"What am I doing here? That's a good question!"

Su Nian clapped his hands, and the image on his body was distorted and instantly transformed into MacArthur's appearance.

"You are my personal guard, your name is Tams. You were playing with two prostitutes. At this time, Tagore ran into my tower to get some secrets, and then you bumped into each other, and then a tragic incident happened. The fire broke out, and I, MacArthur, the leader of the Knights of the Horned Eagle, came back from the toilet. You and the prostitute have been killed by Tagore, and I also executed Tagore in anger. I lost two powerful subordinates in a row, and one of them was a traitor. So I was very sad and burned the tower..."

Under the confused gazes of the guards and prostitutes, Su Nian slowly raised his head, with a sinister smile on his lips.

"Although there are still some doubts...such as why Tagore, who has been in the army for so many years, wanted to steal information, why I rewarded prostitutes to my personal guards, and why I used flames to dispose of your corpses, but these are all It’s not important, what’s important is that you all will die, as long as you are burned to ashes, you will die without any evidence!!”

After saying this, fire burst out from Su Nian's hand, and the frightened guards and prostitutes were reflected in the flames.

They clearly felt death approaching.

But a terrifying energy has locked them, which is the bloodline suppression of lower creatures by higher creatures.

This bloodline suppression made them unable to move, and even opening their mouths to speak became a luxury.

"Farewell, my brave bodyguard!"

Roaring flames spurted out from Su Nian's hand, and the extremely high temperature instantly burned everything in the room to ashes.

Since it is a castrated version of dragon's breath, there is no magic fluctuation in this process, and no special traces can be seen except that it is burned a bit thoroughly.

Seeing the tower on fire, Su Nian immediately walked outside the tower and found a stone to sit on, covering his face and crying silently.

The tower where the legion commander lives is more than thirty meters high. Once it lights up, it looks like a torch from a distance.

Not to mention that now that dusk was fading, the rising flames and black smoke were more conspicuous, quickly attracting the attention of the surrounding soldiers.

"Oh my God! General MacArthur's tower is on fire!"

"Water Mage, go and notify the Water Mage to put out the fire!"

The soldiers rushed to tell each other, and several horned eagle knights had already risen into the sky, and soon the water mage was invited.

After a few water elemental magics went down, the fire was not extinguished.

Su Nian was speechless for a while. He could only rely on his own strength to suppress the flames silently, and cooperated with the water mages to extinguish the flames on the tower.

At this moment, a group of horned eagle knights were surrounding Su Nian to inquire about his welfare.

By the way, I wanted to ask about what happened before.

Su Nian didn't say anything at first. It wasn't until more and more Horned Eagle Knights were around that he sighed with a heavy face:

"Can you believe it? Tagore would betray me and the entire Knights of St. Lodia's Hippogriffs!"

As soon as these words came out, a big wave was caused, and the surrounding Horned Eagle Knights seemed to explode.

"How is that possible?! Brother Tagore is so honest, he doesn't look like a traitor!"

"I was talking to Brother Tagore today, and he asked us to go back and eat more!"

"It's impossible for the general to tell us lies. This matter must be true. You know people but don't know their hearts..."

"I think so too. That boy Tagore always gives me a feeling of hypocrisy."

While the surrounding soldiers were busy discussing, Su Nian also used their mouths to reconstruct what had just happened along the steps they provided.

It was probably him who rewarded the two prostitutes for his bodyguards.

Then the bodyguard and the prostitute encountered Tagore who had sneaked in while they were "hey hey hey", and the two fought.

The bodyguard, who had no weapons and was naked, died heroically.

Finally, he arrived in time to kill the traitor Tagore, and then burned down the house in a rage.

This set of plot is coherent, there is no peeing point, every step is a climax, and the surrounding soldiers are enjoying themselves.

At the same time, they also felt respect, love and sympathy for this affectionate leader, and one by one expressed their opinions:

"General, don't worry, we will never betray you!"

"Yes, General, we are your soldiers in life, and in death, we are also your undead souls who continue to fight for you!"

"My condolences, General, there is no resurrection for the dead. We will always remember Tams. He was a good man. At least he didn't die on a woman's belly."

If such a big thing happened in the military camp, it would naturally be known to the commander-in-chief of Gray Wind Fortress - Genrath, known as the Eye of Frost, the old man Su Nian met before.

In order to show his affinity and ask about what happened, Eye of Frost Genrath specially summoned Su Nian.

After listening to Su Nian's description of what happened, he discovered that only two unimportant Horned Eagle knights had died, and his expression instantly relaxed a lot.

He took out a bottle of good wine and handed it to Su Nian as a comfort, and at the same time said in a serious tone:

"Recently, you should be stricter with those bastards under your command. A big shot will arrive at Gray Wind Fortress in at most two days. We must ensure that Gray Wind Fortress remains clean and tidy. Things like burning down your own house and causing rebellion among your men." I don’t want to see it again, especially when the big shot comes!”

Su Nian took the bottle of "fine wine" with a look of fear on his face. He knew what it was just by smelling it.

This wine can only be said to be pretty good in the human world.

Compared with the system store, it is like horse piss!

But on the surface, he still had a smile on his face and thanked him repeatedly. At the same time, he pretended to be curious and asked:

"May I ask, sir, who is the big man who is about to come to the fortress to inspect?"

In order to prevent the old man from misunderstanding, he immediately followed suit:

"You also know that I have been living on the border, and the biggest person I have ever seen is you. It is really hard to imagine what someone bigger than you would be like."

To say that the status of Frost Eye is not low, he is a border duke, which is considered a very big figure.

"Don't ask if you shouldn't, but I can tell you this matter."

The old man paused and said with a stern expression:

"Your Majesty is the one who is coming to Gray Wind Fortress for inspection this time, so you must listen to what I say and don't let any more riots happen!"

"It's your Majesty!" Su Nian was convinced. This was similar to what he had guessed.

King Leighton knew that the affairs of the Slot Empire would definitely take the initiative.

Isn’t this coming?

The status of the leader of the Horned Eagle Knights is still a bit too low...

Su Nian looked at the old man's hunched back in front of him, and a strange smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.


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