Crossing The Dragon: The King Sacrifices The Princess At The Beginning

Chapter 903 People Are In The City (The Previous Chapter Has Been Modified)

"Phew - it's really thrilling."

Pastoreki withdrew the Holy Light Confinement and Space Lock, raised her hand and touched the non-existent sweat on her forehead. She glanced at Anna who was also in shock beside her, and couldn't help but sigh:

"I can only say that it is indeed the Saint Lotia Empire. It is not without reason that it can become the supreme empire in the southern continent. They have absolute loyalty and supreme belief in their own country. Don't believe a word of their surrender in the future. , there must be a scam."

Fortunately, Anna was not hit just now.

Pastoreki was filled with fear.

If Anna is hit, her strength can quickly pull Anna out of the forbidden curse range, but it is inevitable that Anna will still be injured. If Anna is injured, first of all, she will have a conscience, and secondly, the big black dragon outside is attacking Ruotuo City. How to bury her?

The matter in the underground sanctuary has come to an end.

In Ruoduo City, the five struggling apostles had been hoping to wait for Lutlan's support, either to deal with the Holy Pillar, or to summon the incarnation of Furion's crown, but in the end they only waited for the Holy Pillar to disappear. , Lutlan’s aura also disappeared along with it.

Apparently, Lutland is dead.

With their minds lost, the five apostles no longer had the energy to support the shield. Bastian saw the right moment and swiped the dragon's tail. The shield shattered with a "bang" and the five apostles scattered like flowers. It flew backwards towards all parts of Ruotuo City, scattering blood everywhere along the way.

At the same time, on the frontal battlefield under the sky.

Under the suppression of the royal domain, the monster army overwhelmed Ruotuo City's defenders, and carried out a massacre despite the bombardment of magic cannons and the obstruction of constructed puppets.

In the Chinese army camp.

Waters and a group of commanders were livid.

Everyone knows that the current situation is very bad.

But everyone still holds on to a glimmer of hope, and that is Genrath's bypass plan.

"These monsters have been attacking forward without dividing their forces at all, which proves that they do not know what is happening behind them. Calculating the time, the natural disaster array should be almost deployed. Whether they can win back the city depends on the effect of this natural disaster array. !”

Waters glanced at the map and muttered to himself.

The commanders around nodded.

I was looking forward to a turning point in my heart.

However, at this time.

A griffon stumbled from behind Ruotuo City and landed in the coach's camp.

The formation mage had been so frightened that he was in a daze while running away. After landing, he lay on the griffin and couldn't sit up.

It wasn't until two soldiers helped him off the griffin, which was also exhausted, and brought him to Waters that he finally came back to his senses.

"Lord Waters! Dead, all dead!!"

The formation mage knelt on the ground and screamed in collapse:

"At first, we did reach the hill without anyone noticing, but when we were setting up the magic circle on the hill, we were discovered by the monsters. The group of monsters directly attacked the hill. Mr. Genrath backed us up and rushed forward. Entering the monster army...

We, we didn’t want to live up to Lord Genrath’s efforts, so we ran away on griffins, but the group of monsters continued to divide their forces to pursue them. They could fly, and each of them had level seven strength. They chased them all the way, and all the brothers were killed. , only I managed to survive because of the fast flying of the gryphon and the exhaustion of the physical strength of those monsters. "

"Gernrath is dead?"

Waters stood up from his seat, his eyes widened:

"In other words, your mission failed?"

"Yes, yes, Lord Waters..."

The formation mage nodded sadly.

"Why? You have obviously touched the hill, why are you still discovered by monsters?"

Waters was going crazy and his last hope was gone.

What can Ruotuo City do to stop these fierce monsters?

Even if all the soldiers go up and take their lives, it won't be enough!

When mentioning the reason for being discovered, the array mage felt regretful and self-blame, and couldn't help but hesitate a little.

"Say it!!"

Waters reached out and lifted up the mage, his voice was like a lion's roar.

In panic, the array master could only tell the truth:

"That's because someone smeared mugwort juice on their body, and the wind carried the smell to the bottom of the hill, and that's why the monster discovered it."

Seeing that Waters' eyes were getting redder and redder, and his breath getting heavier and heavier, the formation master quickly begged for mercy:

"Sir, the person who was smeared with mugwort juice has been killed by a monster. It's not me. If you don't believe me, just smell it. I don't have the smell of mugwort on my body!"


Waters threw the formation mage to the ground, beat his chest and looked up to the sky with a long sigh.

There is indeed no smell of wormwood in this formation mage. Even if there was, he would not kill this formation mage.

Not to mention that formation mages are still useful to the empire, but also to mention that there are many ways to survive that are more painful than death.

Because the whole Ruotuo was in dire straits because of applying mugwort juice, even going to hell would not be enough to quell the public anger.

The matter has reached this point, and there is no possibility of reversal.

Waters drew his sword, turned to face all the commanders and shouted:

"Brothers, we have no support anymore, and the front line is about to break through. Come with me and fight!!"

"Roar——!" The surrounding commanders pulled out weapons at the same time, either swords and shields, or staffs surrounded by magical energy, but their eyes were surprisingly consistent, that is, they looked at death as if they were dead.

On the front line, the last constructed puppet was torn into pieces by Jackal and Fire Rabbit like a toy.

The soldiers of Ruotuo City were once again exposed to the monster army.

Compared with the huge body of more than ten meters, they looked extremely small in front of the monster army.


Of course there is.

Facing dragon-turned-monsters, no one is without fear.

But even in fear no one took a step back.

Behind him is the holy city, his hometown, the place where he grew up, and the residence of his wife and children.

You can't retreat, people are still in the city.

"Drink-!!" A roar suddenly started.

I saw the Chinese army camp, Sky Knight Waters rising into the air and passing over the heads of countless soldiers in an instant.

Then, a sword swept down a crescent moon and rushed towards the monster army.

The roar still echoes in the air:

"Everyone, I'll charge into the battle first!"

Other commanders rushed to various parts of the battlefield.

The Saint Lotia Empire once studied the Code of the Winter Empire.

Among them is a very important one - the general must advance and retreat together with the soldiers.

The sky-shattering knight's sword was earth-shattering and unstoppable.

The sword hit the ground like a missile exploding, and the surrounding monsters were blown away by the air waves. There were countless casualties in the center, leaving only stumps and broken arms.

Waters fought with blood, roared wildly, and was about to continue fighting.

But a dark figure suddenly appeared in front of him - it was a knight in black armor.

He was three meters tall, holding a large dragon-bone sword in his hand. Under his dragon-horned helmet, a pair of scarlet eyes shone like a volcano crater.

When he looked into those eyes, Waters felt his heart beat with fear, as if he was facing the devil directly.

The next second, the black-armored knight rushed in front of him with a strong wind.

Waters felt a flash of black light in front of his eyes, and before he even had time to shout, the whole world was spinning.

Su Nian picked up Waters' head and inserted the dragon bone sword in front of him. The power of the dragon spread out and roared at the surrounding soldiers:

"If the coach of Tuocheng is dead, surrender without killing him!"

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