Anna told Su Nian and Pastoreki about the revised plan.

Su Nian and Pastoreji also took it into the ultimate rune and tested it as Anna said, and found that there was nothing wrong with it.

Indeed, only these three changes are needed to bypass the alarm mechanism for detecting runes.

It happened that Lutlan and the other five apostles were not around at this time. Su Nian was just about to ask Anna and Pastoregi to take action. Lutlan stepped into the Holy Pillar. He saw that Anna had no longer continued to analyze the ultimate talisman. Wen then smiled and said:

"How about Jessica, did you gain anything from this afternoon?"

It turned out that it was already dusk.

It seems that today’s visit to the Holy Pillar will end here.

Anna organized her words and raised a slightly tired smile to Lutlan:

"Mr. Lutland, the ultimate rune is too complicated for me. The internal rune circuit is mysterious and huge, and I can't analyze it. However, the study this afternoon has improved my mental strength a lot. For magic I gained a lot of new insights into the arrangement and combination of the runes when released.”

These words are all sincere. Only the sentence "I can't analyze it" is false. The other sentiments are Anna's truest inner thoughts.

Lutlan smiled and nodded upon hearing this.

Pretty much what he imagined.

Geniuses like Jessica will definitely be able to summarize some rules in the ultimate runes, which will be of great benefit to practicing magic and studying magic circles.

But it was already late, and Jessica should go out for a meal to replenish her energy. It was time for the apostles to change shifts, and it happened that Billy, a gay man, was guarding the holy pillar.

He can't leave Jessica here.

I'm afraid Billy won't give Jessica a good look.

It would be more harm than good to instill some wrong ideas about magic into Jessica.

Now Jessica is in the beginning stages of magic.

Proper guidance is very important to Jessica.

"Jessica, that's it for today!"

Lutlan said to Anna: "I ordered the servants to prepare a sumptuous dinner. Then I will invite your uncle to eat together. There is no limit to learning, but we must also combine work and rest."

Anna stayed where she was.

Say "3", "2", "1" silently in your mouth.

Then a sharp alarm sound was heard from the magic communication crystal on Lutlan's waist.

Lutlan frowned at the noise.

Generally speaking, the more urgent the matter, the sharper the alarm. At that moment, he had already thought of countless disasters that might happen to Ruotuo City. At the same time, he also activated the communication crystal, and only heard a furious dragon roar from the communication crystal. came out, followed by the anxious howl of the communication mage:

"Lord Lutland, something happened!

The monsters from the Black Nest Empire are attacking the city, and there are two giant dragons in the sky!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a scream came from the communication crystal and above his head at the same time, followed by a terrifying explosion. As the ground shook, a few wisps of wall dust fell on Lutlan's head, and the person opposite the communication crystal The mage also lost his voice.

“How can this not make sense! How can’t this make sense!!”

Lutlan crushed the communication crystal and gritted his teeth with a stunned look on his face.

The explosion just now carried terrifying fire element fluctuations, and the energy level has exceeded the level. It is definitely a forbidden spell summoned by a legendary dragon. Even if such magic is withstood by the city defense shield, the shock wave and high temperature it brings will It is also a disaster for the entire Ruotuo City.

He is just a monster who will attack Ruotuo City sooner or later.

The soldiers were also ordered to pay attention to the movements of the monster army at all times.

I just didn't expect that this attack would come so quickly and suddenly.

"Jessica!" Lutlan looked back at the petite girl, only to see her pale and huddled in the corner with a frightened look on her face, her lips trembling, muttering intermittently: "Dragon... there is a dragon... dragon……"

Lutland knew at a glance that "Jessica" was extremely afraid of dragons.

He had specifically investigated Jessica's identity before.

She is indeed Genrath's niece.

It's just that her parents and siblings all died in a dragon disaster, and Jessica was rescued by a hunter. She only returned to the family in the past month and has been under the care of Genrath.

At this moment, he was facing the power of the dragon.

It's totally normal for Jessica to be so scared.

That is simply a lifelong psychological shadow.

Thinking of this, Lutlan originally planned to call Jessica out and arrange for her to take shelter in a safe place temporarily, but then he thought about it, is there any safer place in the entire Ruotu City than the Holy Pillar?

The answer is of course no.

He felt soft and said to Anna quickly:

"Jessica, just stay here. Remember, never touch the holy pillar. You can't bear the strong magic power and you will be drowned by it...

Next, I and the other five apostles will handle the matter in Ruotuo City. You wait until we come back to find you. "

Anna was secretly happy when she heard this, but on the surface she nodded pitifully, with her hands clasped in front of her chest, like a deer lost in the forest, her eyes full of panic and confusion, without any sense of security.

When Lutlan saw Anna nodding, he thought for a moment, then took out a forbidden spell scroll and gave it to Anna, then jumped into the space and disappeared.

"Tsk tsk, forbidden curse [Arcane Divine Shield], this old man is very nice to you~"

In the empty sanctuary, Pastoreki's voice sounded quietly.

Anna looked at the beautifully crafted scroll in her hand and sighed:

"Lutland is indeed a very nice person, but it's a pity that he and I have different positions. We are enemies after all."

Since entering Ruotuo City, Lutlan has always shown Anna the image of a kind elder. He can be said to be very considerate and protective of Anna. The human heart is full of flesh. How is it possible to say that he is not moved at all?

Hearing this, Pastoreki gently patted Anna's shoulder and comforted her softly:

"Don't forget, he is so kind to you because your talent is there. If you don't have such talent, he may not even look at you. When you reach the level of forbidden spell mage, your life span has basically come to an end. , what they pursue is only the legend, the limit of magic and the ability to have a successor, and you are just qualified to be his successor."

"What about you, mentor?"

Anna looked at Pastonovich and asked timidly:

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"Then of course I will send you to become a god. I want you to help me ask the Supreme God Realm. What happened to the rules of light? What happened? You are occupying the latrine and not shitting!"

Pastoreki gritted his teeth and blurted out.


Ana was speechless for a moment after hearing the words.

Attention then focused on the ultimate rune.

Her brother has created a perfect opportunity for her, and now it's up to her to perform.

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