The gate of Gray Wind Fortress was opened, and Anna and a group of monsters, led by Arras, entered the fortress in a big way. Although this fortress was mainly fortifications, it was still connected to two small towns. This is It is divided into military areas and civilian areas, so it still looks very prosperous.

But for safety reasons, and also because these monsters are too huge and scary.

Alas did not dare to take Anna and the others into the civilian area, but instead walked around the military area and came to Genrath's castle.

"Master Genrath is in the castle, so I won't take you up. I still need to arrange military affairs on the other side of the city wall."

Alas is very measured in what he does.

If you follow him at this time, you will be suspected of taking credit, which will easily cause the boss's dissatisfaction. As long as his kindness and some small actions are conveyed in place, today's task will be considered perfectly completed, and there is no need to do anything more.

Anna nodded to Arras, held up her skirt and bowed to express her gratitude. This golden knight did not mess around, and left decisively with his soldiers, without any intention of warning these orcs.

Soon Anna saw Su Nian in the castle hall, who had returned to his normal appearance. The surrounding servants and guards had been dismissed, and the monsters were arranged in specific warehouses. The servants were busy cooking barbecue for these monsters. went.

"Brother, I miss you so much!"

The moment Anna saw Su Nian, she threw herself into Su Nian's arms. Her pretty pink face rubbed against Su Nian's belly, like a coquettish kitten.

"We haven't seen each other for a few hours, haven't we?"

Su Nian pinched Anna's pretty face and couldn't help but tease her.

"A few hours has been a long time. Doesn't brother miss Anna? If not, I will leave now!"

Xiao Nizi fell out when she said she would.

One second he was pouring out his thoughts, and the next second he turned around and ran out. Su Nianggang grabbed him and held him in his arms to comfort him:

"Yes, of course I do, that's too much!"

Anna rolled her eyes when she heard this and turned her head away: "Perfunctory. When a man is impatient, he will repeat a word three or four times. Whatever is right, right, right, OK, OK, OK, OK, that's it!"


Su Nian was dumbfounded: "Where did you learn this fallacy?"

"Sister Salister told me!"

"That's a human man. I'm a black dragon. Black dragons are different. They focus on sincerity!"

"Really?" Anna turned her head and looked at Su Nian, looking searching.

"That must be true."

Su Nian smacked Anna's face and said with a lewd smile: "If you still don't believe me, how about I show you how much I miss you?"

After saying that, Su Nian started to take off his belt without any intention of discussing it with Anna. Anna was so frightened that Anna hurriedly held down Su Nian's hand. She said coquettishly, "No, no, no, no! Now the enemy is here." We can't do those things in my hometown. I believe my brother misses me~"


Su Nian looked at Anna worriedly.

He firmly believes that magic can defeat magic.

"No! I have to let you know how much I miss you today, but I can't let my baby misunderstand my feelings!"

He resumed taking off his belt.

Anna was at her wits end, her whole body was pressed against Su Nian, and Su Nian was not allowed to continue to take off his belt.

"I really know that my brother misses me!"

She assured loudly and angrily:

"My brother is thinking about me every minute, but I didn't feel it. I feel guilty for missing him, and I still blamed him for it. It's my fault, I'm guilty. I applied to return to the Black Nest to accept the punishment of Tentacle Hell!! "

When Su Nian heard this, all the worry and sadness on his face disappeared instantly.

He tied the belt, straightened some wrinkled clothes, and looked at Anna with a smile: "This is what you said, the queen said, a horse is hard to catch. When you return to the Black Nest Empire, wash yourself and wait for me in the room, Jie Jie Jie~”

Anna doesn't dare to compete with Su Nian now.

She nodded obediently and brought the conversation back to business.

"Brother, now that I have sneaked in, what should we do now?"

"King Leighton is coming to Gray Wind Fortress with his army. What we have to do is very simple, that is to cause trouble for King Leighton. However, it's hard to say how to find him specifically. We have to find a way to sneak into the Holy City legitimately. …”

"Brother originally wanted to go to the Holy City..."

Anna huddled in Su Nian's arms and was thoughtful.

Now Su Nian is the commander of Gray Wind Fortress. It is easy to sneak into Gray Wind Fortress, but it may not be that simple to sneak into the Holy City in the same way.

The best way is for Su Nian to obtain King Leighton's authorization and use King Leighton's channels to directly bypass the various detection systems and enter the Holy City.

So under what circumstances would King Leighton let the commander of Gray Wind Fortress leave?

The only possibility is that the Holy City is attacked and needs the support of Gray Wind Fortress.

After some thinking.

Anna considered it and said:

"Brother can order the monster army to attack the holy city at the same time. Bastian is about the same size as you. If he appears near a certain holy city at night, King Leighton will definitely be attracted to it.

When the time comes, my brother will request to go to war as the fortress commander, and King Leighton may transfer you to one of the holy cities.

But before that, it's best to let Polikri and the others leave first, and don't let them appear in King Leighton's sight. "

When Su Nian heard what Anna said, he couldn't help but feel a little relieved.

In fact, he had already had a similar idea when he ordered the army to be divided into four parts to attack the Holy City, but he wanted to deliberately test Anna to see if Anna could go to the same place with him.

Originally, he was just planning to replace an ordinary officer in Gray Wind Fortress, but by some strange combination of circumstances, he became the commander-in-chief of the entire Gray Wind Fortress.

The commander-in-chief usually cannot leave the city he is guarding, but there is no way now, and it is impossible for him to change into Genrath again.

Therefore, King Leighton must be made to feel that the Holy City needs to send troops to support.

"You have the same idea as me!"

Su Nian touched Anna's little head and said with a smile:

"But the monster army cannot really attack the Holy City. Without the leadership of me, Bastian and Delani, it will be difficult for them to attack the walls of the Holy City.

Even if they could fight it, they would suffer heavy losses.

So what we have to do is to crack the defense system of the Holy City, especially the incarnation of Furion, which is a huge threat! "

"Brother already has a solution?"

Anna blinked her big eyes.


Su Nian shook his head very bachelorly.

"That's why I want to bring you along. Although I have learned a lot of magic, I can only be regarded as an excellent user.

If you really ask me to study formations and magic, I don't have this talent. "

He paused and looked at Anna with burning eyes, as if looking at a treasure: "But you, Anna, you are a true magic genius. Only you can help me with this matter!"

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