Su Nian still remembers the stacking magic circle that Anna arranged around him when he was sleeping. The talented magician could stack the magic circle up to three times, and it could be stacked up to four times. The number of five times in the entire history of mankind is second to none. It's hard to count, but Anna can superimpose the magic circle up to ten times.

What is the concept?

If carving a magic circle is compared to drawing on a leaf, then each time the magic circle is superimposed, the leaf will shrink by half. The array master needs to complete the carving of the entire magic circle within a smaller range for the second superposition. By analogy, the drawing area will shrink with each superposition, which will extremely test the mental strength of the array master and the proficiency of the array.

And Anna didn't just superimpose a magic circle.

In order to enhance the effect of the magic circle.

She connected more than a hundred magic circles stacked ten times together, which was equivalent to connecting an extremely complex circuit by herself.

Su Nian once tried to analyze the magic circle arranged by Anna. At that time, he was at the seventh level and had accepted all the magic inheritance from the Dragon Clan Library. However, when he faced Anna's intricate magic circle, he still had an uncontrollable feeling. The feeling of powerlessness makes one feel dizzy if forced to analyze it.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Anna's magic circle is unsolvable.

It's just that there is no solution for him, a black dragon with little magic talent. If a silver dragon is sent to check Anna's magic circle, maybe he can complete the analysis and crack the magic circle.

Put all that aside.

Anna's magic and magic circle talents are extremely powerful.

As for how powerful he was, Su Nian had no idea.

So he wanted to take Anna into the Holy City to see if he could cut off the magic network connection between the Holy City and the Royal City of Saint Rodia, and if he could destroy the Holy City's defense system and prevent the incarnation of Furion from coming.

Even if Anna can't do it, doesn't it still involve Pastoreki and the system?

After the plan was basically finalized, Su Nian sent Polycri and other monsters into the secondary plane. As for why these orcs left, there was no need to explain to the servants in the castle. After that, he spent another half day perfecting Anna's identity. , a potion sold in the system store can just hide the sub-elf characteristics of Anna.

After all these preparations are completed.

He silently waited for the arrival of King Leighton.

The next day at dusk.

A group of cavalry galloped to Gray Wind Fortress to report to Su Nian that King Leighton was about to arrive.

In fact, with King Leighton's strength, he could cross space and arrive at Gray Wind Fortress in an instant, but in order to show off his image, he chose to come slowly in a carriage with the army.

Of course, the main reason for this is that he didn't hear the news that Gray Wind Fortress was attacked. If he had heard, he would immediately flash to Gray Wind Fortress to organize the fortress defenders to resist the Black Nest Empire's attack.

"His Majesty Leighton will arrive in two hours. Your Gray Wind Fortress should be prepared to receive His Majesty the King in advance."

The mage who came to report the situation looked arrogant and was wearing a robe with beautiful patterns. From the medal on his chest, it could be seen that he came from the Holy Inquisitor Mage Legion under King Leighton. Although his strength was only a mage, the look in his eyes But he looked aloof, as if he were looking at a country bumpkin.

"Thank you for informing your Majesty, we have prepared a sumptuous dinner for Your Majesty!"

Su Nian knew that these guys from the royal city all had a natural arrogance, and everyone looked like a bumpkin. He didn't bother to argue with such people. Anyway, it wouldn't be long before this arrogant mage turned into a corpse. .

"Well, you'd better make things nice!"

Seeing the humble attitude of the fortress commander in front of him, the magician suddenly felt that his vanity was satisfied.

He couldn't help but turn up the corners of his mouth, snorted softly, and left with a group of knights.

Two hours later——

It was just getting dark.

King Leighton's army rushed into the fortress with thundering drums.

Genrath, played by Su Nian, was also summoned immediately.

The first person in the castle was replaced by King Leighton. This king obviously hadn't had a good rest recently. He looked very ordinary, with visible fatigue in his eyebrows and some dark circles under his eyes.

"Your Majesty, everything is normal in Gray Wind Fortress. The servants have prepared a sumptuous dinner. Everyone is looking forward to listening to your teachings."

Su Nian stood respectfully beside King Leighton.

I was thinking about whether I should expand my territory and kill King Leighton directly?

But King Layton is the son of Fario, the God of Law.

Although Furion has not shown his miracles for thousands of years, as the son of God, Layton must have various trump cards. Instead of taking a gamble at this time, it is better to play steadily and gradually erode the power of the Saint Lotia Empire.

Thinking of this, Su Nian immediately suppressed the dangerous thoughts.

Silently recite three times in your mind, "Amitabha, put down the butcher knife."

"Ahem, Sir Gentra has been working hard recently. You should know that the Black Nest Empire has defeated Slott and is heading towards Saint Rodia, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Of course Su Nianxin said it clearly, the real master is right in your face!

"Hmm~" King Leighton picked up the wine glass and took a sip of wine, "Then what do you think about this matter?"

Su Nian pondered this question for a moment, then quickly assumed the position of the fortress commander. His eyes narrowed and he said indignantly:

"Your Majesty, since the Lord of the Black Nest can defeat King Slote City so quickly, this is enough to show how powerful the Lord of the Black Nest is, but even so, the Lord of the Black Nest can never be the opponent of our Saint Lotia Empire. If this black dragon dares to invade Gray Wind Fortress, I will definitely make it hate this!"

King Leighton nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"Yes, I, the fortress commander of the Saint Lotia Empire, must have such courage!"

These words obviously made King Leighton feel very comfortable.

But when the conversation changed, he reminded again:

"The Lord of the Black Nest is a powerful enemy of us humans and should not be underestimated, so this time I brought a hundred thousand elites to guard the Gray Wind Fortress, and even mobilized many troops from the four holy cities. How dare the Lord of the Black Nest Come here, I will kill you!"

Su Nian's heart moved when he heard this.

It seems that the last disastrous defeat of the human coalition really made the king feel a little hurt. Now he has to mobilize soldiers from the four holy cities. It can be seen that the defensive strength of the four holy cities is now not as good as before. In this case...

Su Nian secretly logged into the Domination Will Network and issued orders to the various monster leaders.

"Shvana, with an army of 50,000 monsters, is stationed two kilometers away from Thun City and sends an attack signal to Thun City."

"Delani, you are approaching with an army of 50,000 monsters. If you care about the city, you can go to the city to harass you if you ensure your own safety!"

"Bastian, you lead an army of 20,000 monsters to launch a night attack on Snowman City, which has the weakest defense. You will be gone in one strike. Don't be greedy!"

"Big Big Wolf and other monster leaders are attacking the villages around Rolandi, cutting off Rolandi's supply lines, and staying put!"

All commanders and monster leaders took orders.

Su Nian glanced at King Leighton who thought he had a chance to win without any trace, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up with a fierce arc.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

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