"Monster, get out of Ruotuo City!"

A sword struck Su Nian on the leg.

It was a soldier with only half of his body left. He was crawling forward with one hand, holding a broken sword in the other and waving it, muttering vague words:

"Get out...get out of my hometown..."

No one surrendered, and the soldiers of Ruotuo City surged up staggeringly, dragging their weak and weak bodies against the dragon's power.

But their weapons and weak slashes couldn't even break through the scales of the black-armored knight in front of them, and they couldn't even leave a trace. The moment the sword blade came into contact with the armor, it was shaken by a violent backlash force. fragments.

Su Nian looked up and saw pairs of hateful eyes all over the walls of Ruotuo City.

He knew in his heart that this was a city where surrender was impossible, and these soldiers would not surrender in the slightest.

"Since you all have given up, I have no choice but to send you on your way."

Su Nian swung his dragon-bone sword forward, and air waves exploded around him. The incoming soldiers were chopped into pieces by the fierce shock wave.

At the same time, a sword light rose from the sword blade, and two intersecting sword marks were drawn on the Naruotuo city wall. With a roar, the city wall suddenly collapsed, and the two ends of the city collapsed inward along the sword marks, and then again It collapsed during the explosion, leaving a V-shaped gap about 500 meters wide.

"The whole army obeys the order! Massacre the city!"


The monsters were full of momentum, killing them all the way, cutting through thorns and thorns, and poured in through the huge gap.

Wherever the Black Nest Legion passed, rivers of blood flowed, soldiers were torn into pieces, city defense equipment was smashed into parts, houses in Ruotuo City were overturned, and fire spread in the city.

Su Nian immediately cut down the teleportation array in Ruotuo City. In less than half an hour, there was no one left alive in the entire Ruotuo City.

The clouds of natural disaster in the sky absorb the killing atmosphere and silver souls here and become thicker and deeper.

"Your Majesty, if Tuocheng still has many treasures in the city, let's go search them out for him!"

In front of the lord's castle in Ruotuo City, Polikri was covered in blood, and his whole body was trembling with excitement from the killing.

This is the holy city of the Saint Rodia Empire, and there must be countless treasures in it.

Before, they were only busy killing people and did not clean the battlefield along the way. They missed many precious armors and gold coins stored by these humans.

"There is no need to clean up the battlefield. All monsters must withdraw from Ruotuo City."

Su Nian looked at the ruined city indifferently and coldly dropped a word.

Polikli was a little surprised: "But, Your Majesty..."

"No but, withdraw!"

Su Nian stretched out his hand and drew a sword in front of him, and the secondary plane portal opened.

Seeing that the emperor had given a death order, Polycris did not dare to say anything more and immediately called the monsters to enter the portal.

In the distance, Bastian was still searching for gold coins. Every time he picked up a gold coin, regardless of whether it was stained with blood or not, he would happily kiss it. It was no wonder that he was so embarrassed, mainly because he was there in the first place. On the Five-Colored Dragon Island, all the treasures, even just one copper coin, belong to the Dragon Mother. The property collected by their dragons must also be handed over to the Dragon Mother. This leads to a huge dragon island with so many five-colored evil dragons. Can sleep holding the scales she shed.

Suddenly he felt a vicious energy locking him.

Bastian trembled all over, only to see at the top of the city, the Lord of the Black Nest was looking at him coldly.

Now he didn't dare to continue collecting gold coins. He had to keep his head down and follow the monsters into the secondary plane portal.

After all the monsters left, Su Nian breathed a sigh of relief.

It is not suitable to stay here for a long time. One of the sacred pillars is missing. King Leighton will soon notice it. When he comes to Ruotuo City, he will definitely become furious. He will definitely release his spiritual thoughts to search everything around him. Any life may be regarded as an object of suspicion by him. .

Outside Ruotuo City, Su Nian and Anna put on disguises.

Then he brought a trembling griffon from an abandoned tower.

The two of them got on the griffin and flew rapidly towards Gray Wind City.


The time came half an hour ago.

In Snowman City, King Leighton had just finished lunch. He walked to the wall of Snowman City and found a chair to lie down on.

Compared to ordinary soldiers, even though he was lying down with his eyes closed, he could "see" further than these soldiers.

The legendary mage's spiritual thoughts are enough to cover every plant and tree within a thousand miles around Gray Wind City, and he can clearly see a fly spreading its wings.

However, at a certain moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and frowned.

It turned out to be a mosquito bite on his leg.

But the mosquito that sucked his blood was instantly turned into carbon ash by the rich thunder element in his blood.

"Haha, you're such a brat!" King Leighton couldn't help but sneered: "How dare a mere mosquito bite a legendary mage? I can't survive you~"

Just as he was feeling proud, the attitude of the magic element in the air suddenly changed dramatically.

It's like a stone thrown into the calm water makes waves.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, carefully felt the direction of the waves, traced the source, and finally locked on Ruotuo City.

But if Tuo City is thousands of miles away from Xueman City, his spiritual thoughts cannot cover there.

"what happened?"

King Leighton couldn't help but murmured to himself: "Is there another problem in Ruotuo City?"

He took out the communication crystal, filled it with magic power, and contacted Lutlan, the city lord and apostle of Ruotuo City, but did not receive any response.

Then he contacted the five apostles door to door, and the signal he sent out was like a mud cow entering the sea, without making any waves.

This made King Leighton frown even more.

Finally, he contacted "Gernrath" again, but there was still no response.

There are various signs that something must have happened in Ruotocheng.

King Leighton had no intention of continuing to take a nap. He hurriedly walked down the city wall and came to the teleportation array in Xueman City. He took out a magic stone from the space ring and placed it in the card slot of the energy core.

The soldiers guarding the teleportation array around him saw King Leighton with a dark face and hesitated to speak, but they did not dare to ask any more questions.

The teleportation array lit up with a gleam of light, the halo of the magic circle below rotated, and the entire teleportation array buzzed violently.

Then the magic stone exploded with a bang - the transmission failed.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

King Leighton obviously did not expect such a situation.

The skin on the old face trembled, and the black face immediately turned into a white face, and beads of sweat immediately seeped out from the forehead.

"Something must have happened in Ruotuo City!" King Leighton muttered to himself.

He immediately took out a fixed-point teleportation scroll.

This kind of scroll, which can travel thousands of miles at once, is very precious and the production process is not easy.

King Leighton would not use it unless there were special circumstances.

As the scroll is activated, a silver portal is generated in front of you.

King Leighton didn't have time to inform the others, so he stepped out first, and after walking out of the portal, he had already arrived at the castle of Ruotuo City.

It was eerily quiet.

He walked across the bright red floor, pushed open the heavy tree door and came to the balcony.

The smell of smoke and blood in the air made him uneasy.

Looking up, I saw that the once prosperous Ruotuo City was in ruins.

The sky was blackened by fire, collapsed houses and ruins lay in front of us, and the sacred pillar that should have been right in front of us completely disappeared.

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