The Big Big Wolf thing is just a small episode.

Next, we will launch a general attack on the entire Ruotuo City.

At this time, the six apostles have not activated the power of the Holy Pillar, so it seems that there is not much pressure to defend the city.

He felt that some pressure should be put on these apostles.

At the same time, it also prevents monsters from causing too many casualties on the frontal battlefield and affecting the plan to dominate the continent.

It is true that Su Nian knows that war kills people, but monsters should not die here!

He still maintained his human form, but he was not in the form of an old man named Genrath, but in the form of a knight wearing black armor.

Following the attacking army of monsters, Su Nian had already reached the center of the battlefield. Beyond that was the frontal battlefield where monsters and puppets were fighting. Looking up, he could see the sky where Bastian, Delani and the six apostles were fighting. battlefield.

He stood there holding the sword, took a deep breath, and silently expanded the realm of royal power.

I saw a scarlet blood light covering the entire Ruotuo City and everything within a radius of thousands of miles.

Natural disaster clouds and mist spread across the entire sky at the same time. The six apostles who were fighting only felt a dull pressure on their bodies, and their strength actually dropped by a whole level.

"My strength, my strength is down!"

Lutlan stared blankly at his dim staff, standing there in a daze.

This was the first time in his life that he had encountered such an unbelievable thing.

"You, what have you done?"

He looked around confusedly.

The whole world seemed to be shrouded in a bloody filter.

"This should be the field."

The ninth-level lightning forbidden spell mage Maca'da looked solemn, turned to Lutlan and warned:

"Although I don't know what the situation is, the domain is generally a powerful force that can only be condensed by the legendary level who has touched the demigod realm. We can't delay it any longer. Lutland, use the power of the holy pillar!"

In other words, there must be a legendary hidden in the monster army, who is even more powerful than the Red Dragon Clan Leader in front of them. The two peak legends are definitely not a force they can resist, and they must rely on the outside world!

"Jie Jie~ Do you feel it? Your Majesty's great power!"

After fighting for so long, Bastian has long been unhappy with these six apostles. It is obvious that each of their strengths is far from him, but together they are as hard to shake as a turtle shell, and the attacks are so painful. , simply unreasonable!

Now it is suppressed by King Power Domain One.

The feeling of being unable to chew disappeared instantly.

"Ah ~ praise the realm of kingship!"

Only by personally feeling the power of the royal domain can one deeply feel the greatness of His Majesty Watrous. At this moment, as a dragon who had reaped the dividends of the royal domain, Bastian was trembling with excitement.

"It is indeed a field."

The six apostles looked at each other, raised their staffs high, and quickly recited a series of obscure incantations in the sky with thunder and lightning and rolling clouds.

At the same time, the magic power on his body also converged towards the staff.

Finally, it turned into a meteor that shot straight into the sky, drawing an arc to connect with the holy pillar in the distance.

This scene happened extremely quickly.

Even Bastian was too late to stop it.

"Ouch! Damn it! How dare you, a bunch of cowardly people, challenge me, Grandpa Long!"

Bastian knew that these apostles were going to use the temporarily enhanced trick again. He cursed fiercely, but in fact he was ready to retreat at any time.

"Fario, the great god of rules, please give us the power to fight against powerful enemies!"

Lutland solemnly swore an oath.

According to normal circumstances, at such a moment, the energy of the Holy Pillar has been introduced, and his strength will rise rapidly. However, today the energy of the Holy Pillar has not come for a long time, which makes him blink in confusion and look at He glanced at Ruotuo City behind him - he saw that the Holy Pillar of Tongtian was still standing there, but it seemed to have been cut off from the six apostles.

"Fario, the great god of rules, please give us the power to fight against foreign enemies!"

Lutlan raised his staff again, this time his tone became more urgent, and so did the other five apostles, but they already had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

After all, the energy of the Holy Pillar was not channeled.

Bastian had already planned to run away, but he saw the six apostles standing there shouting slogans with panicked expressions. He seemed to realize something - the Lord of the Black Nest and the Queen were in Ruotuo City before, and they ran to Ruotuo It is impossible to go on vacation in the city. The failure of the holy pillar must have something to do with the Lord and Queen of the Black Nest.

Since the six apostles can no longer use the power of the Holy Pillar and are still under the suppression of the royal domain, what else does he have to fear?

As soon as he thought of this, Bastian's whole body became nervous!

He let out a roar like thunder at the cloudy sky, while grinning ferociously, the dragon's breath sprayed out from the blood basin:


Jie Jie Jie~ Are you out of your element?

Where is your God of Furion rules? He has abandoned you!"

The six apostles tried their best to block the dragon's breath.

This was originally an easy task, but now it has become extremely difficult.

"Lutlan, let's hold on here. Go back and see what's going on with the Holy Pillar. If nothing can be done, summon the incarnation of Furion's crown!"

A mouthful of blood overflowed from Maca'da's mouth, struggling to support the fire resistance shield, and speaking quickly.

"Hoo! Want to run away? There's no way!"

While roaring, Bastian had already slapped a dragon claw on the shield held up by the apostles. With this claw, the legendary peak level was fighting against six eighth-level warriors. Even if they were united, they were no match. Two more apostles suddenly spoke out. Blood spurts out, and the internal organs are turned upside down.

Lutlan gave Bastian a vicious look, and without any hesitation, he took out the fixed-point teleportation scroll and tore it apart. This kind of scroll did not require magic guidance and was convenient and fast. In the next second, he had arrived at the core of the Holy Pillar.

"Jessica! Jessica?!"

Lutlan shouted twice, but did not hear a response.

"Jessica, is there something wrong with the sacred pillar?"

He asked as he walked towards the center of the sacred pillar.

But at this time.

A buzzing sound came from the core of the holy pillar.

Then the radiance of the entire holy pillar became darker and darker, and the pure magic power that originally surged like an ocean current gradually turned into a trickle until it completely disappeared.

At this moment, everything in the Holy Pillar was also revealed.

I saw "Jessica" standing next to the dim ultimate rune, looking at him innocently, and a woman with long purple hair stood in front of her.

Pastor Noreki looked at Rutland up and down, licked the corners of his mouth, folded his hands on his chest, and said with a satisfied look on his face:

"Thanks to the Saint Lotia Empire for the gift. This is the first time in thousands of years that I have encountered this... the magic power has increased to the point where my body aches and I can't help but overflow~"

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