
Anna looked at Lutland blankly.

She didn't know if it was an illusion, but she actually saw a little bit of pride in this old man? What's so proud about being liked by a man? And he's still a half-buried old man? !

Anna felt that there might be something wrong with this Lutland, so she couldn't help but take a half step back.

Lutlan obviously didn't want to say more about this matter. He took Anna to a grand gate and said in a serious tone:

"Behind the door is the Holy Pillar. Jessica, I brought you in. I will be responsible for everything that happens after that. So before approaching the Holy Pillar, I must make three rules to you. I hope you can do it and don't give it to me." , causing trouble for yourself and your uncle."

Anna nodded solemnly when she heard this and promised:

"Don't worry, it's my honor to visit the Holy Pillar. Without your approval, I won't touch anything." But I thought in my heart, I won't touch it. Some things can be done without touching it. When the time comes, Even if it can't be analyzed, there is still mentor Pastoregi to take action.

She had already made up her mind.

He must study the secret of this holy pillar desperately so that he can help Su Nian.

Lutlan saw "Jessica" being so well-behaved.

My evaluation of "Jessica" has become much higher.

He took out a key set with red gems from the space ring and gently inserted the key into the door hole, but just like that, the door remained motionless.

At this time, Lutlan's whole body was boiling with magic power, and a vast amount of magic power poured into the door through the key.

I saw a light blue light spreading from the key to the entire door along the dense lines.

With a buzzing sound.

The door automatically opened to the left and right.

Anna watched this scene and thought silently. Having a key to open the door is only the first step. Secondly, the power of the six apostles is needed as identity verification, or the power must reach a certain level to activate the door.

Walking into the gate, the vast holy pillar is right in front of you.

Looking at it from a distance, I felt extremely shocked.

After getting closer, I felt even more horrified.

But I saw a beam of light with a diameter of a hundred meters rising into the sky.

I just feel a wall of light standing in front of me.

It contains the purest magic power.

I don’t know what material the floor tiles around the sacred pillar are made of. They are silver-gray and as smooth as a mirror. Countless runes can be vaguely seen flickering and dancing on them. They are like fish swimming in the deep sea, rolling like waves and heading towards that The magnificent holy pillars gathered together.

"Haha, as you can see, this is the holy pillar."

Lutland led Anna to the sacred pillar.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the holy pillar, and ripples suddenly appeared on the wall of glory.

"These are the purest magic powers that can be converted into any element. I can touch them with my hands because I am strong. You must not touch them. Too pure magic power will burn you."

Lutlan didn't touch the holy pillar for long before he withdrew his hand. Just for a moment, the magic power in his body had become extremely full. If he continued to touch the holy pillar, even as a ninth-level forbidden curse mage, he would not be able to bear it. .

Anna nodded in amazement when she heard this, but her eyes were looking around, her mental energy carefully reaching out, checking everything around her.

Lutlan felt Anna's spiritual power, but didn't say much.

Mental power is the second eye of a mage. When you come to a new environment, using mental power to detect is the most basic quality of a mage. Even mental power can see many things that cannot be seen with the eyes.

"Lord Lutlan, may I ask how the Holy Pillar was born? Also, is there any special significance in sending these pure magic powers to the sky?"

Anna looked at the flashing runes under her feet with curiosity.

In fact, she basically already has the answer in her mind, but she still needs to confirm it with Lutlan. Furthermore, sometimes acting ignorant is easier to gain favor and make people relax their vigilance.

"Did you notice the runes under your feet?"

Lutland did not look back, and the voice floated from the front.

"There are a total of 90,000 of these runes, all arranged and combined according to specific rules. This combination forms a chain of runes, with a total of 97836.2 billion. These rune chains are intertwined to form a magic network."

The voice of the old apostle was rather sighing.

Every time he thought about the composition of the Magic Network, he couldn't help but sigh for the greatness of the founding emperor of the Saint Lodia Empire, Furion. Such a large number of talisman chains were beyond the ability of ordinary mages to analyze. Even he, The ninth-level forbidden spell mage who is about to enter the legend can only sort out one-third of them, and there is no guarantee that the sorting will be correct.

"There are so many talisman chains. The God of Law is really great."

Anna sighed while analyzing a chain of runes.

It's very easy, and the analysis is completed in less than 0.5 seconds.

Her mental power processes these runes very quickly.

It doesn’t require much thinking at all.

The moving runes automatically arranged themselves in the correct order in her mind.

Saves time spent on sorting.

Just listen to Lutlan continue:

"As for how the Holy Pillar was formed, it is because the magic power in the magic network is too huge, and we have to release this magic power. That is the Holy Pillar you see now. There are a total of Holy Pillars in the Saint Lotia Empire. There are four of them, and they send pure magic power into the sky, improving the purity of magic power in the entire Saint Lotia Empire, making this place a holy place for mages...

Of course, if it were just this, the role of the Holy Pillar would be a bit too wasteful. "

Lutlan was a little confused about whether to tell Jessica the next knowledge.

He turned to look at "Jessica".

The little girl was blinking at him with big eyes full of curiosity.

Such eyes were pure and bright, without any impurities. He felt that as a mage who pursued the limits of magic, no one could refuse such eyes.

"I'll tell you some secrets."

Lutlan touched his gray beard and said thoughtfully, "But you must swear to the god you believe in that you will not tell these secrets."

Anna swore an oath to the holy dragon without saying a word.

Anyway, she is already half human and half dragon, so she has no problem swearing to the holy dragon.

A flash of purple light flashed, and the oath was established.

Lutland didn't know what kind of god "Jessica" believed in, but he could basically tell from the flash of divine power that it was a main god. In this case, there was no need to ask more.

He then recounted some of the core secrets of the Holy Pillar:

"Later, in order to fully utilize the power of the Holy Pillar, His Majesty Furion engraved the ultimate rune inside the Holy Pillar. This rune can use the power of the Holy Pillar to summon his incarnation, and at the same time, he guided part of the power of the Four Holy Pillars to gather in the royal city. , there is a larger Holy Pillar there, which supports the operation of all magic systems in the entire royal city. At the same time, the Holy Pillar can also increase the combat power of the apostles, and as apostles, we can also bless the power of the Holy Pillar to other mages. "

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