I have to say that Anna is indeed a formation genius.

After Su Nian's guidance, Anna not only understood how to "short-circuit" and "break the circuit" in the magic circle, but also learned to continue to expand the functions of the magic circle.

For example, directing the energy of the Holy Pillar to Pastor Noreki's body.

The energy of the Holy Pillar is extremely powerful.

Even as a demigod, Pastor Noreki couldn't absorb it completely, but it restored her power to almost its peak.

The only flaw is that she does not have a good body, which prevents the energy from being recycled. However, if she changes to a body below the demigod level, it will be difficult for her to exert her combat effectiveness at the demigod level.

Pastor Noreki is like a disposable reservoir. Her strength is useless when used. Her body determines the upper limit of her power, but it is a renewable reservoir. It can only be said that there are advantages and disadvantages. At least she does now. It is a strength close to that of a demigod.

"Jessica, you..."

Lutlan couldn't understand. He pointed at Anna with a confused look on his face, but he already felt something was wrong in his heart. It seemed that this "Jessica" was not as innocent as he imagined.

"What's going on? Who is she? Have you done anything to the sacred pillar?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

Pastor Noreji pushed up the glasses on his face and said with a smile: "Lutland, thank you for taking care of Anna before. I also appreciate your loyalty to the Saint Lotia Empire, but it's a pity that , we are destined to be enemies, in order to repay your care for Anna, I will give you a happy treat!"

"Anna? What Anna..."

Lutlan's eyes moved slowly, and then fell on "Jessica". He saw that a pair of fox ears had appeared on "Jessica's" head, and her temperament had also undergone earth-shaking changes. If it was said before, The "Jessica" was just a pure white flower, but now the "Jessica" is a cool and noble rose.

"Anna, Anna...Anna?!"

Lutland murmured to himself, then suddenly realized.

Isn't Anna the queen of the Black Nest Empire?

It is said that he is a fox-like elf with unknown strength. He only knows that he has extremely strong magical ability and can super-summon the leader of the water element. Everything seems to be in place now, but what is going on with this purple-haired woman?

Lutlan felt like his brain was in a state of confusion.

Because he felt an aura above the legendary level in Pastor Noreji.

Above the legend, that is...a demigod!

"It's you who blocked the Holy Pillar?"

Lutlan was so angry that he almost screamed: "Aren't you afraid of revenge from the Saint Lotia Empire? The Black Nest Empire is just a mantis trying to defeat me, the Saint Lotia Empire!" Rutlan is very clear about harsh words. With a god-level gold content, he secretly tightened the teleportation scroll while being fierce in appearance.

He is not a fool and it is impossible to beat him.

It is necessary to find an opportunity to convey the situation here. It is not a big problem if one of the holy pillars is blocked. There are still three holy pillars. As long as one holy pillar exists, there will be no problem with the magic system of the Saint Lotia Empire.

Secondly, the incarnation of Furion's crown cannot come...

But more importantly, His Majesty Leighton must know that the Black Nest Empire can sneak into human cities, and it can also block the Holy Pillar and destroy the ultimate rune!

This thing is really too deadly.

Lutland held the communication crystal with his other hand, and beads of sweat broke out on his forehead. He had no confidence in escaping from a demigod, but he had to fight.

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly tore open the teleportation scroll.

At the same time, Pastor Noreji snapped his fingers, and the scroll turned into radiant burning and took effect, but even faster, a golden halo swayed and enveloped the entire underground sanctuary. The scroll Burned out, transmission failed.

Nine Rings Magic [Holy Light Imprisonment]

Lutland is a wise man. He can cast such magic, but it cannot be cast instantly.

The worst has occurred.

He immediately crushed the communication crystal, and at the same time rubbed the jade ring on his middle finger with his right thumb, the nine-ring wind magic [Storm Shelter] that had been stored in advance was activated. A strong wind blew in the underground sanctuary, and the temperature dropped sharply, but what was even colder was , Lutlan heard a disdainful snort.

"Space confinement, blockade!"

The communication crystal failed to activate.

Lutlan had no other moves except for the scroll of a space ring.

Both [Space Confinement] and [Holy Light Confinement] are nine-ring spells, but after being released by this purple-haired woman, she was blessed with semi-god-level mental power. Even if he wanted to use magic prohibition or magic counterattack, there was no way. Meaning, such a collision with the opponent's magic will only cause mental backlash.

Since the information can no longer be transmitted...

Lutlan narrowed his eyes, raised his hands and knelt on the ground:

"Don't kill me, I am willing to surrender. I am the apostle of the empire. I know many secrets of the empire. I am willing to be loyal to the Black Nest Empire. As long as you don't kill me, I can tell you many ways to deal with King Leighton, but you If you want to kill me, I will definitely burn my soul before I die. You must understand that it is just a thought."

Anna and Pastor Noreki looked at each other.

Anna wanted to see what Pasternovich thought, while Pasternovich wanted Anna's opinion.

As the core of the empire, the apostles certainly know a lot of secrets.

The fact is just as Lutlan said, if he is not willing to say it, the explosion of the soul will only take a moment, and even mental imprisonment will be meaningless.

No spell can be faster than a human thought.

"Why don't you keep him? Maybe this person is still useful to my brother."

Anna glanced at Lutland. Lutland was very kind to him before, but now Lutland is fighting for his life by joining the Black Nest Empire, and she doesn't want to do anything too extreme.

However, while the two were discussing.

Lutlan combined the eight rune rings in his hand into a rune array according to the magic model. The rune rings were already filled with magic power. With these, he quietly activated it without mobilizing any of his own magic power. Forbidden curse.

"Extreme cold frost burial! Hahahahahaha!"

A violent wave of magic suddenly erupted.

Accompanied by Lutland's old roar and laughter.

"Death! Die to me!"

This extremely cold frost burial was pointed directly at Anna. A huge ice coffin instantly condensed above Anna's head, and then crashed down.

In desperation, Pastoregi had to withdraw the space lock and the Holy Light Confinement in order to perform a second confinement on top of Anna's head. Otherwise, the confinement would be superimposed within the confinement.

Under the charge of magic energy, the entire underground sanctuary can directly explode into the sky.

Seeing the forbidden spell falling, she suddenly thought of an unpopular magic that she had learned in her early years [Transformation]. Using Lutland as the anchor point, she exchanged places between Anna and Lutland.


The old mage was instantly trapped by the ice coffin.

The extremely cold air spurted out, and the temperature inside the ice coffin suddenly dropped to thousands of degrees below zero. This was a severe cold that even the legendary dragon could not endure. It also impacted the old mage into countless ice flowers, shattering one into pieces. land.

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