Half an hour later.

Eye of Frost - Genrath - Su Nian came out of the room with a satisfied look on his face.

General MacArthur's failure to return would inevitably cause trouble. In order to avoid exposure and arouse suspicion, Sunian immediately ordered the bodyguard to call the deputy commander of the Horned Eagle Corps based on Genrath's memory.

He was a dark-faced middle-aged man who looked powerful and very serious.

Su Nian very enthusiastically invited the deputy commander named Alas into the room.

Straight to the point:

"Arras, from today on you will be the leader of the Horned Eagle Legion!"

The dark-faced middle-aged man opposite could no longer keep the seriousness and solemnity on his face. The corners of his mouth suddenly turned up, his eyes brightened, and he stood up from his seat.

"Sir, can I really be the leader?"

Then he thought again and had some doubts. General MacArthur had always been in charge of this position. Why was he suddenly given the position?

Could it be that the burning of the tower offended the Commander-in-Chief?

After thinking about it, it seems that this is the only reason that is closest to the truth.

"Of course it's true." Su Nian pretended to be angry and patted the table: "Why, could I have brought you here just to have fun? Is there something wrong with me?"

Alas was flattered and said he didn't dare.

"Well, sir, I would like to ask, where has MacArthur gone?

Although I was one level below him before, he took good care of me during my work, so..."

"Oh, I transferred him to the Holy City to inform the Knights of the Hippogriff."

Su Nian knocked on the table, without blushing or out of breath, and said seriously:

"There's something wrong with a general over there. Don't worry. Although it looks like he was just transferred, it's actually equivalent to a promotion. He left just now and will take up his post early tomorrow morning!"

Alas didn't have the slightest doubt when he heard this, and he was even happy for his former good boss from the bottom of his heart.

The Holy City is different from the bitter cold border. Not only is the material abundant, but the city is also more prosperous. And because the city defense system is at the same level as the Royal City of Saint Rodia, the workload of the Knights of the Horned Eagle is not that heavy. The patrol is just a supporting role. The most important thing is that the girl over there in the Holy City is beautiful!

Alas was very envious that MacArthur could be transferred to the Holy City to serve.

But now he is more happy, happy that he has become a regular employee!

Becoming a regular employee means greater power, more salary, and a better life for his four children in the family.

"Okay, you can go."

Su Nian threw an appointment document to Alas and waved his hand nonchalantly. Alas thanked him profusely. As soon as he took a step forward, he followed in an understatement:

"By the way, there is a junior from my family who came to my Gray Wind Fortress for training. He came with the goblin caravan, and his subordinates are all orcs. You can go to the city wall to watch later and let him go directly!"


Alas was stunned.

These are extraordinary times. Things in the Black Nest Empire are in a turmoil. The entire human society is very wary of orcs and monsters. At this time, the commander-in-chief wants a group of orcs to enter the fortress?

Even though I had just been promoted.

But out of professional ethics, he couldn't help but ask:

"Sir, there won't be any hidden dangers in that caravan, right?"

"What hidden dangers could there be?!"

Su Nian took out a cigar, smoked it skillfully, and puffed away at the night outside the window.

"Think about it, they are just a group of orcs. Even if they have other intentions, can they be the opponent of your Hippogriff Knights? Even if you, the Hippogriff Knights, can't defeat them, can they be the opponent of our entire Gray Wind Fortress? Or, if I take action, what kind of disturbance do you think a dozen orcs can cause?"


Alas was speechless.

He thought about it carefully and it seemed to be true.

This matter is indeed because his nerves are too sensitive.

Just listen to Genrath say again:

"It is your advantage that you do your duty. I won't blame you, but sometimes your nerves don't have to be so tight. You must be confident in our Gray Wind Fortress, confident in our empire, and firmly believe that Saint Lotia must be invincible. , what the Black Nest Empire is, it’s just a clown!”

"Yes! Sir!"

Alas raised his head and saluted Genrath, feeling sincerely convinced.

This is the mood of the fortress commander-in-chief!

It's far beyond what a little guy like him can match. Look at this courage and his composure sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai. Sure enough, he still has a long way to go.

At this time, Alas has regarded Su Nian as his idol and life mentor.

Unexpectedly, after he left, Su Nian also breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear.

"This Saint Lotia Empire is indeed the supreme empire of the Southern Continent. The quality of the frontier troops is very good. If it were placed in other empires, the joy of promotion and the appreciation of the superiors would be enough to go to a person's head, but the people of this empire He actually still raises questions..."

There is lingering fear in the heart. There is lingering fear in the heart.

As the saying goes, the devil is as high as the Tao.

In the end, these officers were bypassed by him.

If this Arras had the intention to specifically check MacArthur's movements, he would simply admit defeat this time and could only massacre the city before King Leighton arrived at Gray Wind Fortress.

After calculating the time, Su Nian gave Anna a signal to act.

at the same time.

Outside Gray Wind Fortress—

Anna, who had been waiting for a long time, immediately took action after receiving the signal from the spiritual network.

"Quick, hurry, push the cart up, we can enter the city already!"

The monsters followed suit.

At the same time, the goods that have been prepared long ago are transported to the pallet truck.

They are easy to spot due to their appearance.

So each one wore a cloak, except for the orcish ears.

They couldn't hide their tall stature anyway.

Instead of covering up your whole body, it's better to be more calm.

After everything is ready.

This temporarily formed caravan sailed towards Gray Wind Fortress in a mighty manner.

When they arrived at Gray Wind Fortress.

The announcement of Alas' appointment has been notified to the entire Order of the Hippogriff.

Regarding MacArthur's transfer, many Horned Eagle knights were confused.

Because for something as big as the transfer of a general, there will definitely be some rumors in advance.

It was too sudden to be transferred directly like this.

But they are just soldiers after all.

They have no control over their boss's affairs.

Besides, it was so sudden that General MacArthur's position had not changed for a long time. It had been more than ten years. It was quite reasonable for him to be promoted suddenly.

Arras came to the walls of Gray Wind Fortress.

Move all the surrounding soldiers away, leaving only a few personal guards.

He stood in front of his personal guards, looked around, and warned in a serious tone:

“Wait a minute, no matter what you see, shut your mouth!

All you need to know is that Master Genrath personally ordered this matter. Whoever dares to make a little noise to alert the soldiers of other legions should wait until he returns to receive the military staff! "

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