"I see!"

Anna showed a look of understanding.

I had heard from the Dominator Will that Bastian was defeated when he attacked Snowrun City. Facing the six apostles, he fought very hard. Later, the strength of the six apostles instantly soared to legend. When Bastian saw When things get bad, he turns around and runs away.

Now that I think about it, if I run slower.

He has probably become a pot of roasted dragon meat now.

"Do you want to see the ultimate rune?"

Rutland said everything and didn't care about that.

In fact, what I mentioned before are indeed secrets to ordinary mages.

But the talented mages in the empire will come into contact with this part of knowledge sooner or later.

Especially the elites of each mage legion.

If they protect the Holy City, they all have the opportunity to gain an increase in the power of the Holy Pillar.

Before that happens, they have to learn how to harness this power.

In Lutland's eyes, "Jessica", who has a high affinity for magic elements, will definitely achieve good results in the future. Coupled with the protection of the Payne family, she will definitely thrive. Telling her this now is considered in advance. Long experience.

"Can I really see the ultimate rune?"

Anna's big eyes flashed when she heard this, like a child seeing a beloved toy.

"Of course~"

Lutlan just likes "Jessica's" look - that kind of mage's pursuit and persistence of knowledge!

He turned around to face the Holy Pillar, with divine light blooming in his eyes, and countless runes seemed to be flashing in it. At the same time, a blue hexagram array gradually unfolded behind him, and multiple smaller arrays appeared around the array at the same time. They were rotating like gears, getting faster and faster, as if they were analyzing something, and the light in Lutlan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Finally, a gate composed of golden light patterns appeared on the surface of the holy pillar.

Lutland pushed the door open and motioned for Anna to follow.

The two walked into it and saw a golden magic rune floating in the plain white unknown space. On the surrounding wall of light, fine magic runes rose towards the sky.

This is clearly the inside of the Holy Pillar.

Anna's eyes fell on the golden magic rune. This rune was much larger than the ordinary magic rune. It seemed to be spliced ​​together by countless magic runes. The lines were lush and extremely complex, and it looked like a rhombus. The maze can only be roughly remembered at a glance.

Su Nian had just finished reporting at the military camp at this time.

Lutland was very interesting and directly gave him the identity of a commander. He had three legions under his command, including 1,000 gryphon knights, 1,000 mages, 2,000 ordinary soldiers and archers, and more than 500 heavy armors. knight.

Although the total strength is not as large as Gray Wind City.

But they are basically elite.

Besides, he is an airborne figure, so it is very valuable to be able to provide so many soldiers.

It's a pity that Su Nian is not Genrath.

So he felt no gratitude at all.

After getting the token, he returned to his own camp and connected Anna's vision through the will of domination.

He also saw the golden runes.

He couldn't help but look a little weird.

This so-called ultimate rune really looks more and more like a circuit diagram.

Although there are many positive and negative poles and electrical appliances.

But if you look closely, you will find that these runes are all connected in parallel.

Ultimately connected in a larger magic loop.

One core controls the entire magic power.

"How's it going? Jessica, isn't the ultimate rune made by His Majesty Furion extremely mysterious?"

Lutlan looked at the ultimate rune with bright eyes.

This is not the first time he has looked at the ultimate rune. Every day he and the other five apostles stare at the ultimate rune whenever they have nothing to do. Every time they look at it, they gain new insights. After more than two hundred years, he has seen it now. Not even 20% understood!!

Furion is the pride of the Saint Rodia Empire, the supreme god in the hearts of all their mages, and the ultimate rune is the greatest treasure of the empire.

"It is indeed the ultimate rune. It is indeed mysterious. I can't understand it at all!"

Anna nodded in shock, dumbfounded.

She is very considerate.

Pretending to be very adoring and surprised.

In fact, attempts have been made to analyze the ultimate runes.

In fact, analyzing runes is to figure out the flow of magic power in the runes.

The flow of magic power in each rune is different, so it is easy to learn a single rune, but when multiple runes are combined to form a spell, the difficulty increases exponentially.

The mage must remember the flow rules of magic power in each rune, and then remember the flow rules after combination, and then pour the magic power according to this rule, and use mental power to control the magic power to run according to specific rules.

The magic can be released after successful operation.

For unfamiliar runes, if you cannot obtain information by observing the surface, you can only use your mental power to explore a little deeper, which is equivalent to walking through a maze and remembering the route. The ultimate rune in front of you is undoubtedly a very complex "maze" "Just activating this rune requires a huge amount of mental power, let alone exploration.

Lutland analyzed the runes for a while.

Seeing "Jessica" didn't speak.

Then he turned around and took a look.

I found that this little girl also started to analyze runes.

He was naturally astonished - it seemed that this little girl not only had a high elemental affinity, but also had a good mental talent.

This is a true genius!

But looking at the wrinkled look on her pretty face, it was obvious that the analysis process was not going smoothly and she was confused, but she was still trying to persevere.

Lutland nodded happily.

It's as if I can see myself again in "Jessica".

"Analysing the ultimate runes is very good for your mental strength, but don't rush it. You still have a long time and you still have a lot of time. You can come over at any time in the future, just tell me." Lutlan casually mentioned, Then he continued to immerse himself in analyzing the ultimate runes.

This is one of his daily exercises.

He knows how difficult it is to parse the ultimate rune.

Naturally, there is no defense against "Jessica".

How could a little mage analyze the ultimate rune?

Rutland didn't think about it at all.

In fact, he didn't know that Anna's painting style was actually like this.

Su Nian: "Anna, you think of this small rune fragment as an electrical appliance, and this selective rune as a switch. Also, this is an activation rune called a voltmeter, and this magic self-test rune is called an ammeter. This, this , and this, the transitive rune is used as a circuit line, and the core of the rune is called a battery, remember? Okay, now let’s talk about their functions separately..."

As Su Nian explained, Anna nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Her eyes grew brighter and brighter.

After the complex ultimate rune was dismantled and fragmented, the role of each small part became clear, and its overall structure became clearer. It seemed that it was not that complicated anymore.

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