"Captain Tagore! We can change our shift after one more patrol!"

"Yes, brothers, have a good meal tonight!"

Su Nian skillfully greeted the surrounding Hippogriff knights.

Unexpectedly, this wave of card drawings accidentally hit a small boss.

Good little boss~

A little power and convenience.

It's not easy to be spotted.

Su Nian likes to be this kind of little boss the most.

A group of Horned Eagle Knights patrolled around Gray Wind Fortress for the last time and then returned the same way.

Another group of Horned Eagle Knights who have slept for a long time during the day will inherit their patrol work at night, and the number of patrol troops will be doubled.

The guardian of Gray Wind Fortress is an eighth-level star ring mage.

Su Nian was very lucky to see this old mage when he returned to the military camp. He looked like a Tibetan fox, with a square face, small eyes, and a look that needed a beating. He seemed to have a bad temper. From a distance, I heard him reprimanding a horned eagle knight, as if the horned eagle knight's horned eagle stepped on shit and brought the shit into the military camp.

By the way, the poop of a horned eagle really stinks!

It must be said that the defense and inspection system of Gray Wind Fortress is indeed very strict.

Even though he was just a little Captain of the Horned Eagle Knights, he had to undergo identity checks seven or eight times after entering the military camp.

This includes not only the investigation of the magic circle, taking holy water to rule out the identity of demons and monsters, but also passwords, questioning, and reciting military regulations, etc.

Fortunately, before killing the knight, he peeked into the knight's memory.

Otherwise he might have gone on a killing spree by now!

But going on a killing spree was not what Su Nian wanted to do.

Before taking the next step, he had to find a way to get Anna in.

So when night fell, all the Horned Eagle Knights went to taverns and prostitutes to fool around.

Su Nian took out all the previous knight's private money from under the bed.

A total of 88 silver coins and 2 gold coins.

In order to save face, he distressedly added another gold coin from his own pocket.

This is almost four gold coins, which is a small sum of money for an ordinary soldier.

After all, we are still in the era of one silver coin for a bottle of soju and 20 silver coins for a whore.

Later, Su Nian took the money to the commander's residence in the Horned Eagle Knight Camp - a gray tower.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Knights of the Hippogriff, Max Arthur, is a 58-year-old Gold Knight who lives here.

[Dong dong dong]

Su Nian raised his hand and knocked on the door, and he could vaguely hear babbling sounds inside.

Good guy, it’s still two women!

It seems that although this commander is quite old, he is still going strong!

"Chief, are you there? I am Tagore and I have something to ask you."

The experienced Su Nian judged that the old man inside was still in the preparation stage and had not hit the bases, so although the other party would be unhappy if he knocked on the door at this time, he would not be angry because of it. In order to make the other party more willing to open the door, after saying this After speaking, Su Nian immediately shook the money bag in his hand.

The sound of "Ding Ling Dang Cang" is very pleasant to the ear.

The veterans in the military camp would know it was the sound of the money bag as soon as they heard it.

Some have better ears and can immediately tell how much money is inside.

"Ouch! Damn Tagore, don't you know I'm very busy now?"

The old man's angry voice came from inside.

Perhaps the sound of the collision of gold coins had an effect. There was not much anger in the sound, and it was even a bit joking.


The iron door opened wide, revealing an old man in half-dressed clothes.

It could be seen that he was very old, but he was covered in tendons and his bright eyes were like those of an eagle, which were instantly locked on the money bag in Su Nian's hand.

MacArthur just glanced at the money bag and withdrew his gaze.

He knew how much money it contained, and with the money he could only say that the other party had something to ask for.

So he was not polite, he had a very high attitude and raised his chin:

"Captain Tagore, what's the matter this late at night? Have you finished your patrol work today?"

"Yes, chief, I was on patrol during the day and just came back."

Su Nian rubbed his hands in embarrassment, looking like he was hesitating to speak.

He seemed a little embarrassed and timid.

It vividly reflects the look of a subordinate meeting his superior.

It’s not that he’s a natural actor.

Mainly, art comes from life.

This was usually the state in which Polikri and the others met him.

"If you have anything to say, just tell me. If I remember correctly, you have been under my command for five years. You don't have to be as open-minded as those new recruits!"

Su Nian looked moved when he heard this.

He scratched his head and said sheepishly:

"The leader is like this. I have a distant cousin with whom I have a good relationship. She originally lived in Slot. Three days ago, she wrote to me saying that there was no peace there and she wanted me to pick her up. But I have no military affairs to do so. Time, I originally wanted to wait until I was on vacation to pick her up and help her go through the formalities, but I never thought that she would come directly and said that there was a riot in Slote and hoped to defect to me..."

"Already come?"

MacArthur's eyes narrowed.

"How did she get here?"


Su Nian rubbed his hands and smiled, looking embarrassed.

"Come on! It's a long way from Slott to Saint Lotia Gray Wind Fortress. How can an ordinary person arrive so quickly?"

Su Nian's eyes twitched.

Fuck, I forgot about this.

Can a giant dragon fly at the same speed as an ordinary person?

In this case...

One eye opened on the back of Su Nian's head. He looked around to make sure no one was paying attention, and then pushed MacArthur into the room.

The iron door also closed with a bang.

"You, what are you doing?"

MacArthur was shocked by the strength of Tagore's hand, which could easily push him, a golden knight, away. His first reaction was not to doubt Tagore's human identity, but to doubt which country Tagore might be a spy.

"What do I want to do?"

Su Nian smiled ferociously and grabbed the leader of the Horned Eagle Knights by the neck and lifted him up:

“It’s true that there is a way to heaven but you don’t take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in!

I didn't want to be so high-profile. You said you are so old, why do you use so many brains? ? "

After that, without waiting for MacArthur to speak, he directly sprayed the dragon's breath, instantly turning the old man into ashes.

"The land of silence!"

Before the two women on the bed screamed, Su Nian had already released the dragon's magic in advance.

At this moment, MacArthur's personal guards also ran down from upstairs.

"Tagore, what are you doing here?! Where is Mr. MacArthur?"

The guard only saw a black ash on the ground and heard the prostitute's screams.

I didn't understand what happened for a while.

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