Just when Su Nian was explaining the runes to Anna.

Pastoreki was also listening.

She originally thought that Su Nian was just talking casually, but gradually her eyes narrowed and she realized that there seemed to be some truth to it, so she concentrated and listened carefully, and she was suddenly confused.

So there is still this way of understanding? !

When Furion constructed the ultimate rune, it was said that he received help from the King of Winter. Perhaps this weird method of depicting the runes was the result of discussions between the two main gods, but why did Su Nian know this solution?

She stared blankly at the rune.

I just feel that according to Su Nian's statement, the so-called "how to light up a circuit and how not to cause a short circuit or open circuit", once you learn the basic rules, everything becomes so clear and simple.

In less than half an hour, the entire ultimate rune was analyzed.

Pastoreki looked at Su Nian stupidly.

Anna, on the other hand, has bright eyes. In her mind, Su Nian himself is omniscient and omnipotent, and it is a matter of course that he knows the solution to the ultimate rune.

"Activating the ultimate rune only requires infusing certain rune cores with magic and spiritual power. What we have to do now is to destroy this rune so that it cannot summon the incarnation of Furion."

Su Nian touched his chin and stared at a poster of a girl on the wall. In fact, the ultimate rune was floating in his field of vision. The function of each magic circuit, the traps and redundant parts in it were all clearly visible.

If you want to modify the ultimate rune, you must bypass the rune alarm device.

This alarm device is a complex magic circuit that is completely connected in the ultimate rune and is also part of the ultimate rune. If you want to activate or modify the ultimate rune, you must go through the alarm device.

After he pointed this part out to Anna and Pastoreki.

The two of them fell into thinking at the same time.

Su Nian just has the "tool" to understand the ultimate runes, but it doesn't mean that he has the brains to modify the ultimate runes. Now that Anna and Pastoreki have also mastered this tool, the minds of mages are very smart. It makes sense, now the two and one dragon are on the same starting line.

Su Nian thought for a while and then started picking his head.

Already a little impatient.

It's true that he is a science student, but he hates solving such complicated circuits, just like he hates memorizing convoluted politics and history. But seeing how serious Anna and Pasternovich are, he can't be fooled either. I can only stare at the ultimate rune in a daze.

As he stared, a feeling of sleepiness came over him.

He fell asleep as soon as his eyes closed.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In order to speed up the calculation of her brain, Anna naturally turned on [Fario's Rhapsody] to increase her mental power.

During this period, Lutlan broke away from analyzing the runes once. When he saw "Jessica" still sitting there without any distractions, he did not disturb "Jessica", but returned to the mage tower alone to brag to the other five apostles. He got up and praised his great-granddaughter "Jessica" to the extreme.

"I see!"

At a certain moment, Anna clapped her hands.

Uncontrollable joy appeared on her pretty face.

The ultimate rune is huge, and there are tens of thousands of places that can be modified, but it is not enough to modify just one place. It must be carefully considered and arranged in more than 10,000 modification points.

After simulating tens of thousands of modification plans in her mind, she finally figured out how to modify the ultimate rune. She only needed to add three strokes to the ultimate rune, then change the direction of two optional runes, and then she could A rune circuit hedge is formed without triggering the alarm rune.

This is what Su Nian calls "short circuit".

"Anna, do you know how to change it?"

Pastoreki came back from her thoughts and looked at Anna in surprise.

As a demigod, her mental power is definitely much stronger than Anna's.

This is the case even if Anna activates [Fario's Madness].

She can calculate faster than Anna.

But in the end it was Anna who figured it out first.

It can only be said that Anna used the rules more flexibly than she did. Rounding things off, Anna was much smarter than her, a demigod.

As soon as this conclusion is drawn.

Pastoreki suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

This is how long Anna has been teaching, and this is not the first time she feels frustrated like today. Maybe this is the trouble caused by teaching a genius, sweet trouble.

"Gah? What do you think, what came out? Milk, milk came out?"

Su Nian woke up from his sleep, still a little dazed.

The passing soldiers looked at Su Nian strangely.

They followed Su Nian's gaze to the poster on the wall, and immediately understood what the "Gernrath" master was talking about. I have to say that this poster was indeed well chosen. The girl in it was broad-minded. They are all made for large ranches.

"Lord Genrath, if there is a prostitution house in the city, if you are really depressed, you can go and relax for a while..."

The personal guard who was brought here by Su Nian stood behind him and reminded him with a playful smile, his face full of ambiguity and teasing.

Su Nian didn't say anything when he heard this.

He couldn't be bothered with that now.

All his attention was focused on Anna.

"Anna, did you get it out?"

"Yeah!" Anna nodded with a smile.

"The main reason is that my brother taught me well. I know that my brother will definitely be faster than me in figuring out the modification method, but he just wanted to test me, but I still spent so much time..."

Speaking of this, Anna couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"Brother, mentor, do you think Anna is too stupid?"

Pastoreki looked at Anna silently.

Fortunately, Anna was her disciple. If it were anyone else, she would just cast a forbidden spell on him and have him cremated.

Su Nian was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately and said with a sanctimonious smile: "Haha, Anna, it's pretty good that you can solve it. Even if I solve it, it won't take much less time than you do. This itself is a complicated matter, and many gods may not be able to solve it~"

Pastoreki was hit by an arrow in the knee.

She felt that Su Nian was pointing at her, but she had no proof.

When Anna heard what Su Nian said, her thoughts turned out to be true.

Sure enough, this ultimate rune was not difficult at all for Su Nian.

Suddenly, I admired Su Nian even more.

Pasternoreji often said that Su Nian was nothing but Seuse, and other than that he was just a wild dragon with no muscles and no brains. In the past, Anna could not find a reason to refute, but now she can shout out to Pasternoreji. Say "No!"

Su Nian laughed secretly when he saw Pastoregi's unkind look, but he also gave it up and quickly asked seriously:

“Anna, tell me your solution.

If it works as I think, our plan can begin! "

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