o_O?"

After being stunned for a while, it decided to spray in another direction.

This time, the cold feeling disappeared.

Seeing that the horned eagle returned to normal, the knight felt relieved.

Just be able to poop normally.

The horned eagle eats a lot and sprays a lot each time. It takes 3-5 minutes to defecate. During this time, the horned eagle will always be in the spraying state. During the period of defecation, the horned eagle will be very sensitive, insecure and dislike it. Being watched.

The Cavaliers know this.

So he turned around, faced the banana tree, took out a cigarette from his pocket, took out the cigarette and smoked it towards the banana tree, thinking that with this month's wages he could go to prostitution again. I have several prostitutes in charge.

【Ouch! I hate people smoking in front of me! 】

[Damn reptile, don’t you know that second-hand smoke is very harmful to your health? 】

Suddenly, a ferocious roar exploded in the knight's mind.

His mind went blank for a moment, his fingers trembled, and the cigarette fell to the ground.

【Damn! Still an asshole who doesn’t care for the environment! I declare that your crime will be increased by one degree! You must die today. Remember, the one who kills you is the environmental protection guard of Renne Continent—Emperor Watrous! 】

The knight had no reaction to the roar and its content, because the moment the roar sounded, an abyss-like mental force came overwhelming.

In an instant, his poor soul was crushed into powder, turning him into a fool without any sanity, so even when he realized that the banana tree was moving, he had no reaction.

The extreme heat swallowed him up silently.

There wasn't even time for a shout to happen.

A long while.

Hanks the Horned Eagle finished squirting.

It shook its butt and turned around with satisfaction to look at its master. At this moment, his master had just finished smoking the cigarette in his hand, but there was a cloud of ashes next to it, which looked a little suspicious.

But Hanks didn't care.

Maybe the owner’s leaves have more soot today?

Who knows?

As a horned eagle, its main concerns are when to eat, when to sleep, and when to be taken by its owner to mate with other female horned eagles.

Seeing the horned eagle walking up to him with his head held high, Su Nian imitated the knight and stroked the feathers on the neck of the horned eagle, and couldn't help but praise:

"Okay, good boy, you pulled it really well!"

Horned Eagle: "...O_o??"

Today's host is a little strange.

I usually say "Your poop stinks!"

Why are you praising it today?

Su Nian was not talking nonsense to the Horned Eagle.

It's too much to say too much, and now one after another the Horned Eagle Knights have taken off and taken off.

He turned over, but forgot to control gravity. Even in human form, the extremely terrifying weight almost crushed the poor hippogriff into the soil.

The whole bird was startled. Σ(°Д°;

Its brain couldn't understand why its owner got at least a hundred times heavier just by smoking.

Su Nian smiled mischievously, and quickly cast more than twenty layers of levitation magic on himself, so that the weight reached a value that a horned eagle could accept.

He raised his head and saw that the horned eagle had regained its breath and was looking at him with a confused expression.

Su Nian frowned.

A big dick was pulled out.

"Look at your sister, look at you! What are you looking at?! Take off quickly, you are just weak and can't eat normally. From today on, give me twice as much training every day!"

After being scolded, the horned eagle felt relieved all over.

That’s what it tastes like!

This is the familiar master.

It shook its wings contentedly and soared into the sky.

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