"Holy Pillar, Holy Pillar..."

King Leighton's face turned pale and he stumbled. If he hadn't been holding on to the fence, he would have fallen to the ground.

"Ruotuo City, my Ruotuo City..."

He was muttering almost madly. All he could see was blood and despair. Ruotuo City at this moment could not be overly described as a hell on earth.

The legendary mage's mental power allowed him to see too many things in an instant, and also allowed his brain to process the information quickly.

He had seen tens of thousands of corpses, but none of them were intact. Either only parts remained, or they were burned into a pile of black coal.

"Rutland?! Rutland! Come out!"

King Leighton looked like a madman, with disheveled hair, walking back and forth on the balcony like a madman, shouting hysterically at the air:

"Lutlan, look at the Ruotuo City you protect and what has become of it! Do you deserve my trust? Do you deserve your faith? This is a capital crime for you!! A capital crime!!"

The king knelt on the ground holding on to the railing and cried loudly, his sobs finally converging into a sigh:

"Please ask for help! Why don't you ask for help! Obviously I can save you, obviously... If Tuo City will not be destroyed..."

His cries echoed in the ruins of Ruotuo City with the strong wind.

But no one responded here, only a group of crows were frightened and flew up.

After finding that there was no threat, they greedily fell back to the ground and continued to look for delicious corpses in the ruins.

After a while, the hoarse roar suddenly stopped, and then a thunderbolt struck from the sky, blowing the group of crows into ashes and leaving a deep pit with a diameter of 100 meters in place.

King Leighton stumbled down the city wall.

He dragged his feet through the ruins strewn with corpses. Every crow he passed was killed by lightning.

He walked all the way from the castle to the city wall and passed through the entire city. The crows howled and fled from the ruins of Ruotuo City, not daring to provoke that crazy human again.

King Leighton's footsteps finally stopped in front of the body of a jackal outside the city wall.

Although this dragon-turned-jackal man was dead, his huge demon-like body and ferocious face still radiated power silently.

The fatal wound of the jackal was on the neck. The constructed puppet cut its neck with a sword, but it only broke it and failed to decapitate it. This shows how powerful the defense of the dragon-turned jackal is. But it will not be easy to hit this jackal. The jackal will definitely dodge and fight back. The developed muscles and sharp claws show that this is not a turtle shell with no defense, but a real predator.

So how are such predators contained?

The answer lies in his legs. Only the corpses of seven or eight soldiers were seen hugging the Jackal's legs. As for the specific number of soldiers, King Leighton couldn't tell because the corpses of these soldiers were mutilated, and the most serious ones were already. It turned into a ball of paste, and the smashed head was mixed with other body parts, making it impossible to tell where they were.

Corpses like this are everywhere on the battlefield outside the city wall.

King Leighton could almost see in his mind how tragic the battlefield was when Ruotuo City was attacked. When the city was broken, how desperate the soldiers and commanders on the battlefield were. They fought to the last moment, but failed. No signal could be transmitted at all. The Lord of the Black Nest and his army of monsters cunningly destroyed the teleportation array, and perhaps used the spell to seal the space, making all magical communications ineffective...

King Leighton stood silent for a while in the middle of the shattered battlefield.

Finally, he raised his staff, and a purple halo of magic circle spread out from under his feet, gradually covering the ruins of Ruotuo City.

Then countless thunder pillars poured down from the clouds, and the entire Ruotuo City was covered by the minefield. All human corpses were reduced to ashes under the violent thunder and lightning.

This is the only thing that King Leighton, as the king of Saint Rodia, can do for these subjects at this moment.

At least these subjects can die in peace, instead of being exposed in the wilderness and eaten by crows.

Thunder and lightning cannot completely destroy the corpses of monsters. King Leighton will naturally not care about this. These monsters should die here.

After doing all this, King Leighton returned to Xueman City in despair.

He also told his staff about the fall of Ruotuo City and the destruction of the Holy Pillar.

In the evening of that day, a military meeting was held in Xueman City.

King Leighton was dressed in regular clothes, his hair and beard had been rearranged, his eyes were lowered, his hands were folded, and he was sitting at the top with an expressionless expression.

Other commanders and commanders also had serious expressions and sat on both sides of the conference table.

Everyone looked unhappy.

Because everyone knows that Ruotuo City is one of the most defensive holy cities among the four holy cities, and Apostle Lutlan is also very powerful, and this old mage is very loyal to the Saint Rodia Empire, so, Ruotuo City was the holy city that King Leighton felt most at ease with, but he never thought that Ruotuo City would be the first to be breached, right under their noses.

The destruction of this holy city means that the other three holy cities may also be breached.

After everyone was seated, King Leighton finally spoke with gloomy eyes.

"Let's talk about it. What do you think about the matter in Ruotuo City?"

Gellar, the Lord of Snowrun City, was sitting next to King Leighton. Even if King Leighton didn't point him out, he knew that he should be the first to express his stance.

"Your Majesty, please express your condolences..."

For a long time, he held back these words.

King Leighton looked at Sir Gaelal sideways: "If you can only say this, you can get out of Snowrun City."

Gaelal shivered when he heard this and said cautiously:

"Your Majesty, if Tou City is destroyed, it means that the Lord of the Black Tide has the strength to fight against the demigods. After all, even the incarnation of His Majesty Furion can't stop it, and our other three holy cities certainly can't stop it either. How about... ..."

"What's worse?" King Leighton's voice gradually became lower, but the Lord of Xueman City did not notice this change.

He was panicking now, racking his brains to think of a way out.

"Why don't we abandon the three holy cities and concentrate all our strength on the royal city!"

Gellar clapped his hands and said: "Your Majesty, if we concentrate our strength, we may be able to fight the Lord of the Black Nest!"

He raised his head and found that the commanders and commanders around him were giving him speechless and mocking looks.

The next second, he was picked up by the hand of a legendary mage and thrown out of the conference hall.

King Leighton's cold voice floated out from the conference hall behind him.

"Remove Gaelal's title and send him to a border town to be the mayor! He is not worthy of a capable person holding the position of city leader!"

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