"Yes! Sir, we promise not to say anything!"

These soldiers are die-hard loyalists of Arras.

Some are brothers who worked together on the battlefield, and some are retainers brought out by Alas himself. Now that Alas has been promoted to the top, their status in the legion has also increased. At this moment, their support and trust in Alas have reached its peak.

"very good."

Alas nodded with satisfaction and ordered these personal guards to guard the city gate, while he stared into the dark wilderness, waiting for the so-called juniors who came to Gray Wind Fortress to experience as Su Nian said.

In aristocratic circles.

Going out for training is a very normal thing.

This kind of behavior is not only valued by the upper echelons of the family, but also the noble heirs themselves regard experience as a fashionable trend of the times. They will not only hide their identities and join mercenary groups or adventure groups for adventure, but some will also come directly to the fortress to learn. .

Alas looked at it for a moment.

Soon the faint sound of horse hooves was heard.

The city walls within a kilometer of the surrounding area are completely controlled by the Knights of the Horned Eagle. Although what happens next may still be seen by other soldiers, it is not harmful. From such a distance, they cannot see the city gate clearly. What happened to the location.

Alas thought clearly.

This matter can be regarded as the first task given to him by Genrath after he took office. Whether he can do it well will be a test for him, so he not only has to do it, but also does it beautifully, although Genrath doesn't care what other soldiers think of him, but as an officer promoted by Genrath, he must care about this!

So as much as possible, he didn't want other soldiers to know about it.

This is why he used his authority to transfer all other soldiers on the city wall.

Soon, a convoy appeared in Alas' sight.

His eyesight is better than that of an ordinary soldier.

Seven or eight hundred meters away, the convoy in the darkness was clearly visible to him.

"A troll orc more than ten meters tall..."

Looking at the huge monster surrounding the convoy.

Alas couldn't help but mutter to himself.

The one sitting at the front could vaguely be seen to be a girl wearing a hood.

All this is consistent with the information given by Genrath.

Based on this, he can basically conclude.

This caravan was specially designed to escort the daughter of the family.

In order to confirm this, Alas first told the soldiers on the city wall to be calm, and then slid down the zipline on the city wall.

He is a knight of gold and strength. If he goes to check the situation and finds something wrong, he can return immediately and notify the city wall to alert.

"Your Majesty the Queen, someone is coming down!"

Policoli saw a figure slipping from the city wall and hurriedly shouted a reminder. Other magics around him also spontaneously converged towards Anna's position, forming a semicircular circle and guarding Anna within it. Every monster tensed up. Nerves are always ready for battle.

"I saw it. Don't act rashly. The other party may just be a soldier who came down to investigate the situation."

Anna knew Su Nian's arrangements and believed in Su Nian's judgment, so she was not worried.

Besides, there's really nothing to worry about.

The surrounding monsters are all at level seven.

Any one she sent out could kill the knights who came down from the city wall with an axe. She even had to make the surrounding monsters calm down to make them appear slightly harmless.

Alas soon approached the caravan.

Although he already knew that these trolls were huge from a distance, it still gave him a huge visual impact when he walked up to them. Even if they were placed in the troll group, these trolls were the largest and strongest ones. .

He originally wanted to get closer and ask questions.

But being separated by ten meters was the limit he could bear.

Any closer and he felt like he would tremble when he spoke.

"Who are you?"

Alas's right hand was holding the hilt of the sword, and his eyes were fixed on the troll at the front.

The opponent's strong body was covered under the cloak, only a pair of wolf ears were exposed, and a huge ax hung on his waist.

With this ax blow, even the strongest bull can be instantly beaten into a meat pie... Fortunately, the opponent did not attack. Judging from the surface characteristics, it should be a wolf troll.

"We are a caravan from Holy Land Town."

The wolf troll waved its furry arms in a rough voice, causing the air to tremble: "Let us in quickly, we want to drink! We want to eat meat! You can't afford to offend our master!"

"Shut up!"

Without waiting for Alas to speak.

There was a shout from the carriage.

It was the girl who spoke.

The voice was clear and sweet - Alas even felt that his nervousness was relieved a lot by the voice.

"Hello, sir."

Anna gently lifted her hood, revealing her pure and charming face, and said in a gentle tone:

"I am the daughter of Uncle Genrath's sister's son's sister. This time I came to Gray Wind Fortress not only for training, but also because the Slot Empire is not at peace. I wanted to come to Uncle Genrath's place to take refuge. avoid."

Finally, Anna added:

"By the way, I'm a magician!"

She summoned a fireball that flew around the carriage twice, then soared into the sky until it reached a high altitude where no shadow could be seen.

Alas has been confused by the complicated network of relationships mentioned by Anna.

But one thing is for sure.

The young lady in front of her is indeed a junior member of Mr. Genrath's family, and she has a very good talent for magic. No wonder Mr. Genrath is still willing to take the risk to give this young lady a sheltered environment even though there is so much distance between them.

After working for a long time, I fell in love with this young lady’s talent and bright future.

Juniors with outstanding talents are welcome everywhere.

Now that his identity has been basically confirmed, Alas feels a little more at ease, no matter how vicious the trolls around him are.

"It turns out to be the young lady of the Tellwin family."

Alas bowed to Anna and said respectfully:

"Mr. Genrath often talks about you. He says that your talent is one of the best in the entire family. He often talks about why you don't go and see him..."

Of course Su Nian never said such a thing.

These words are the embodiment of Alas’ emotional intelligence.

He speculated on the relationship between Genrath and this lady through some details. Even if he was wrong, it would not hurt, but as long as he was right, Genrath would naturally remember his efforts when he talked with this lady.


Anna's eyes lit up and she felt a little aggrieved: "I thought uncle wouldn't like to see me~"

"How is that possible?" Alas waved his hands in fear, but he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and at the same time felt a sense of secret joy. This bet was considered right.

He invited warmly:

"Please come with me, Mr. Genrath has been waiting in the fortress for a long time!"

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